Friday, 27 November 2009

Mystery Google Toothbrush Mystery

Mystery Google is old news for many.. basically you get the search results that the previous person had typed in, and the possibility of being redirected to a malware site seeded by the previous person is a legitimate concern.

Just out of curiosity, I was poking around at it and got the folllowing message:
mission: write a limerick about toothbrushes and send it to randombystander -at-
Of course, there are no matches for "mission: write a limerick about toothbrushes and send it to randombystander -at-".. except there are now I blogged about it.

Now, only a complete nutjob would actually follow these instructions. So here's my effort:
There was an old battered toothbrush
It was ancient and didn't get used much
You'd be willing to bet
That because of neglect
The owner's teeth surely are now mush
Well.. it sort of rhymes. Let's see if that mailbox actually exists.. it does! :)

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