Friday, 28 March 2014

BizSummits "Early closing due to poor weather" / "Early closing due to bad conditions" spam

Here are a pair of odd spam email messages:

Message 1
From:     Tim Williams
To:     Tony Blair [tony@victimdomain]
Date:     28 March 2014 14:09
Subject:     Early closing due to bad conditions.

Early closing due to bad conditions.

This will be the only notification to tony@victimdomain and just disregard if sent to the incorrect individual. Thank you.
Message 2
From:     Michael Miller
To:     Victor Echo [vecho@victimdomain]
Date:     28 March 2014 11:12
Subject:     Early closing due to poor weather.

Early closing due to poor weather.

This will be the only notification to vecho@victimdomain and just disregard if sent to the incorrect person. Thank you.
The email contains no link and no attachment. So what it is it?

A close look at to "To" field is interesting. Tony Blair? Well, he's an ex-Prime Minister of Britain, and he just happens to be mentioned on my website here. And Victor Echo? Well, that's not a person at all but is mentioned on this page about the NATO Phonetic Alphabet.

So, in each case a name has been harvested from my web site and an email address guessed (tony@ and vecho@) in order to send the spam.

I've seen this process of scraping my web site and guessing email addresses before by a business called CIO Summits which is part of a spammy business called BizSummits run by a gentleman called Michael Price. But perhaps this is a coincidence?

So let's look at the mail headers of the two messages:

Message 1

Received: from [] (port=59519
    by [redacted] with esmtp (Exim 4.80)
    (envelope-from <>)
    id 1WTXTM-00062J-14
    for tony@[redacted]; Fri, 28 Mar 2014 14:09:32 +0000
Received: from
        by (Merak 8.9.1) with ASMTP id ORL87326
        for <tony@[redacted]>; Fri, 28 Mar 2014 07:09:26 -0700
Message-ID: <20140328070921.6e9e4d6b5e@5d7e>
From: "Tim Williams" <>
To: "Tony Blair" <tony@[redacted]>
Subject: Early closing due to bad conditions.
Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 07:09:21 -0700
X-Priority: 3
X-Mailer: Host
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Received-SPF: pass ([redacted]: domain of designates as permitted sender) client-ip=

Message 2

Received: from [] (port=1970
    by [redacted] with esmtp (Exim 4.80)
    (envelope-from <>)
    id 1WTUi8-0007x8-KZ
    for vecho@[redacted]; Fri, 28 Mar 2014 11:12:38 +0000
Received: from
        by (Merak 8.9.1) with ASMTP id OOO71531
        for <vecho@[redacted]>; Fri, 28 Mar 2014 04:12:31 -0700
Message-ID: <20140328041226.3f8f7d6c7b@9e8c>
From: "Michael Miller" <>
To: "Victor Echo" <vecho@[redacted]>
Subject: Early closing due to poor weather.
Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 04:12:26 -0700
X-Priority: 3
X-Mailer: SMTP Forwarder v.9
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Received-SPF: pass ([redacted]: domain of designates as permitted sender) client-ip=
What these headers tell us is that the emails originated from and (Net Access Corporation, US), and that those servers are genuine mail relays for the domains and in other words the message is not spoofed and whoever owns these domains is responsible for the mail.

The WHOIS contain the following details:
Registrant Name: DNS Administrator
Registrant Organization: LeadByInnovation
Registrant Street: 1200-Abernathy  Rd
Registrant City: Atlanta
Registrant State/Province: Georgia
Registrant Postal Code: 30328
Registrant Country: United States
Registrant Phone: +1.7705552343
Registrant Phone Ext:
Registrant Fax:
Registrant Fax Ext:
Registrant Email:
Registry Admin ID:
Registrant Name: DNS Admin
Registrant Organization: MyTeamEx
Registrant Street: 17th Floor
Registrant Street: 1200  Abernathy
Registrant City: Atlanta
Registrant State/Province: Georgia
Registrant Postal Code: 30328
Registrant Country: United States
Registrant Phone: +1.4044983847
Registrant Phone Ext:
Registrant Fax:
Registrant Fax Ext:
Registrant Email:

Perhaps is is just a coincidence that the WHOIS details for are very similar:

Registrant ID:CR38175629
Registrant Name:DNS Administrator
Registrant Organization:BizSummits
Registrant Street: 1200 Abernathy Rd, 17th Floor
Registrant City:Atlanta
Registrant State/Province:Georgia
Registrant Postal Code:30328
Registrant Country:US
Registrant Phone:+1.8006003389
Registrant Phone Ext:
Registrant Fax:
Registrant Fax Ext:

1200 Abernathy Rd is a big office building in Atlanta, and the office address could well be a virtual office in any case. But isn't it a coincidence that all three companies are based in the same building?

Well.. no, it's not a coincidence because if you look at the historical WHOIS details for for just last month we see they are:

Registrant Name: Michael Price
Registrant Organization:
Registrant Street: 801 Kellerman Kreek
Registrant City: Marietta
Registrant State/Province: Georgia
Registrant Postal Code: 30068
Registrant Country: United States
Registrant Phone: +1.7709989999
Registrant Phone Ext:
Registrant Fax:
Registrant Fax Ext:
Registrant Email:

Michael Price? Yes, that's the same Michael Price who runs BizSummits. So, it's not a coincidence at all, is it?

This particular spam run has also been discussed on the SpamCop forum which  indentifies the four following domains in connection with this spam run:

Each one of these tells a different story. has the same semi-anonymous registration details as the others, but just a few days ago (20th March 2014) the registrant was "Biz Summits". has also had the registrant details changed.. on 18th March that was registered to "Michael Price".

Finally, is a bit odder. It too has had the registrant details change (it was "Michael Price" on 18th January 2014), but it is hosted on an IP address belonging to a children's hospital in Illinois ( Illinois - Chicago - Children's Memorial Medical Center)

So what are these messages? I believe that BizSummits (or whatever Mr Price's current operation is called, perhaps / is probing mail servers to see what sort of format email addresses are so that further spam can be sent. Most mail systems will reject invalid messages, so basically this is a sort of enumeration exercise. Is this illegal? It's hard to say. But in my opinion it is certainly unethical.

Incidentally BizSummits has a rotten reputation at the BBB, and in my personal opinion offer business summits of very little worth, and that they prey upon the vanity of the people who receive the email (which is just a basically just spam). A quick a Google for bizsummits spam comes up with a large number of complaints, and I must recommend this particular blog entry if you want an overview of how BizSummits allegedly pitch their business.

The BBB lists the following domains as being part of BizSummits. I would recommend avoiding them:

UPDATE: more information about BizSummits and some of it's websites can be found here.

Update (2300 GMT 2014-03-28): another "Tony Blair" one..

From:     Stan Moore
To:     Tony Blair tblair@[redacted]
Date:     28 March 2014 22:52
Subject:     Closed early due to poor weather.

Closed early due to poor weather.

This will be the only notification to tblair@[redacted] and just disregard if sent in error. Thank you.
The mail headers confirm that was the sender, this time from (Net Access Corporation again):

Received: from [] (port=3018
    by [redacted]with esmtp (Exim 4.80)
    (envelope-from <>)
    id 1WTfdq-0002i5-AG
    for tblair@[redacted]; Fri, 28 Mar 2014 22:52:50 +0000
Received: from
        by (Merak 8.9.1) with ASMTP id OZC63549
        for <tblair@[redacted]>; Fri, 28 Mar 2014 15:52:49 -0700
Message-ID: <20140328155244.5b6c3d3e2c@2e5c>
From: "Stan Moore" <>
To: "Tony Blair" <tblair@[redacted]>
Subject: Closed early due to poor weather.
Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 15:52:44 -0700
X-Priority: 3
X-Mailer: System-Forwarder
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Received-SPF: pass ([redacted]: domain of designates as permitted sender) client-ip= WHOIS today:

Registrant ID:CR156687418
Registrant Name:DNS Admin
Registrant Organization:Texas Business Chamber
Registrant Street: Floor 17
Registrant City:Atlanta
Registrant State/Province:Georgia
Registrant Postal Code:30327
Registrant Country:US
Registrant Phone:+1.7705863645
Registrant Phone Ext:
Registrant Fax:
Registrant Fax Ext:
Registrant WHOIS on 22nd February (just over one month ago)

Registrant ID:CR156687418
Registrant Name:Michael Price
Registrant Organization:
Registrant Street: 801 Kellerman Kreek
Registrant City:Marietta
Registrant State/Province:Georgia
Registrant Postal Code:30068
Registrant Country:US
Registrant Phone:+1.7709989999
Registrant Phone Ext:
Registrant Fax:
Registrant Fax Ext:

Update (0700 GMT 2014-03-29):  A slightly different one..

From:     Jim Moore
To:     Victor Echo
Date:     29 March 2014 03:17
Subject:     Closed early due to expected snow.

Closed early due to expected snow.

This will be the only notification to victor@[redacted] and just ignore if sent to the wrong person. Thank you.
This time the spammers are probing "Victor Echo" using the victor@ address. Mail headers are:

Received: from [] (port=2643
    by [redacted] with esmtp (Exim 4.80)
    (envelope-from <>)
    id 1WTjm8-0001jI-Ia
    for victor@[redacted]; Sat, 29 Mar 2014 03:17:45 +0000
Received: from
        by (Merak 8.9.1) with ASMTP id PGU70938
        for <victor@[redacted]>; Fri, 28 Mar 2014 20:17:38 -0700
Message-ID: <20140328201734.5b7d6b2f9d@2e2e>
From: "Jim Moore" <>
To: "Victor Echo" <victor@[redacted]>
Subject: Closed early due to expected snow.
Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 20:17:34 -0700
X-Priority: 3
X-Mailer: Package Forwarder 6.3
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Received-SPF: pass ([redacted]: domain of designates as permitted sender) client-ip=
This domain has been excised of useful details in the WHOIS records, but it follows the same pattern and is undoubtedly Michael Price and BizSummits.

Registry Registrant ID:
Registrant Name: Dns Admin
Registrant Organization: eTuckins
Registrant Street: 1200 Abernathy Rd
Registrant City: Atlanta
Registrant State/Province: Georgia
Registrant Postal Code: 30068
Registrant Country: United States
Registrant Phone: +1.7705763847
Registrant Phone Ext:
Registrant Fax:
Registrant Fax Ext:
Registrant Email:
Note that refers to in the WHOIS record, revealing yet another spam site in the chain.

Update (1800 GMT 2014-03-29): two more spams from the same domain..

From:     Stan Davis
To:     Oscar Yankee <oscar@[redacted]>
Date:     29 March 2014 12:39
Subject:     Early closing due to poor weather.

Early closing due to poor weather.

This will be the only notification to oscar@[redacted] and disregard if sent to the incorrect individual. Thank you.


From:     Steve Williams
To:     Oscar Yankee <oyankee@[redacted]>
Date:     29 March 2014 11:54
Subject:     Closed early due to inclement weather.

Closed early due to inclement weather.

This will be the only notification to oyankee@[redacted] and please ignore if sent to the incorrect person. Thank you.
This time they are sent to "Oscar Yankee" (using a name scraped from this page) using both observed variants of oyankee@ and oscar@. The mail headers again verify that the message isn't spoofed, and is the actual sender.

Received: from [] (port=59373
    by [redacted] with esmtp (Exim 4.80)
    (envelope-from <>)
    id 1WTrqb-0001rc-3u
    for oyankee@[redacted]; Sat, 29 Mar 2014 11:54:53 +0000
Received: from
        by (Merak 8.9.1) with ASMTP id POG42002
        for <oyankee@[redacted]>; Sat, 29 Mar 2014 04:55:02 -0700
Message-ID: <20140329045456.3f2b7e1b4b@5c5f>
From: "Steve Williams" <>
To: "Oscar Yankee" <oyankee@[redacted]>
Subject: Closed early due to inclement weather.
Date: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 04:54:56 -0700
X-Priority: 3
X-Mailer: Perpetual Host v.1
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Received-SPF: pass ([redacted]: domain of designates as permitted sender) client-ip=
The WHOIS details have been altered in an attempt to hide the sender, but it still shows Michael Price's email address. Oops.

Registrant Name: DNS Admin
Registrant Organization:
Registrant Street: Floor  17
Registrant Street: 12O0 Abernathy
Registrant City: Atlanta
Registrant State/Province: Georgia
Registrant Postal Code: 30329
Registrant Country: United States
Registrant Phone: +1.7705643366
Registrant Phone Ext:
Registrant Fax:
Registrant Fax Ext:
Registrant Email:
If we go back to the registration details in January 2014 then Michael Price's name and address are on them.

Registry Registrant ID:
Registrant Name: Michael Price
Registrant Organization:
Registrant Street: 801 Kellerman Kreek
Registrant City: Marietta
Registrant State/Province: Georgia
Registrant Postal Code: 30068
Registrant Country: United States
Registrant Phone: +1.7709989999
Registrant Phone Ext:
Registrant Fax:
Registrant Fax Ext:
Registrant Email:
So again, there is very little doubt as to who is sending this rather large spam run.

Update (0200 GMT 2014-03-30): the spam shows no signs of letting up. Subjects include the following:

Closing early due to bad weather.
Closed tomorrow due to inclement weather.
Closed tomorrow due to poor weather.
Closing early due to bad conditions.

Names scraped from my website include "Juliet Tango", "Michael Moore" and "Mark Tape". This spam run has two new domains, and , the first of which has valid SPF records, the second does not.

Received: from [] (port=4719
    by [redacted] with esmtp (Exim 4.80)
    (envelope-from <>)
    id 1WU2JB-0005bA-EE
    for michael@[redacted]; Sat, 29 Mar 2014 23:05:02 +0000
Received: from
        by (Merak 8.9.1) with ASMTP id PAI19600
        for <michael@[redacted]>; Sat, 29 Mar 2014 16:05:00 -0700
Message-ID: <20140329160458.6b8c5e8f4d@7e5d>
From: "Tony Moore" <>
To: "Michael Moore" <michael@[redacted]>
Subject: Closing early due to bad weather.
Date: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 16:04:58 -0700
X-Priority: 3
X-Mailer: EmailRemitter v.8
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Received-SPF: pass ([redacted]: domain of designates as permitted sender) client-ip=

Received: from [] (port=58797
    by [redacted] with esmtp (Exim 4.80)
    (envelope-from <>)
    id 1WU0hT-0004Z3-MB
    for juliet@[redacted]; Sat, 29 Mar 2014 21:22:03 +0000
Received: from
        by (Merak 8.9.1) with ASMTP id PYZ68711
        for <juliet@[redacted]>; Sat, 29 Mar 2014 14:22:11 -0700
Message-ID: <20140329142206.1f6f5b7b2e@2d3f>
From: "Brad Johnson" <>
To: "Juliet Tango" <juliet@[redacted]>
Subject: Closing early due to bad conditions.
Date: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 14:22:06 -0700
X-Priority: 3
X-Mailer: MailServer 5.2
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Received-SPF: none ([redacted]: domain of does not designate permitted sender hosts) client-ip=
The WHOIS records for have been stripped of any identifying details:

Registry Registrant ID:
Registrant Name: DNS Admin
Registrant Organization: Texas Business Chamber
Registrant Street: Suite 1700
Registrant Street: 1200 -Abernathy
Registrant City: Atlanta
Registrant State/Province: Georgia
Registrant Postal Code: 30328
Registrant Country: United States
Registrant Phone: +1.7709989999
Registrant Phone Ext:
Registrant Fax:
Registrant Fax Ext:
Registrant Email:

But back in February, it was registered to Michael Price:

Registry Registrant ID:
Registrant Name: Michael Price
Registrant Organization:
Registrant Street: 801 Kellerman Kreek
Registrant City: Marietta
Registrant State/Province: Georgia
Registrant Postal Code: 30068
Registrant Country: United States
Registrant Phone: (770) 998-9999
Registrant Phone Ext:
Registrant Fax:
Registrant Fax Ext:
Registrant Email:
Registry Admin ID: doesn't pass the SPF check, but it is sufficiently close to the verified domain of seen previously that it is almost certainly genuine. The WHOIS details are:

Registry Registrant ID:
Registrant Name: DNS Admin
Registrant Organization:
Registrant Street: Floor-17
Registrant Street: 12OO Abernathy
Registrant City: Atlanta
Registrant State/Province: Georgia
Registrant Postal Code: 30327
Registrant Country: United States
Registrant Phone: +1.6783843388
Registrant Phone Ext:
Registrant Fax:
Registrant Fax Ext:
Registrant Email:
On the 18th March 2014 they were:

Registry Registrant ID:
Registrant Name: Michael Price
Registrant Organization:
Registrant Street: 801 Kellerman Kreek
Registrant City: Marietta
Registrant State/Province: Georgia
Registrant Postal Code: 30068
Registrant Country: United States
Registrant Phone: +1.7709989999
Registrant Phone Ext:
Registrant Fax:
Registrant Fax Ext:
Registrant Email:
Registry Admin ID: 
Update (2300 GMT 2014-03-30): yet more evidence linking this spam run to BizSummit's Michael Price..
From:     Stan Miller
To:     George Bush <george@[redacted]>
Date:     30 March 2014 18:29
Subject:     Will be closed due to bad conditions.

Will be closed due to bad conditions.

This will be the only notification to george@[redacted] and ignore if sent to the wrong email. Thank you.
From:     John Moore
To:     George Bush <[redacted]>
Date:     30 March 2014 23:11
Subject:     Will be closed due to bad weather.

Will be closed due to bad weather.

This will be the only notification to gbush@[redacted] and disregard if sent to the wrong person. Thank you.

These messages are sent to George Bush (!). Again, the mail headers reveal that there is a valid SPF record, therefore really did send the message:

Received: from [] (port=64747
    by [redacted] with esmtp (Exim 4.80)
    (envelope-from <>)
    id 1WUJXi-0001yE-Iq
    for george@[redacted]; Sun, 30 Mar 2014 18:29:14 +0100
Received: from
        by (Merak 8.9.1) with ASMTP id QUH61409
        for <george@[redacted]>; Sun, 30 Mar 2014 10:29:09 -0700
Message-ID: <20140330102904.4d9e7f4e6f@7d6f>
From: "Stan Miller" <>
To: "George Bush" <george@[redacted]>
Subject: Will be closed due to bad conditions.
Date: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 10:29:04 -0700
X-Priority: 3
X-Mailer: FlashTransmitter version 8.1
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Received-SPF: pass ([redacted]: domain of designates as permitted sender) client-ip=
The WHOIS records for have been stripped of useful data:

Registry Registrant ID:
Registrant Name: DNS Admin
Registrant Organization: GoToFacts
Registrant Street: 1200 Abernathy
Registrant City: Atlanta
Registrant State/Province: Georgia
Registrant Postal Code: 30328
Registrant Country: United States
Registrant Phone: +1.7705863984
Registrant Phone Ext:
Registrant Fax:
Registrant Fax Ext:
Registrant Email:
But on March 18th it was registered to:

Registry Registrant ID:
Registrant Name: Michael Price
Registrant Organization:
Registrant Street: 801 Kellerman Kreek
Registrant City: Marietta
Registrant State/Province: Georgia
Registrant Postal Code: 30068
Registrant Country: United States
Registrant Phone: +1.7709989999
Registrant Phone Ext:
Registrant Fax:
Registrant Fax Ext:
Registrant Email:
Registry Admin ID: 


  1. That is very interesting. I run several conferences and have gotten tons of these today - all addressed to names on my websites (speakers at our events) at my domains. What is also interesting - that list of other domains. Last week I got hit with a bunch of invitations to join cfo summits addressed the same way but with a specific pitch for the person to be on an advisory board.

  2. I've gotten 5 of these today. How can we stop them? Why are they bothering people that aren't going to respond to them anyway? What's their point?!!!
    I'm about to block 64.21 from my site.

  3. That's definitely what's going on. I've got a waterways website and have got emails to just about everything that looks like a name in the database (so famous engineers like Thomas Telford, people I've quoted like Robert Aickman and places that look vaguely like names - like Stoney Stratford).

    It only started this afternoon and I've had about 20 already today.

  4. @A. the style of spamming is distinctive, and I've only ever seen it from this one organisation. There's a great blog entry at Talia, She Wrote which has several examples of the spam from different people.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Thanks for this post. I've also been receiving these messages and the first thing I noticed is that they're domain names registered through GoDaddy (texasbusinesschamber and myteamex).

    My first suspicion is that the domain names were registered, but nothing was ever done with them.

    GoDaddy, by default, turns on DNS settings for email and I wondered if their email servers had been compromised?

    I own a few domain names like that, so the first thing I did this morning is remove all email settings from the handful of sites I've registered through them but haven't done anything with.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Same received about snow from a

  9. Thanks for the information. I received 28 of these messages yesterday. I did not put two and two together until I read your article. The first one I received was sent to "WalterWhite@..." and yes, I wrote a blog entry a while back about Breaking Bad. I must have mentioned American Idol once because I see one addressed to Taylor Hicks, and another to Susan Adkins (I reviewed a Charles Manson book not too long ago). Whoever this spammer is thinks that I know a lot more celebrities than I really do!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I've compiled a list of few hundred domains that I know belong to this guy. They've all gone into my spamassassin configuration, and since then, the emails have stopped.

    A quick search on turned up a bit of information. Look up by address, site name, etc.

  12. Another one... I got this 3 days back.

    From: Steve Miller

    Will be closed due to poor weather.

    This will be the only notification to and ignore if sent to the wrong email. Thank you.


  13. It appears he took me off his list after I threatened to counter sue him for libel... and actually could win... Thanks for all of your investigative work here and sharing it. :)
