Dynamoo's Blog
Malware, spam, scams and random stuff, by Conrad Longmore.
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Wednesday, 4 February 2015
Infographic: Operation Yewtree vs Operation Fernbridge arrests
Two broadly equivalent investigations into child abuse rings, Operation Yewtree and Operation Fernbridge have had very different outcomes....
Friday, 27 June 2014
Vladimir Tsastsin sentenced to 6 years, 4 months in jail
A search of the office of Vladimir Tšaštšini Photo: Jassu Hertsmann Source: DELFI.ee Sometimes the wheels of justice work very slowly. B...
Monday, 5 August 2013
Torsploit: is the NSA?
There has been a lot of chatter in the past day or so about the takedown of an Irish outfit called Freedom Hosting which hosted a number ...
Sunday, 12 April 2009
"Body parts" murder II
The gruesome body parts murder has a new installment with the discovery of a fifth body part, quite near to some of the others. You can see...
Thursday, 9 April 2009
"Body parts" murder
One mystery gripping this part of the UK is the mysterious "body parts" murder , where part of a dismembered victim have been left...
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