Dynamoo's Blog
Malware, spam, scams and random stuff, by Conrad Longmore.
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Wednesday, 22 July 2009
Even more pathetic SpamCop.net phish
I thought that phishing emails couldn't get more rubbish than this but it turns out that I was wrong. Enjoy: Subject: FINAL ACCOU...
Tuesday, 14 July 2009
Really pathetic SpamCop.net webmail phish
Probably the most pathetic phish ever - the bad guys nicely provide a space in the email for you to put your username and password and then ...
Friday, 1 May 2009
webmail.upgrade@spamcop.net phish
A fairly lazy attempt to phish SpamCop accounts, originating from in Nicaragua. If you're a SpamCop subscriber, then repor...
Friday, 16 January 2009
Spamcop.net phish
Here's a phish being sent to Spamcop webmail users - the approach has also been used for other webmail systems, so it isn't just Spa...
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