Monday, 7 April 2014

Quantcast email address leak

Quantcast measures web analytics, and they are widely used by many websites worldwide, including one I operated myself.

However, it seems that Quantcast have some sort of email address leak because the following spam email was sent to an address only used to sign up for Quantcast's services.

From:     iTriplingStocks [redacted]
Date:     7 April 2014 20:08
Subject:     Dear [redacted], Three hundred percent gains is super possible

However in 1381 a treaty was signed in which allowed him to return. In 2008, Thames Water submitted plans for 96 homes on the site. Connor's horse Waterford Crystal. French hands between 1781 and 1782, and broken up in 1797. They were later replaced by Generation 1 DVD volumes, and later complete season boxed sets. It consists of the village of Luzein which is made up of the sections of Buchen, Luzein, Pany and Putz. February 1955, while in reserve. Juan Sebastian Lach moved to Europe and studied for a doctorate in cognitive musicology. Stop, only add extraordinary stunts here, and only if you have reliable sources. I think I want to be in the Guinness Book of World Records.
However at Dawn workers cleared the gap where the animals came in trapping them in. Germany dated from roughly 14,000 years ago. Francesco also made furniture and panelling for private and ecclesiatical clients. He claimed to be a god, whereas he was only a servant of the Devil, and as such he met his fate. There have been two unofficial fan remakes. Ecuador, at an altitude between 2,100 and 2,300 m asl. O God, do not leave me. The design has been simplified and a whole range of new security features were introduced.
Indonesian general as ambassador to Australia. Diagram created by me. When Gomo died in 1815, Senachewine became chief of the village. The same magazine gave Hannity their Freedom of Speech Award in 2003. Chavan started his political career in 1991,his name was proposed by Mr. Yale, Fruton became Director of the Division of Science, a position he held until 1962. City Sightseeing Ltd to City Sightseeing Worldwide S. If there were some heightened state of tension, we would, believe me, we would not let them get that close.
The first pressing of the album came in sleeve case packaging. Turkishness and the Republic. Hendschiken while 255 people commuted into the municipality for work. The Broletto in Como is faced with polychrome marble. About 20 additional motels, Inns and Bed and Breakfast operations are based in Digby making tourism an important employer. Alan Bray, a bassist. Italian Ministry of Treasury. Kentucky's head football coach. Soldiers, and turned against the Soviet regime. The source of information should be relevant, including existing solutions. Beata Vergine Assunta e S. In space DeGill has been captured by his old nemesis, the big game hunter Pontifadora the Conquistadora.
When assessing mental involvement in narrative text, items involved more imagery and imagination. Windham was founded in 1951 by Walter F. Diescher and John Endres became friends and business partners. He has also directed videos for The Saturdays and Sugababes.

The spam is an RCHA pump-and-dump spam as reported here, and this spam does make heavy use of email addresses stolen in this way.

It is impossible to say when the email addresses leaked from Quantcast or what data may have leaked with them, however the possibility of a spammer guessing this particular email address would be one in 26^12 (95,428,956,661,682,176) which is practically zero.

Update: Quantcast are investigating the issue at present.

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