..well, as legitimate as anything is in the world of HYIPs. Most HYIPs are generally just a front for Ponzi schemes and offer ridiculous payout rates such as 2% interest per day (about 624% per year) which are clearly unsustainable.
Anyway, as you can imagine there are a LOT of fraudulent HYIP schemes (are there any that are actually legitimate?) GoldPoll.com attempts to flag up schemes that aren't paying up.. which means that they have obviously annoyed some HYIP scammer somewhere who has decided to carry out a Joe Job against GoldPoll.com:
Subject: Gold Poll
From: goldpoll.com.ads@gmail.com
Date: Sat, December 6, 2008 3:57 pm
The most relevant information about the top HYIP programs from the best hyip monitoring. http://www.goldpoll.com
We personally invest in each HYIP and check the reliability of everyday payments. Click on any HYIP name to be redirected to it. Click on Program Details to get further information about a HYIP, find other members' posts and vote yourself.
Now GoldPoll.com states: "We never send SPAM and hate SPAMmers. Please don't trust in any e-mail that appeared to be from us and not stated on our Newsletters Archive!" which of course doesn't mean that much.. but a close investigation of the offending email indicates that it came from in China. Now, isn't just any IP address, it happens to be a server where a number of HYIP related domains are hosted:
- Accuramoney.com
- Bestinvestfar.com
- Bestnethosta.com
- Dalamonda.com
- Google-analyser.com
- Google-optimise.com
- Google-spider.com
- Healthcarem.com
- Heroesadvent.com
- Homegome.com
- Injektus.com
- Jampadventures.com
- Libertyreiserve.com
- Libertyrescerve.com
- Luckautomachine.com
- Luckjewel.com
- Maxcargotrade.com
- Ordtechnologies.com
- Platinumtvonline.com
- Sekermen.com
- Toguessgame.com
- Trancgroup.com
- Webtradersite.com
It seems that there is a related server to this at, at least one of the domains (nasdaq-invest.com) is on GoldPoll.com's blacklist (there may be others).
- Al-moeed.com
- Boodjewel.com
- Deluxeinvestment.org
- E-investbank.net
- Fastprofit-2008.com
- Futureinvest.biz
- Gpttalkpro.com
- Higaintrade.com
- Hyip-profits.com
- Hyip-world.com
- Hyipchecking.com
- Hyipozaurus.biz
- Katyadumper.com
- Libertyrieserve.com
- Mcdump.com
- Monemoke.com
- Moneyinvests.biz
- More-invest-2009.com
- Nasdaq-invest.com
- Pensioninsurancefund.com
- Perfectservers1.us
- Photos-vn.com
- Realforex.us
- Sectrustbonline.com
- Solid-fund.com
- Supervirtualcards.com
- Teekypleaze.com
- Tieudiemchinh.com
- Tomerbusiness.com
- Tophyipsite.com
- Ukoblos.com
- Userinvest.com
- Wertor.info
- Wmrub.com
But really my best advice is to avoid HYIP altogether. It's basically just a form of gambling, but with much worse odds in the long run.