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Showing posts with label Portugal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Portugal. Show all posts

Friday, 10 June 2016

Malware spam: ". CARTÓRIO POSTAL. Apontamento de Protesto. 10/06/2016 17:42:46"

This Portuguese-language spam leads to malware:

From:    formacion@salesianos-madrid.com
Date:    10 June 2016 at 21:42
Subject:    . CARTÓRIO POSTAL. Apontamento de Protesto. 10/06/2016 17:42:46

Levamos ao conhecimento de V. Sa. que se acha devidamente protocolado neste Tabelionato, para ser protestado, o título abaixo anexado.

Lei nº 9.492 de 10 setembro de 1997.
Art. 12. O protesto será registrado dentro de três dias úteis contados da protocolização do título ou documento de dívida.
§ 1º Na contagem do prazo a que se refere o caput exclui-se o dia da protocolização e inclui-se o do vencimento.

Favor comparecer munido deta intimação, no horário das 8:00h às 17:00h

Atenciosamente,Liliane peixoto.

The link in the email message in this case goes to:


This downloads an executable PROTESTO.exe with a VirusTotal detection rate of 15/56. Automated analysis [1] [2] [3] shows it dropping a further executable OViLQKDS.exe which has a detection rate of 16/56. Analysis of that is inconclusive [4] [5] [6] is inconclusive, but it looks like some kind of information stealer.

Thursday, 17 March 2016

Malware spam: "Remittance Adivce" from random senders

This fake financial spam has a malicious attachment and poor spelling in the subject field.

From:    Booth.Garth19@idsbangladesh.net.bd
Date:    17 March 2016 at 09:17
Subject:    Remittance Adivce

Please find attached a remittance advice for payment made yo you today.

Please contact the accounts team on 020 2286 7847 or via reply email for any queries regarding this payment.

Kind Regards

Garth Booth
Sender names, contact number and attachment names vary, but I have seen just a single variant of the attachment with a VirusTotal detection rate of 1/55. The Malwr report for this sample sees a download from:


This download location is almost certainly completely malicious, and is hosted at: (ITL, Ukraine)

This dropped file has a detection rate of 3/56. That VirusTotal and this Malwr report indicate network traffic to: (PSINet, Canada) (DotSi, Portugal)

The payload is uncertain, but it could be the Dridex banking trojan.


The DeepViz analysis  also shows traffic to: (Leaseweb, Netherlands)

Recommended blocklist:

Friday, 29 July 2011

Fake jobs: chile-hh.com, cl-joblists.com, pt-joblist.com and spain-joblist.com

Four new fake job domains today, targeting victims in South America, Spain and Portugal.


These domains were all registered in the past few days. The standard email approach seems to be "from" the victim, and they are often badly translated into Portuguese and Spanish.

The "jobs" on offer are not jobs at all, they usually involve money laundering and other criminal activities. They form part of this very long running scam that has been going on for years.

Three of the four domains have a new (fake) registrant that we haven't seen before:

Alexey Kernel
    Email: johnkernel26@yahoo.co.uk
    Organization: Alexey Kernel
    Address: Kreshchatyk Street 34
    City: Kiev
    State: Kiev
    ZIP: 01090
    Country: UA
    Phone: +38.00442794512 

If you have an example email, please consider sharing it in the comments.

Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Fake jobs: chile-hh.com, cv-trabalho.com, espana-hh.com and worldjoblists.com

These domains are being used to advertise fake jobs and appear to be targeting Spanish and Portuguese speakers. They form part of this long-running series of domains associated with fake job offers.


The jobs being offered are typically money laundering (lavado de dinero / lavagem de dinheiro) which are highly illegal. It is possible that some other jobs offered may be "back office" functions, including translation into local languages.

The domains are very new, registered in the past two days to:

Ricardo Lopez
    Email: ricardolip2@yahoo.com
    Organization: Ricardo Lopez
    Address: ul. Liivalaia 34-10
    City: Tallin
    State: Tallin
    ZIP: 15040
    Country: EE
    Phone: +3.726317190 

If you have any examples of mail using these domains, please consider sharing them in the Comments section. Thanks.