Friday, 5 June 2015

Malware spam: "General Election 2015 Invoices" / ""

This unusually-themed spam leads to malware. It does not come from St Ives but is instead a simple forgery.

From: []
Sent: Friday, June 05, 2015 9:53 AM
Subject: General Election 2015 Invoices

Dear Sir/Madam

Please find attached your invoice 62812 for GE2015

Please could payment be quoted with your constituency name/Invoice numbers

Our Bank Details are:
St Ives Management Services Limited
Sort Code: 40-04-24
Account Number: 71419501
Account Name: St Ives Management Services Limited

Remittance advices should be emailed to

If paying by cheque, please kindly remit to the address below and not to 1 Tudor Street:

St Ives Management Services Limited
c/o Branded3
2nd Floor, 2180 Century Way
Thorpe Park

If you have already paid by credit card then there is no need for you to make payment again.

For payment queries please contact Steven Wilde 0113 306 6966

For invoice queries please contact Emily Villiers 0207 902 6449

Kind Regards
SIMS Sales Ledger
This email is intended for the addressee only. It may be confidential and legally privileged. Unauthorised use, copying or disclosure of any of it may be unlawful. St. Ives plc does not accept liability for changes made to this message after it was sent. Any opinions expressed in this email do not necessarily reflect the opinions of St. Ives plc. If you have received this communication in error, please return the message to the sender by replying to it and delete the email immediately.
Whilst St. Ives plc has taken steps to avoid the transmission of viruses, it is the responsibility of the recipient to ensure that this email and its attachments do not adversely affect their system or data. St. Ives plc accepts no responsibility in this regard and the recipient should carry out such virus and other checks, as is considered appropriate.
St. Ives plc reserves the right to read any e-mail or attachment entering or leaving its systems from any source without prior notice.
St. Ives plc registered in England & Wales no. 1552113
Registered office: One Tudor Street, London EC4Y 0AH 

I have only seen one sample so far, with a Word document 1445942147T0.doc attached containing this macro which tries to download a malicious executable from g6000424.ferozo[.]com/25/10.exe but this fails with a timeout. However, the payload will be the Dridex banking trojan.

I was informed of another download location at elkettasandassociates[.]com/25/10.exe which downloads a malicious binary with a detection rate of 5/57.

Automated analysis tools [1] [2] [3] show network traffic to the following IPs: (Internet Thailand Company Limited, Thailand) (Selectel, Russia) (Digital Ocean, Netherlands) (RuWeb, Russia)

According to this Malwr report it drops a Dridex DLL with a detection rate of 3/57.

Recommended blocklist:



  1. Unlikely, but I wonder if the address they give for cheque payments (as if anyone still pays that way) has been infiltrated some how. The address given is a now permanently closed health site. Of course they are likely banking on most people just clicking the link and being infected.

  2. @PMK, nothing at St Ives has been compromised, this follows a pattern of genuine financial emails being used as a template for the spam. It looks like a genuine email because it is *copied* from a genuine email. But people will click on the attachment because they are curious!

  3. I have received one of these this morning. Am forwarding it to

  4. My wife received a copy. A bit close to home as I'm filing some expense returns and we have a legal requirement to make sure everything is paid before the deadline
