Monday, 30 June 2014

Fake job offer: Edwards Electrical and Mechanical / Edward Electricals Y Mecánicos (

Edwards Electrical and Mechanical is a wholly legitimate contraction based in Indianapolis in the US. This spam message is not from them, but someone abusing their name.

From:     Charles Benneth []
Date:     30 June 2014 01:49
Subject:     Part-Time Job Offer

Estimado Señor / Señora

Tenemos una vacante para el puesto de oficial de cuentas por cobrar. ¿Te
gustaría trabajar desde su casa y obtener semanal remunerado? Estamos
ofreciendo esta posición a todos los solicitantes interesados. Por favor,
lea atentamente. Esta oportunidad de empleo está dirigido a proporcionar
parte / los solicitantes de empleo a tiempo completo, y también a las
personas que quieran trabajar desde casa, y se les paga semanalmente por
la recepción de pagos de nuestros clientes de deducir la comisión y
remitir el equilibrio. Envíe sus informaciones para obtener más detalles.

Nombre Completo
Contacto Inicio Dirección Plus Código Postal (No P O Box)
número de teléfono
Fax Si Cualquiera
Un reconocimiento rápido de la recepción de este correo electrónico será

Gracias por su comprensión total.

Charles Benneth
Presidente / CEO
Edward Electricals Y Mecánicos.
This translates roughly as:

Dear Sir / Madam

We have a vacancy for the position of Accounts receivable officer. Do you
would like to work from home and get paid weekly? We are
offering this position to all interested applicants. Please
read carefully. This employment opportunity is targeted at providing
part / applicants for full-time employment, and also to
people who want to work from home and get paid weekly by
receiving payments from our clients, and deducting fees
remit the balance. Send information for details.

Full Name
Contact Home Address Plus Zip (No PO Box)
phone number
Fax If Any
A quick recognition of the receipt of this email will

Thank you for your full understanding.

Charles Benneth
President / CEO
Edward Electricals and Mechanical. 

The job is actually money laundering, which is a criminal activity. The email solicits replies to the free email address of and originates from from (Swift Networks, Lagos, Nigeria) via ( / Hetzner, Germany).

Unless you want to spend some time in jail, I would recommend giving this particular Nigerian scam a wide berth.

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