Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Fake jobs: allworld-career.com, greece-newcareer.com, new-joboffers.com and worldjob-career.com

Four new domains offering a variety of fake and illegal jobs, part of a very long running series of scam emails.


These fake domains have been set up to solicit replies to bogus job offers, including money laundering and other illegal activities. The emails may appear to have been sent from your own account, but this is a simple forgery and does not mean that your email account has been compromised.

The registrant details are no doubt fake:

    Alexey Kernel
    Email: johnkernel26@yahoo.co.uk
    Organization: Alexey Kernel
    Address: Kreshchatyk Street 34
    City: Kiev
    State: Kiev
    ZIP: 01090
    Country: UA
    Phone: +38.00442794512 

All these domains have been registered in the past couple of days.

If you have a sample spam with one of these in, please consider sharing it in the Comments. Thanks!


  1. Here's what one looks like:

    Excellent opportunity for enthusiastic and sociable individuals ready to move ahead in a great career!
    Student Exchange is searching for Local Coordinators to help place and supervise exchange students for the upcoming school year.
    Our Local Coordinators are skillful networkers, able to meet with people and develop long lasting relationships which foster positive environments for student exchange to thrive. Local Coordinators are able to meet with school officials and host families on a regular basis to provide the extra support that these individuals need.

    Flexibility: Local Coordinators work from home and develop their own schedule to work in the field with families, students, and schools.
    Salary: A$17.50/hour, 38 hours/week

    As a Local Coordinator you are the most vital link in the exchange experience, by providing support and guidance to Host Families and Exchange Students, including:

    Assessing a Host Family’s suitability to host.
    Easing the Host Family and Exchange Student through initial adjustment issues.
    Guidance through problem resolution, if issues arise.

    Not only will you be helping the Host Family and Exchange Student develop international understanding, tolerance and friends; you too will benefit:

    Having fun as you take your students on activities in your community and join in other activities.
    Learning about people from around the globe.
    Meeting new people and making new friends in your own neighbourhood and community, and across the world.
    Gaining satisfaction from helping solve people’s problems.

    Can you do this? YES! - If you have an interest in developing cultural diversity, awareness and tolerance. In fact, most Local Coordinators find the experience to be deeply rewarding personally.

    If you would like to apply for this position, please send your resume to: Jeremiah@worldjob-career.com

    Best regards,

    Jeremiah Mccarthy
    Employment Manager

  2. Excellent opportunity for enthusiastic and sociable individuals ready to move ahead in a great career!
    Student Exchange is searching for Local Coordinators to help place and supervise exchange students for the upcoming school year.
    Our Local Coordinators are skillful networkers, able to meet with people and develop long lasting relationships which foster positive environments for student exchange to thrive. Local Coordinators are able to meet with school officials and host families on a regular basis to provide the extra support that these individuals need.

    Flexibility: Local Coordinators work from home and develop their own schedule to work in the field with families, students, and schools.
    Salary: A$17.50/hour, 38 hours/week

    As a Local Coordinator you are the most vital link in the exchange experience, by providing support and guidance to Host Families and Exchange Students, including:

    Assessing a Host Family’s suitability to host.
    Easing the Host Family and Exchange Student through initial adjustment issues.
    Guidance through problem resolution, if issues arise.

    Not only will you be helping the Host Family and Exchange Student develop international understanding, tolerance and friends; you too will benefit:

    Having fun as you take your students on activities in your community and join in other activities.
    Learning about people from around the globe.
    Meeting new people and making new friends in your own neighbourhood and community, and across the world.
    Gaining satisfaction from helping solve people’s problems.

    Can you do this? YES! - If you have an interest in developing cultural diversity, awareness and tolerance. In fact, most Local Coordinators find the experience to be deeply rewarding personally.

    If you would like to apply for this position, please send your resume to: Barton@worldjob-career.com

    Best regards,

    Barton Love
    Employment Manager

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Here's another example...

    Excellent opportunity for enthusiastic and sociable individuals ready to move ahead in a great career!
    Student Exchange is searching for Local Coordinators to help place and supervise exchange students for the upcoming school year.
    Our Local Coordinators are skillful networkers, able to meet with people and develop long lasting relationships which foster positive environments for student exchange to thrive. Local Coordinators are able to meet with school officials and host families on a regular basis to provide the extra support that these individuals need.

    Flexibility: Local Coordinators work from home and develop their own schedule to work in the field with families, students, and schools.
    Salary: A$17.50/hour, 38 hours/week

    As a Local Coordinator you are the most vital link in the exchange experience, by providing support and guidance to Host Families and Exchange Students, including:

    Assessing a Host Family?s suitability to host.
    Easing the Host Family and Exchange Student through initial adjustment issues.
    Guidance through problem resolution, if issues arise.

    Not only will you be helping the Host Family and Exchange Student develop international understanding, tolerance and friends; you too will benefit:

    Having fun as you take your students on activities in your community and join in other activities.
    Learning about people from around the globe.
    Meeting new people and making new friends in your own neighbourhood and community, and across the world.
    Gaining satisfaction from helping solve people?s problems.

    Can you do this? YES! - If you have an interest in developing cultural diversity, awareness and tolerance. In fact, most Local Coordinators find the experience to be deeply rewarding personally.

    If you would like to apply for this position, please send your resume to: Donna@worldjob-career.com

    Best regards,

    Donna Gagnon
    Employment Manager

  5. Excellent opportunity for enthusiastic and sociable individuals ready to move ahead in a great career!
    Student Exchange is searching for Local Coordinators to help place and supervise exchange students for the upcoming school year.
    Our Local Coordinators are skillful networkers, able to meet with people and develop long lasting relationships which foster positive environments for student exchange to thrive. Local Coordinators are able to meet with school officials and host families on a regular basis to provide the extra support that these individuals need.

    Flexibility: Local Coordinators work from home and develop their own schedule to work in the field with families, students, and schools.
    Salary: A$17.50/hour, 38 hours/week

    As a Local Coordinator you are the most vital link in the exchange experience, by providing support and guidance to Host Families and Exchange Students, including:

    Assessing a Host Family?s suitability to host.
    Easing the Host Family and Exchange Student through initial adjustment issues.
    Guidance through problem resolution, if issues arise.

    Not only will you be helping the Host Family and Exchange Student develop international understanding, tolerance and friends; you too will benefit:

    Having fun as you take your students on activities in your community and join in other activities.
    Learning about people from around the globe.
    Meeting new people and making new friends in your own neighbourhood and community, and across the world.
    Gaining satisfaction from helping solve people?s problems.

    Can you do this? YES! - If you have an interest in developing cultural diversity, awareness and tolerance. In fact, most Local Coordinators find the experience to be deeply rewarding personally.

    If you would like to apply for this position, please send your resume to: Donna@worldjob-career.com

    Best regards,

    Donna Gagnon
    Employment Manager

  6. Here a fake job.

    Excellent opportunity for enthusiastic and sociable individuals ready to move ahead in a great career!
    Student Exchange is searching for Local Coordinators to help place and supervise exchange students for the upcoming school year.
    Our Local Coordinators are skillful networkers, able to meet with people and develop long lasting relationships which foster positive environments for student exchange to thrive. Local Coordinators are able to meet with school officials and host families on a regular basis to provide the extra support that these individuals need.

    Flexibility: Local Coordinators work from home and develop their own schedule to work in the field with families, students, and schools.
    Salary: A$17.50/hour, 38 hours/week

    As a Local Coordinator you are the most vital link in the exchange experience, by providing support and guidance to Host Families and Exchange Students, including:

    Assessing a Host Family?s suitability to host.
    Easing the Host Family and Exchange Student through initial adjustment issues.
    Guidance through problem resolution, if issues arise.

    Not only will you be helping the Host Family and Exchange Student develop international understanding, tolerance and friends; you too will benefit:

    Having fun as you take your students on activities in your community and join in other activities.
    Learning about people from around the globe.
    Meeting new people and making new friends in your own neighbourhood and community, and across the world.
    Gaining satisfaction from helping solve people?s problems.

    Can you do this? YES! - If you have an interest in developing cultural diversity, awareness and tolerance. In fact, most Local Coordinators find the experience to be deeply rewarding personally.

    If you would like to apply for this position, please send your resume to: Donna@worldjob-career.com

    Best regards,

    Donna Gagnon
    Employment Manager

  7. Another fake opportunity

    Excellent opportunity for enthusiastic and sociable individuals ready to move ahead in a great career!
    Student Exchange is searching for Local Coordinators to help place and supervise exchange students for the upcoming school year.
    Our Local Coordinators are skillful networkers, able to meet with people and develop long lasting relationships which foster positive environments for student exchange to thrive. Local Coordinators are able to meet with school officials and host families on a regular basis to provide the extra support that these individuals need.

    Flexibility: Local Coordinators work from home and develop their own schedule to work in the field with families, students, and schools.
    Salary: A$17.50/hour, 38 hours/week

    As a Local Coordinator you are the most vital link in the exchange experience, by providing support and guidance to Host Families and Exchange Students, including:

    Assessing a Host Family’s suitability to host.
    Easing the Host Family and Exchange Student through initial adjustment issues.
    Guidance through problem resolution, if issues arise.

    Not only will you be helping the Host Family and Exchange Student develop international understanding, tolerance and friends; you too will benefit:

    Having fun as you take your students on activities in your community and join in other activities.
    Learning about people from around the globe.
    Meeting new people and making new friends in your own neighbourhood and community, and across the world.
    Gaining satisfaction from helping solve people’s problems.

    Can you do this? YES! - If you have an interest in developing cultural diversity, awareness and tolerance. In fact, most Local Coordinators find the experience to be deeply rewarding personally.

    If you would like to apply for this position, please send your resume to: Barton@worldjob-career.com

    Best regards,

    Barton Love
    Employment Manager

    7 September 2011 00:23

  8. The greek equivalent of the letter is the following:

    Χηρεύουσα θέση: Έκτακτος Χειριστής.

    Η εταιρεία μας είναι μία από τις ταχύτερα αναπτυσσόμενες λογιστικές εταιρείες και προσφέρουμε τις καλύτερες συνθήκες για μεταφορά καιαποθήκευση φορτίων στην Ευρώπη.
    Η πραγματική επιτυχία της εταιρείας μας επιτυγχάνεται από το δημιουργικό και έμπειρο προσωπικό μας.
    Η συνοχή τους και η ευελιξία στους πελάτες μας αποτελούν το θεμέλιο της επιτυχίας μας.
    Προσφέρουμε τις χηρεύουσες θέσεις σε έμπειρους επαγγελματίες, αποφοίτους και νέους ειδικούς.

    Το προσωπικό μας συνεχώς τελειοποιείται, πράγμα που δημιουργεί την απαραίτητη ευελιξία για τη συνεργασία και την ευκαιρία να παρέχουμε εγκαίρως απαντήσεις σε όλα τα ερωτήματα των πελατών μας.

    Ψάχνουμε για εργατικός, ικανά και δραστήρια άτομα για να σχηματίσουμε μια επαγγελματική ομάδα των αντιπροσώπων της εταιρείας στην περιοχήσας

    Λεπτομέρειες εργασίας:
    • Τόπος εργασίας: Ευρώπη
    • Είδος απασχόλησης: Πλήρης ή μερική
    • Κλαδος: Λογιστικά
    • Τύπος Εργασίας: Έκτακτος Χειριστής
    • Εμπειρία: Δεν απαιτείται

    Απαιτήσεις περιλαμβάνουν:
    • Ηλικία: τουλάχιστον 21 χρονών
    • Γνώση ηλεκτρονικών υπολογιστών
    • Ευφράδεια
    • Ικανότητα για γρήγορη λήψη αποφάσεων
    • Επιθυμία για αυτο-ανάπτυξη

    • Ανάλυση της αγοράς υπηρεσιών στην περιοχή σας
    • Παρακολούθηση κατά την διεξαγωγή οικονομικών πράξεων
    • Να ενεργεί ως αντιπρόσωπος της εταιρείας
    • Τήρηση λογιστικών βιβλίων

    Το βιογραφικό σημείωμά σας μπορείτε να στείλετε στην ηλεκτρονική διεύθυνση: Mason@greece-newcareer.com
    Θα χαρούμε για την επιτυχή συνεργασία μας.

    «Εμπρός μαζί με την «Landexpo».

  9. Wow, I must be really lucky, as my hourly rate is AU$27.50/hr & given the Aus $, that's over $1K/wk! Got sent 2 of these today:

    Excellent opportunity for enthusiastic and sociable individuals ready to move ahead in a great career!
    Student Exchange is searching for Local Coordinators to help place and supervise exchange students for the upcoming school year.
    Our Local Coordinators are skillful networkers, able to meet with people and develop long lasting relationships which foster positive environments for student exchange to thrive. Local Coordinators are able to meet with school officials and host families on a regular basis to provide the extra support that these individuals need.

    Flexibility: Local Coordinators work from home and develop their own schedule to work in the field with families, students, and schools.
    Salary: A$27.50/hour, 38 hours/week

    As a Local Coordinator you are the most vital link in the exchange experience, by providing support and guidance to Host Families and Exchange Students, including:

    Assessing a Host Family’s suitability to host.
    Easing the Host Family and Exchange Student through initial adjustment issues.
    Guidance through problem resolution, if issues arise.

    Not only will you be helping the Host Family and Exchange Student develop international understanding, tolerance and friends; you too will benefit:

    Having fun as you take your students on activities in your community and join in other activities.
    Learning about people from around the globe.
    Meeting new people and making new friends in your own neighbourhood and community, and across the world.
    Gaining satisfaction from helping solve people’s problems.

    Can you do this? YES! - If you have an interest in developing cultural diversity, awareness and tolerance. In fact, most Local Coordinators find the experience to be deeply rewarding personally.

    If you would like to apply for this position, please send your resume to: Jermaine@worldjob-career.com

    Best regards,

    Jermaine Reid
    Employment Manager

    Yep, don't be fooled. Same email as everyone elses, but interested to see the scam.

  10. Mine are much the same, with my Australian address used for "From" and "To".
    Started within the last week and now getting 4-6 a day, each signed off by a different "Employment Manager".
    First part of email down to hourly rate is:
    Excellent opportunity for enthusiastic and sociable individuals ready to move ahead in a great career!
    Student Exchange is searching for Local Coordinators to help place and supervise exchange students for the upcoming school year.
    Our Local Coordinators are skillful networkers, able to meet with people and develop long lasting relationships which foster positive environments for student exchange to thrive. Local Coordinators are able to meet with school officials and host families on a regular basis to provide the extra support that these individuals need.

    Flexibility: Local Coordinators work from home and develop their own schedule to work in the field with families, students, and schools.
    Salary: A$27.50/hour, 38 hours/week

  11. My problem is they are using 4 of my email address to send them from - and they are nothing to do with me.

    someone must have a new server as it has only started in the last 5 days - being bombarded

  12. Thanks, I have been wondering about these. I'll add this info to my blog www.workinglivingtravelinginireland.blogspot.com

  13. Could be another one, cause I can not find such company.

    WUG Company is an international holding company, specialized in development of complex,
    leading edge projects in the financial industry.

    WUG is a virtue of the most advanced, modern and
    flexible business models aiming at the result-oriented(or added value-based) performance.

    WUG offers excellent benefits for its employees including competitive salaries,
    regular salary reviews and performance based bonus system, great working conditions, medical insurance,
    flexible working hours, and a chance for international travel.

    We are building a world-class company on a strong foundation of world-class people.
    Thus we aim to hire reliable, experienced and responsible employee for the position Financial Representative.

    Processing customer feedbacks
    Analyzing the customer problems
    Communicating with our office representatives
    Processing transfers
    Managing database

    Critical style of thinking
    Intermediate and above level of spoken English and up-intermediate of written English,
    technical reading/writing is obligatory

    Join the team of bright and ambitious professionals for a chance to be at
    the forefront of the latest trends and opportunities.

    WUG excellent benefits package includes:
    Competitive salaries up to 2300 Euro per month
    Company stock ownership
    Regular salary reviews
    Performance based bonus system
    Flexible working hours
    Opportunity for international travel

    If you are interested, please reply to: Tanner@new-joboffers.com,Thank you!

  14. WUG Company is an international holding company, specialized in development of complex,
    leading edge projects in the financial industry.

    WUG is a virtue of the most advanced, modern and
    flexible business models aiming at the result-oriented(or added value-based) performance.

    WUG offers excellent benefits for its employees including competitive salaries,
    regular salary reviews and performance based bonus system, great working conditions, medical insurance,
    flexible working hours, and a chance for international travel.

    We are building a world-class company on a strong foundation of world-class people.
    Thus we aim to hire reliable, experienced and responsible employee for the position Financial Representative.

    Processing customer feedbacks
    Analyzing the customer problems
    Communicating with our office representatives
    Processing transfers
    Managing database

    Critical style of thinking
    Intermediate and above level of spoken English and up-intermediate of written English,
    technical reading/writing is obligatory

    Join the team of bright and ambitious professionals for a chance to be at
    the forefront of the latest trends and opportunities.

    WUG excellent benefits package includes:
    Competitive salaries up to 2300 Euro per month
    Company stock ownership
    Regular salary reviews
    Performance based bonus system
    Flexible working hours
    Opportunity for international travel

    If you are interested, please reply to: Madeline@new-joboffers.com,Thank you!

  15. As you can see @Maris I received the same as you.

  16. WUG Company is an international holding company, specialized in development of complex,
    leading edge projects in the financial industry.

    WUG is a virtue of the most advanced, modern and
    flexible business models aiming at the result-oriented(or added value-based) performance.

    WUG offers excellent benefits for its employees including competitive salaries,
    regular salary reviews and performance based bonus system, great working conditions, medical insurance,
    flexible working hours, and a chance for international travel.

    We are building a world-class company on a strong foundation of world-class people.
    Thus we aim to hire reliable, experienced and responsible employee for the position Financial Representative.

    Processing customer feedbacks
    Analyzing the customer problems
    Communicating with our office representatives
    Processing transfers
    Managing database

    Critical style of thinking
    Intermediate and above level of spoken English and up-intermediate of written English,
    technical reading/writing is obligatory

    Join the team of bright and ambitious professionals for a chance to be at
    the forefront of the latest trends and opportunities.

    WUG excellent benefits package includes:
    Competitive salaries up to $2500 per month
    Company stock ownership
    Regular salary reviews
    Performance based bonus system
    Flexible working hours
    Opportunity for international travel

    If you are interested, please reply to: Mac@usa-jobcareer.com

    Thank you!

  17. They've been sending using one of my e-mail addresses. I answered to one of the contact "people," threatening litigation if they did not cease and desist to no avail. Here is the spiel:

    WUG Company is an international holding company, specialized in development of complex,
    leading edge projects in the financial industry.

    WUG is a virtue of the most advanced, modern and
    flexible business models aiming at the result-oriented(or added value-based) performance.

    WUG offers excellent benefits for its employees including competitive salaries,
    regular salary reviews and performance based bonus system, great working conditions, medical insurance,
    flexible working hours, and a chance for international travel.

    We are building a world-class company on a strong foundation of world-class people.
    Thus we aim to hire reliable, experienced and responsible employee for the position Financial Representative.

    Processing customer feedbacks
    Analyzing the customer problems
    Communicating with our office representatives
    Processing transfers
    Managing database

    Critical style of thinking
    Intermediate and above level of spoken English and up-intermediate of written English,
    technical reading/writing is obligatory

    Join the team of bright and ambitious professionals for a chance to be at
    the forefront of the latest trends and opportunities.

    WUG excellent benefits package includes:
    Competitive salaries up to 2300 Euro per month
    Company stock ownership
    Regular salary reviews
    Performance based bonus system
    Flexible working hours
    Opportunity for international travel

    If you are interested, please reply to: Darlene@new-joboffers.com,Thank you!

  18. WUG Company is an international holding company, specialized in development of complex,
    leading edge projects in the financial industry.

    WUG is a virtue of the most advanced, modern and
    flexible business models aiming at the result-oriented(or added value-based) performance.

    WUG offers excellent benefits for its employees including competitive salaries,
    regular salary reviews and performance based bonus system, great working conditions, medical insurance,
    flexible working hours, and a chance for international travel.

    We are building a world-class company on a strong foundation of world-class people.
    Thus we aim to hire reliable, experienced and responsible employee for the position Financial Representative.

    Processing customer feedbacks
    Analyzing the customer problems
    Communicating with our office representatives
    Processing transfers
    Managing database

    Critical style of thinking
    Intermediate and above level of spoken English and up-intermediate of written English,
    technical reading/writing is obligatory

    Join the team of bright and ambitious professionals for a chance to be at
    the forefront of the latest trends and opportunities.

    WUG excellent benefits package includes:
    Competitive salaries up to 2300 Euro per month
    Company stock ownership
    Regular salary reviews
    Performance based bonus system
    Flexible working hours
    Opportunity for international travel

    If you are interested, please reply to: Darlene@new-joboffers.com,Thank you!

  19. Here is another one in Portugal:

    WUG Company is an international holding company, specialized in
    > development of complex,
    > leading edge projects in the financial industry.
    > WUG is a virtue of the most advanced, modern and
    > flexible business models aiming at the result-oriented(or added
    > value-based) performance.
    > WUG offers excellent benefits for its employees including competitive
    > salaries,
    > regular salary reviews and performance based bonus system, great
    > working conditions, medical insurance,
    > flexible working hours, and a chance for international travel.
    > We are building a world-class company on a strong foundation of
    > world-class people.
    > Thus we aim to hire reliable, experienced and responsible employee
    > for the position Financial Representative.
    > Responsibilities:
    > Processing customer feedbacks
    > Analyzing the customer problems
    > Communicating with our office representatives
    > Processing transfers
    > Managing database
    > Skills:
    > Critical style of thinking
    > Intermediate and above level of spoken English and up-intermediate
    > of written English,
    > technical reading/writing is obligatory
    > Quick-learning
    > Join the team of bright and ambitious professionals for a chance to be at
    > the forefront of the latest trends and opportunities.
    > WUG excellent benefits package includes:
    > Competitive salaries up to 2300 Euro per month
    > Company stock ownership
    > Regular salary reviews
    > Performance based bonus system
    > Flexible working hours
    > Opportunity for international travel
    > If you are interested, please reply to: Duncan@new-joboffers.com,Thank you!

  20. Just received today

    WUG Company is an international holding company, specialized in development of complex, leading edge projects in the financial industry.

    WUG is a virtue of the most advanced, modern and flexible business models aiming at the result-oriented(or added value-based) performance.

    WUG offers excellent benefits for its employees including competitive salaries, regular salary reviews and performance based bonus system, great working conditions, medical insurance, flexible working hours, and a chance for international travel.

    We are building a world-class company on a strong foundation of world-class people.
    Thus we aim to hire reliable, experienced and responsible employee for the position Financial Representative.

    . Processing customer feedbacks
    . Analyzing the customer problems
    . Communicating with our office representatives . Processing transfers . Managing database

    . Critical style of thinking
    . Intermediate and above level of spoken English and up-intermediate of written English,
    technical reading/writing is obligatory . Quick-learning

    Join the team of bright and ambitious professionals for a chance to be at the forefront of the latest trends and opportunities.

    WUG excellent benefits package includes:
    . Competitive salaries up to 2300 Euro per month . Company stock ownership . Regular salary reviews . Performance based bonus system . Flexible working hours . Opportunity for international travel

    If you are interested, please reply to: Rachael@new-joboffers.com,Thank you!

  21. Just reeived from:
    BTW a little bit insulted that i only got offered 2000Euro :P


    WUG Co is currently hiring local to conduct all facets of what we do for our clients.
    This mainly involves different aspects of presenting the products, providing consulting services, marketing, and various customer service work we do for our clients.

    All applicants should be customer minded, responsible, with a strong desire to serve customers.
    Please note that an average income per month will vary, but a guaranteed pay rate of 2000 EUR with opportunities for bonuses and commission will remain the same.
    Please also pay careful attention that it is an opportunity to make extra money during a first half of the day.

    Main Requirements:

    -Business communication skills
    -Excellent negotiation skills
    -Strong work ethic
    -Ability to work Part Time
    -Residents from Norway or surrounding areas within EU may apply only

    No experience in a financial sector is required as full training and support will be given in order to help you gain the essential qualifications needed to become a part of our company.

    Should this be interesting to you or you simply have a desire to know more about this position, please specify your telephone number in an international format, including access codes, and current city of residence and our HR specialists will explain you everything in detail over the phone.

    We look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.

    Best Regards,
    Shondra Garrett
    Personnel Assistant
    WUG Co
