Tuesday, 16 September 2014

WARNING: "Grant Funding USA" (grantfundingusa.org)

If you are tempted by the offer of a course from an organisation called Grant Funding USA with a website grantfundingusa.org then read this first.

Grant Funding USA is run by Anthony Christoper Jones and Patchree Patchrint (aka Patty Patchrint or Patty Jones). Previous ventures by this pair include the North American Program Planning and Policy Academy (NAPPPA), Institute of Project Management America (IPMA) (aka DDGLA American Project Management LLC), the Institute for Communication Improvement, LLC, The Grant Institute, and the LA restaurants Mother Road, the Royale on Wilshire and Mode.

Their website makes all sorts of claims, including this one on their "About Us" page:
Established in 2004, Grant Funding USA is a network of independent consultants, nonprofit professionals, and fund raising executives dedicated to sharing their knowledge and expertise in the field of grantsmanship and program development. Our program instructors have over ten years of real world experience in the nonprofit and for profit arena which allows them to effortlessly weave theory and practice into a results oriented program for all participants. The goal of our program is to equip our graduates with the skills and tools they need to succeed in the competitive world of fund raising.
The website was created in March 2014, and certainly this network (of two people, basically) has not been in operation under this name for that long, although there have been warnings about its predecessor called "The Grant Institute" for several years.

Before dealing with this company, I urge you to do your own research on the companies that they have run before.


  1. Now using http://fundinginstitute.org/

    Also see http://www.thenonprofittimes.com/news-articles/complaints-filed-against-grant-institute/

  2. Also same modus operandi:

    ... including spamming same email addresses. Hmmm.
