Dynamoo's Blog
Malware, spam, scams and random stuff, by Conrad Longmore.
Wednesday, 2 April 2014
Something evil on
This tweet by Malmouse got me investigating what was happening on .. and the answer is that it appears to be unmitigated ba...
Tuesday, 1 April 2014
rbs.com "RE: Copy" spam
This very terse spam has a malicious attachment: Date: 1 Apr 2014 14:25:39 GMT [10:25:39 EDT] From: Kathryn Daley [Kathryn.Da...
Something evil on
› (HostForWeb, US) is currently hosting exploit kits ( see this example ). I recommend that you block traffic to this IP or ...
Sunday, 30 March 2014
Naughty, naughty: BizSummits, CFO Summit, CIO Summit, CMO Summit rip off photos from other sites.
[Note, BizSummits replaced all of the unlicensed photographs shortly after I pointed them out on this blog] I've been tracking the sp...
Friday, 28 March 2014
BizSummits "Early closing due to poor weather" / "Early closing due to bad conditions" spam
Here are a pair of odd spam email messages: Message 1 From : Tim Williams Tim@myteamex.com To : Tony Blair [tony@victimdomain...
Sky.com "Statement of account" spam leads to Gameover Zeus
This fake Sky spam has a malicious attachment: Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 07:16:43 -0300 [06:16:43 EDT] From: "Sky.com"...
Something evil on (OVH Canada)
› (spotted by Frank Denis ) is another evil OVH Canada netblock which I assume belongs to their black hat customer r5x.org /...
Wednesday, 26 March 2014
Something evil on
There's some sort of evil at work here, but I can't quite replicate it.. however I would recommend that you put a block in for 173...
Tuesday, 25 March 2014
"You have received new messages from HMRC" spam
This fake HMRC spam comes with a malicious attachment: Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 12:59:28 +0100 [07:59:28 EDT] From: "norep...
.js injection leads to Fake Flash update hosted on OneDrive
This kind of attack is nothing new, but there has been a sharp uptick recently in injection attacks that alter .js files on vulnerable sys...
Slartiblartfast "I see dead people" watch spam
I get a lot of watch spam, but I have to say this from Slartibartfast quoting the movie The Sixth Sense just tickled me somewhat.. Dat...
Sunday, 23 March 2014
Malware sites to block 23/3/14 (P2P/Gameover Zeus)
These domains and IPs are associated with the Peer-to-peer / Gameover variant of Zeus as described in this blog post at MalwareMustDie . I...
Friday, 21 March 2014
"CSR EXCELLENCE AWARD 2014" / csrawards.co.uk spam
Rule one of good customer service.. don't spam people like these jokers do: From : Green Organisation greenorganisation@rkwmai...
"Companies House" spam and (again)
This fake Companies House spam comes with a malicious attachment: Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 11:05:35 +0100 [06:05:35 EDT] From: ...
Amazon.co.uk spam, something evil on
This fake Amazon.co.uk spam comes with a malicious attachment: Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 13:40:05 +0530 [04:10:05 EDT] From: ...
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