Thursday, 7 April 2016 / / spam

The line between genius and madness is a fine one. Decide for yourself which side of the line this email is on.

From:    Cryptopocalypse NOW 01 04 2016 []
Date:    7 April 2016 at 18:24
Subject:    Cryptopocalypse NOW 01 04 2016

Cryptopocalypse NOW 01 04 2016

Now available through iTunes - iBooks @

Cryptopocalypse NOW is the story behind the trials and tribulations encountered in creating "FooCrypt, A Tale of Cynical Cyclical Encryption."

"FooCrypt, A Tale of Cynical Cyclical Encryption." is aimed at hardening several commonly used Symmetric Open Source Encryption methods so that they are hardened to a standard that is commonly termed 'QUANTUM ENCRYPTION'.

"FooCrypt, A Tale of Cynical Cyclical Encryption." is currently under export control by the Australian Department of Defence Defence Export Controls Office due to the listing of Cryptology as a ‘Dual Use’ Technology as per the ‘Wassenaar Arrangement’

A permit from Defence Export Control is expected within the next 2 months as the Australian Signals Directorate is currently assessing the associated application(s) for export approval of "FooCrypt, A Tale of Cynical Cyclical Encryption."

Early releases of "Cryptopocalypse NOW" will be available in the period leading up to June, 2016.

This is Volume 1 of N, where N represents an arbitrary number greater than 1 but less than infinity.

Limited Edition Collectors Versions and Hard Back Editions are available via the store on

© FooCrypt 1980 - 2016, All Rights Reserved.


Mark A. Lane

© Mark A. Lane 1980 - 2015, All Rights Reserved.

Disclaimer :  To remove yourself from this email list, kindly goto
Err.. no. "Quantum Encryption" is a branch of quantum physics, it's a completely different level of encryption in the same way that an aeroplane is not like a car. Attached is some weird semi-messianic picture..

The email originates from (Loose Foot Computing, Canada). This also happens to be the IP address of:

So, the email was sent from the server it is spamvertising. That's normally a pretty certain indicator that the person running the web site is doing the spamming, and that it isn't a Joe Job. If you visit the spamvertised website (not recommended) then you can find a link to a crowdfunding appeal at which tells you all you need to know about the credibility of the project..

Yes.. so far it has raised $5 out of a $1,000,000 target in nearly two months. Good luck with the other $999,995.

The sender is apparently one "Mark A Lane" but other than some connections to Australia, I cannot identify an individual behind it. The following website do all seem to be related however:

The closest I can get to contact details is the WHOIS entry for

Registrant ID:90b5527af50723f4
Registrant Name:Mark Lane
Registrant Organization:FOOCRYPT
Registrant Street: P.O. Box 66
Registrant City:Briar Hill
Registrant State/Province:Victoria
Registrant Postal Code:3088
Registrant Country:AU
Registrant Phone:+61.411414431
Registrant Phone Ext:
Registrant Fax:
Registrant Fax Ext:

Curiously, that name and address also turns up on this somewhat ungrammatical CV.

Name: Mark Andrew Lane
Postal Address: P.O. Box 66,
Briar Hill, Victoria. 3088.
Telephone: 0411414431

I mean it would be weird if they weren't related in some way. But that CV mentions nothing about cryptography at all.. a bit of a mystery.

This message was sent to a random and nonexistant email address. Crucially, it does seem to be just random spam and not malware or phishing, but is still best avoided.


  1. I am not familiar with itunes affiliate program, if any, but this link certainly looks like one.

    Host is vulnerable to host header attack, cache of the web server keep cached attacker's domain so attacker's page can be served to visitors, or someone could send spam emails with affiliate link through email system of, so attacker would earn some money while original host could get blamed for spam. Just a theory of course, and crypto guy sounds a bit crazy but host header attack is doable and should be checked.

  2. Interesting analogy.

    It's a shame though that the subject title and purpose for the blog entry appears to be only for generating conjecture.

    Why are you muddying the waters on Australia's criminalisation of cryptology and the imposed criminal penalties of up to 10 years in jail and .5 million in fines for publishing without a permit from D.E.C.O. and approval by the sitting Australian Government ?

    Which political party / government body / I.T. Corporation / et al do you work for Conrad ?

    Mark A. Lane

    © FooCrypt 1980 - 2016, All Rights Reserved.
