"Savings Pioneer" (savingspioneer.com) is a persistent spammer who constantly shifts between privacy protected domains and sending IP addresses to avoid blocking. They do not honour unsubcribe requests.
They are an affiliate of Media Breakaway LLC (formerly known as OptInRealBig run by spammer Scott Richter) which in turn directs traffic through other very low quality affiliate programs such as vcmedia.com (a ValueClick domain), websponsors.com, inteletrack.com, gratisnetwork.com, swmark.com, zanox.com, atdmt.com, clash-media.net, monetizeit.net and others. In some cases the click is passed from company to company in what appears to be a fairly grubby series of business relationships.
Savings Pioneer is most likely just an affiliate of Media Breakway LLC, but Richter's outfit doesn't give any guidance on how to report affiliate abuse.
Two of Savings Pioneer's key parterns are Hurricane Electric (he.net) and Exist Hosting (existhosting.com). This latter appears to be a two-bit outfit with astoundingly bad reviews and are responsible for much of the mail handling.
The following 1,937 domains are used in rotation by Savings Pioneer to try to overcoming people blocking them. They tend to change to a new domain every day. There may be more!
If you get one of these, send a copy of the email to abuse -at- he.net.
Added 1-Nov-07: Theoretically you can also try emailing unsubscribe -at- mediabreakaway.com who seem to provide the mailing list. Unsubscribing at savingspioneer.com seems to be ignored.
Spam sites hosted on
- Abouttheinsect.com
- Absolutelyimpressive.com
- Absolutelyuncanny.com
- Activegift.com
- Administrativeexpert.com
- Administrativeexpertscentral.com
- Administrativeexpertsonline.com
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- Advancedwellnessonline.com
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- Airdataonline.com
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- Airwireonline.com
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- Americannaturecenter.com
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- Animalhealthsite.com
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- Antiqueautoonline.com
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- Appointedexecutive.com
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- Arthropodfacts.com
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- Askhealthsource.com
- Atlantiscrew.com
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- Commercestart.com
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- Commercialnurseries.com
- Concerncommerce.com
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- Cosmicspacecadet.com
- Cosmicwaterdevice.com
- Countlesscreation.com
- Cowsunlimitedusa.com
- Creationsinventions.com
- Creativemanagementonline.com
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- Daswonderlandsite.com
- Daygreensite.com
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- Digitalbigworld.com
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- Digitalmediaforum.com
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- Discopunkmusic.com
- Discothee.com
- Dosomethingwonderful.com
- Drinkingliquid.com
- Dynamicgiftsonline.com
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- Dynamicresultonline.com
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- Dynamicsresult.com
- Earthmarvel.com
- Easyfamilyfitness.com
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- Easylivinghealthy.com
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- Easystreetfitness.com
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- Electricmotorsource.com
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- Enginevehicle.com
- Enteraries.com
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- Entrepreneurscreations.com
- Esharingnetwork.com
- Esmoothjazz.com
- Eventsunlimitedusa.com
- Everbestfriend.com
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- Factcampaign.com
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- Fantasticbirthdaygifts.com
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- Firmcommerce.com
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- Fitnessclubpro.com
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- Floridamaximum.com
- Flyinginsectsite.com
- Flyingtigersmusic.com
- Fortunatecentral.com
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- Freeinsect.com
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- Fungiftcardsonline.com
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- Gamecentipede.com
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- Getsproduce.com
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- Giftgreatgiver.com
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- Givecardcentral.com
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- Homefitnessfun.com
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- Honestcontent.com
- Honesteducationonline.com
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- Honestfurther.com
- Honestlearning.com
- Humannatureconsulting.com
- Humannaturegifts.com
- Ideasunlimitedusa.com
- Ifarmproduce.com
- Ilookfantastic.com
- Incentiveresult.com
- Incorporatecrew.com
- Infoaboutpenguins.com
- Inquirecrew.com
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- Integratedcrew.com
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- Inventivecommerce.com
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- Justlearnonline.com
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- Latestmedicalinventions.com
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- Learnmorelinux.com
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- Learnworldmusic.com
- Legalpowerline.com
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- Naturalfitnessguide.com
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- Nothingaboutpenguins.com
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- Partsunlimitedinc.com
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- Peoplecanlearn.com
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I've got spam blockers domain name blockers IP blockers and I still manage to get SPAM from these muppets
ReplyDeleteI have spam assassin, why aren't these domains listed in the spamhaus BL?
ReplyDeleteYes, it even gets through Postini.. but they are blocking some of it now.
ReplyDeleteThe sending IP address is rotated every day, there are thousands of domain names and the spam message itself is a series of images without much to use as a signature. It's pretty clever stuff, actually. Just very, very annoying.
i must have gone through the unsibscription process about five times in the last month, but they keep sending me them. i get up to 25 emails a day from them and their affiliates!
ReplyDeleteI'm thinking of getting a new mail address just to avoid this crap.
ReplyDeleteThese guys are creating a public nuisance - how do we get them shut down?
These f*%kers are REALLY REALLY annoying. I have filled in the unsubscribe form every day for the last 2 weeks and still I get a load of useless mails every day. Does anyone know of ANY way to stop them. It is a work email address so I can't get it changed.
ReplyDeleteYesterday I emailed Mediabreakaway directly and complained about this shoddy practice. I had also googled "convicted spammers" and got about 8 links to include in the message I sent to these shysters. I have also been forwarding any spam from savingspioneer back to mediabreakaway at their head office (contact@mediabreakaway.com) in the hope that they will eventually do something about it. And... well early days yet, but whereas I used to get about 20 spams a day, today, nothing!!! Here's hoping they've finally got the f***ing message!
ReplyDeleteGood idea sausages.. this is generating bad publicity for Media Breakaway too. It would be easy for them to ditch the affiliate in this case.
ReplyDeleteabuse -at- he.net should be copied on the spams too.
Hi there-
ReplyDeleteI have been having problems with Savings Pioneer.
I've emailed the support guys at Hurricane Electric internet providers (support@he.net) with the headers from the email, but they have stated that there is no evidence the emails are coming from their IP address. Have forwarded numerous copies to abuse@he.net, but I don't think it is working.
I have forwarded all my spam to the FTC on spam@uce.gov (covers spammers in US), and sent a formal complaint via the FTC website with regard to their failure to comply with the CAN-SPAM 2003 act (ie non functioning unsubscribe address).
I keep all the spam in a folder, and screen print all the unsubscribe requests to prove I have been doing it, and forward these daily to the savings pioneer email address of the day, spam@uce.gov, support@existhosting.com and contact@mediabreakaway.com.
Finally if the email promotes a particular company I have complained to them direct. If they are a US company they are covered by the CAN SPAM regulations and can be fined for their participation in illegal spam.
Still waiting to see what response I get to all that, but if I'm successful I'll post here and let you all know.
Hi Guys, I have wateched this thread for a while and this is how I finally got rid of SavingsPionner.
ReplyDeleteI e-mailed Asda and Gala Bingo etc and all the others I had spam from with this message for 2 or 3 days.
It is a bit of a ballache having to forward each e-mail back to the originator, but I just used cut and paste for each message with the following message and also forwarded each e-mail to abuse@he.net. This HAS worked for me and I no longer get anything from them. Note that I quote this blog. :)
I edit each e-mail to the respective sender, so this is an example back to galabingo.co.uk
I have received many of these last night, The outfit you are using for handling your mail are known spammers.
Please ensure that I do not get any more unsolicited e-mails, as I am sick to death of savingspioneer.com, not honouring
My repeated requests to be taken off their mailing list, and this is giving YOU BAD publicity.
Follow this link to read about these people.
Hopefully you will read this and know what I am up against..
I do not need 30 or 40 e-mails a day from these people mostly in batches of 5 all the same, so I had 5 from galabingo.co.uk last night all sent within 3 minutes of each other.
Kind Regards
Dave France
I guess that if the big boys such as ASDA and GalaBingo raise questions to the originator of this crap then savings pioneer give up. This has worked for me, hope this can work for the rest of you.
All the best.
Well, day 2 of a savingspioneer free life. I guess the only way to get rid of the morons is to be as obnoxious as they are.
ReplyDeleteAs far as I can tell, the mailing list is provided by Media Breakaway LLC who say that the unsubscribe request method is to send an email to unsubscribe -at- mediabreakaway.com - there should also be a semi-hidden link on the Savings Pioneer emails that goes through to Media Breakaway.
ReplyDeleteAfter complaining to he.net and unsubscribing from Media Breakaway as well as Savings Pioneer, the spam seemed to stop after 10 days, presumably when Savings Pioneer got new lists from Media Breakaway.
About he.net - the sites are all *hosted* at he.net, the mail doesn't originate from them - sending IPs for mail vary quite a lot between different providers. So, as he.net are hosting the spamvertised sites, they should take action against them.
I never got a reply from abuse -at- he.net, it does at least sound like support -at- he.net is read by a human being.
Thanks, blogmeister! I'm doing the 'dave' thing and forwarding with headers to 'abuse' etc., and also to the firms advertised: ASDA, B&Q, etc.
ReplyDelete- Steve Hill
Hi! I have massive problems with spam mail that comes from Savings Pioneer. I read the blogs and now I keep on forwarding the mail back to contact@mediabreakaway.com and also try contacting the companies that are advertised. I got quite an immediate response from French Connection, saying I should keep on forwarding the mail to them that's in connection with FCUK. I also tried contacting ASDA. The problem here is I cannot find a suitable email address. The ones I found come back to me as failed delivery. Dave, do you have a valid email address of ASDA headquarters that I could try?
Hi Sandra, ASDA dont seem to have external email addresses, however try these 2 links. 1st is for their affiliate program, and 2nd is about spam email that they are trying to stop. Hope ths helps, regards
Just tried dave's suggestion of contacting the company being marketed directly. I was doing this on behalf of my 14 year old son as he's been getting a lot of spam from them. Had a very quick response from a very nice man at ultrahoodiafb.co.uk, as follows:-
I apologise for the emails.
We use a number of marketing agencies to promote our range of products, they
are only contracted to use only opt in emails and people who request offers
from our companies and others.
We will investigate your comments and take action as necessary.
I will personally ensure that they know you wish to unsubscribe from their
mailing list.
Kind Regards
Hopefully this will have some effect.
Thank you for this post, it provided reassurance that I wasn't the only one.
ReplyDeleteI don't know if it's just me but I don't get anything from 'Savings Pioneer' any more, but my google account has just started receiving spam from 'Wonder Crew LLC' which looks surprisingly like all the Savings Pioneer mails. I note that wondercrew.com is on the list of domains on your post. thewonderfulsixties.com was the domain of the day.
Same modus operandi - email entirely consisting of pictures that link back to the domain of the day.
Many thanks. Have received thousands of junk mail from these cs ers. Postini no help. Norton useless. etc. Will forward tomorrows and future sewage to the suggested policemen.
ReplyDeleteIs there not a way that we the abused internet users can attack the site source(s) of this excriment? I would happily spend some time emailing him (them) to see if we can't clog up the cesspool from which this comes.
Your comments appreciated.
I know this is an old blog but these people still will not honor a remove request via email.
ReplyDeleteI called 1 800 952-5210 and left a message stating that further emails proving to be from savingspioneer would result in media breakaway being invoiced a processing fee of US$500.00 per email.
The call was returned the following day. I spoke to a real live person.
I have not received a single email since.
Sorry to sound a little naive here, but does anyone know if they ever honor the promise of a free $500 Home Depot gift card if you sign up for any of their magazines? I wouldnt mind the subscriptions, and I've just moved so I could REALLY use the gift card, but not at the risk of getting totally reamed and a mailbox full of junk mail. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteYou have my domain name listed here and I have NOTHING to do with Savings Pioneer. How is it that you have my website listed here?