Friday, 27 April 2007

"Emirates Industrial Filters LLC" spam

Another baffling spam from the UAE, this time advertising industrial filters. Attached to this spam is a whooping 970KB of attachments covering pictures of.. well, industrial filters. Or perhaps femidoms. It's hard to say.

Dear Sirs,

Below are the details of our product range.

We are an ISO 9001:2000 certified manufacturer of Industrial Filter bags for solid and liquid filtration & separation for either process or environmental industrial applications.

Please look us up if you have any filtration requirements.

Please scroll down for more information and images.


Emad El-Sakka
Emirates Industrial Filters LLC
Tel: +971 6 743 7093
Fax: +971 6 743 7094
P.O. Box: 2365
Unites Arab Emirates

And they didn't just send this spam once, but dozens of times. Looking at the spam, it seems to be part of a directory harversting attack (DHAs) which was blocked automatically. In my book,
DHAs are an attempt to disrupt computer systems and would be illegal in many countries. Connect IP was which is a fairly active one according to NANAS.

So, Emirates Industrial Filters LLC - you're a bunch of evil spammers and I can't see why anyone would want to do business with you.

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