Monday 4 February 2008

Fake "Benjamin Vincent Solicitors" mail

Another money mule fraud, this time using the name "Benjamin Vincent Solicitors".

Subject: Business Proposal
From: "Benjamin Vincent"
Date: Mon, February 4, 2008 11:13 am
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Priority: Normal

Dear Sir/Ma’am,
I want to ask your attention to receive money on my behalf and it will
be for our mutual benefits.

Please call me if you are interested and on your response, I will send
you the full details and more information about myself and the funds.

Yours sincerely,

Benjamin Vincent
Benjamin Vincent Solicitors
49, High Street Wanstead
E11 2AA
Tel: +44 771 719 0188.

Now, Benjamin Vincent Solicitors are a real company and have nothing whatsoever to do with this fraud (you can see their details here). The scammers have used the correct address, but the "+44 7717" number is a mobile phone, not a landline. In other words, this fraud is attempting to trade of the name of a wholly innocent firm. The email addresses and are associated with this scam.

Tsk tsk.


  1. I've just had one from them! Here's the text:

    Dear Friend,
    I'm the solicitor to a deceased (property magnate) who died alongside
    in the July 7th, 2005 London underground bomb blast in the UK.

    On the 7th of July, 2005, my client died in the Piccadilly line that
    between Kingcross and Russell Square train station, she was the first
    to be formally identified. Since then, I have been managing her
    here in the U.K which she put out for sale. I monitored the payment as
    solicitor, has been bought and paid for. Now the money paid was
    deposited into
    her account. I have contacted you to assist in repatriating the money
    property left behind by my client before they get confiscated or
    unserviceable by her bank.
    Particularly, the bank has issued me a notice to provide any of her
    next of
    kin or have the account confiscated within a short time. My late client
    has an
    account valued at £10.5 million.

    Since I have been unsuccessful in locating the relatives for some time
    and with the building society/bank giving me deadline, I now seek your
    to present you as the next of kin of the deceased, so that the proceeds
    this account valued at GB£10.5 million can be paid to you and then you,
    and I
    can share the money. 70% for me and 20% for you while 10% has been map
    miscellaneous expenses that might arise. I have all necessary
    information that
    can be used to back up any claim we may make.

    All I require is your honest co-operation to enable us seeing this deal
    through. I guarantee that this will be executed under a legitimate
    that will protect you from any breach of the law.
    I want you to call me for us to discuss further about this transaction.
    A swift acknowledgement on the receipt of this mail would be

    I remain obliged,
    Benjamin Vincent
    Benjamin Vincent Solicitors
    49, High Street Wanstead
    E11 2AA

    Funny that: Apparently I'm the owner of a 20% share in £10.5 million from an unnamed person to whom I'm being called next of kin despite the fact that relatives can't be found and that they haven't used my own name in the email - implying that they don't know it.

    Does anybody actually fall for this transparent crap?


  2. i haven't looked inside the email, but i just got one of these. they're now using an address. should be added to the list of emails used. i hate scamers like that. this isn't the first of this type i've seen either. i would assume, that if an email DID come from this company, it wouldn't use one of the free email sites. of course, this doesn't validate anything.

  3. I just received one too from
