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Showing posts with label Spam. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spam. Show all posts

Monday 18 March 2019

"Central Intelligence Agency - Case #79238516" extortion spam

I've seen various extortion spams over the past 12 months or so, but this one has a particularly vicious twist.

If you haven't seen one of these before - it's just a spam, randomly sent to your email address. You can safely ignore it.

From:    Liza Guest [liza-guest@eosj.cia-gov-it.tk]
Reply-To:    liza-guest@eosj.cia-gov-it.tk
To:    [redacted]
Date:    18 Mar 2019, 06:33
Subject:    Central Intelligence Agency - Case #79238516

Case #79238516
Distribution and storage of pornographic electronic materials involving underage children.
My name is Liza Guest and I am a technical collection officer working for Central Intelligence Agency.
It has come to my attention that your personal details including your email address ([redacted]) are listed in case #79238516.
The following details are listed in the document's attachment:
  • Your personal details,
  • Home address,
  • Work address,
  • List of relatives and their contact information.
Case #79238516 is part of a large international operation set to arrest more than 2000 individuals suspected of paedophilia in 27 countries.
The data which could be used to acquire your personal information:
  • Your ISP web browsing history,
  • DNS queries history and connection logs,
  • Deep web .onion browsing and/or connection sharing,
  • Online chat-room logs,
  • Social media activity log.
The first arrests are scheduled for April 8, 2019.
Why am I contacting you ?
I read the documentation and I know you are a wealthy person who may be concerned about reputation.
I am one of several people who have access to those documents and I have enough security clearance to amend and remove your details from this case. Here is my proposition.
Transfer exactly $10,000 USD (ten thousand dollars - about 2.5 BTC) through Bitcoin network to this special bitcoin address:
You can transfer funds with online bitcoin exchanges such as Coinbase, Bitstamp or Coinmama. The deadline is March 27, 2019 (I need few days to access and edit the files).
Upon confirming your transfer I will take care of all the files linked to you and you can rest assured no one will bother you.
Please do not contact me. I will contact you and confirm only when I see the valid transfer.
Liza Guest
Technical Collection Officer
Directorate of Science and Technology
Central Intelligence Agency

Another version comes "from" tannerlynch@oiks.cia-gov-it.gq and solicits payments to 32ngJWq6YYGUfvCbj3Ji7MNSnqi3rdM5qa. There are probably others. At the time of writing, neither of these two Bitcoin wallets had received any payment.

Thursday 10 May 2018

Malware spam: "New documents available for download" / service@barclaysdownloads.co.uk / barclaysdownloads.com

This fake Barclays spam seems to lead to the Trickbot banking trojan.

From:    Barclays [service@barclaysdownloads.co.uk]
Date:    10 May 2018, 13:16
Subject:    New documents available for download
Signed by:    barclaysdownloads.co.uk
Security:    Standard encryption (TLS) Learn more

Barclays Bank PLC Has Sent You Important Account Documents to Sign

You can view the document in your Barclays Cloud account. For additional security, the sender has set an open password for this document.

Documents assigned to: jlines@[redacted]
Your unique download password: "CJ98oZOwye"

To view or download the document please click here.

The submission number is id: bc7729-272sec912-91navc.
Please quote this number in any communications with Barclays.

Disclaimer: This email and any attachments are confidential and for the sole use of the recipients. If you have received this email in error please notify the sender.

Email Security Powered by Barclays IBE.

Copyright 2018 Barclays PLC. All rights reserved. 

The download password and submission number are the same in all cases I have seen. Clicking the link leads to a landing page at barclaysdownloads.com.

Entering the password downloads a document AccountDocuments.doc with a VirusTotal detection rate of 14/58, and Hybrid Analysis indicates that this uses an Equation Editor flaw to run a Powershell that downloads an additional component from:


The .bin file is saved as %TEMP%\lovemete.exe and this currently has a detection rate of 15/65. Hybrid Analysis indicates this is Trickbot.

barclaysdownloads.co.uk and barclaysdownloads.com have both been registered for this purpose, the latter of which is hosted at Cloudflare.

Friday 4 May 2018

"Best porno ever" Necurs spam

This spam (apparently from the Necurs botnet) promises much, but seems not to deliver.

From:    Susanne@victimdomain.tld [Susanne@victimdomain.tld]
Date:    4 May 2018, 10:22
Subject:    Best porno ever

Hi [redacted],

Best gay,teen,animal porno ever
Please click the following link to activate your account.


The sender's name varies, but is always in the same domain as the victim.

I only saw four different links in the body text:
Warning live links - do not click

None of these sites were working when I tested them. Hosting IPs are: (Ankas Ltd, Moldova) (3NT Solutions, UK) (Hostkey, Netherlands) (Netup, UK)

3NT Solutions are a well-known purveyor of badness and I recommend blocking everthing, What the payload is here is unclear, but you can guarantee that's it's nothing good. And probably not smut either.

Thursday 8 March 2018

"Faster payment" scam is not quite what it seems

I see a lot of "fake boss" fraud emails in my day job, but it's rare that I see them sent to my personal email address. These four emails all look like fake boss fraud emails, but there's something more going on here.

From:    Ravi [Redacted] <ravi@victimdomain.com>
Reply-To:    Ravi [Redacted] <ravi@victimdomain.com-3.eu>
To:    accounts@victimdomain.com
Date:    23 February 2018 at 12:02
Subject:    Arrange this payment

Pleаsе make а £9,627.00 faster раyment for thе nеw contrаctor.

Sort сode: 30-62-15
Acc. numbеr: 10255956
Paуeе: Olivia Hаrris

I will send the doсs as soon аs i'll sort out my stuff.
Lеаve a rерly oncе сomрlеted or in casе you get аnу рroblеm while sеtting it up.

Ravi [Redacted]

Sent from my iPhonе.


From:    Andrea [Redacted] <andrea@victimdomain.com>
Reply-To:    Andrea [Redacted] <andrea@victimdomain.com-0.eu>
To:    sarah@victimdomain.com
Date:    5 March 2018 at 10:31
Subject:    5 Mar. faster payment

Morning Sаrah

Plеаse sеtup a £9,736.00 fastеr рауmеnt in fаvour of the new bеnеfiсiаrу.

Sort code: 30-61-10
Acс. number: 10811231
Pауее: Thеa Smith

I will sеnd the doсs аs soon аs i'm lеss busу.
Leave a rерly once сomрletеd or if уou get аnу рroblеm whilе sеtting it uр.

Andreа [Redacted]

Sеnt from mу iPhone.


From:    Andrea [Redacted] <andrea@victimdomain.com>
Reply-To:    Andrea [Redacted] <andrea@victimdomain.com-v.eu>
To:    karen@victimdomain.com
Date:    7 March 2018 at 11:08
Subject:    Arrange this payment

Hi Karеn

I nеed you to аrrаnge а £8,643.00 fastеr рауmеnt for the nеw bеnеficiarу.

Sort code: 30-62-12
Acc. numbеr: 10240298
Benefiсiarу: Beatriсe Evans

I will sеnd thе doсumеnts as soon as i'm less busу.
Lеavе а rеply oncе donе or if you get аnу problem whilе sеtting it uр.

Andrеа [Redacted]

Sеnt from my iPhonе.


From:    Andrea [Redacted] <andrea@victimdomain.com>
Reply-To:    Andrea [Redacted] <andrea@victimdomain.com-v.eu>
To:    mary@victimdomain.com
Date:    8 March 2018 at 11:03
Subject:    8 Mar. faster payment

Hi Mаrу

I neеd уou to mаke a £8,839.00 faster раymеnt for the new supрlier.

Sort codе: 30-62-12
Acс. numbеr: 10738345
Benеficiаry: Emmа Brown

I will send the рapеrwork onсе i'll sort out mу stuff.
Lеаve а reрly once donе or if you gеt аny рroblem whilе setting it up.

Andrea [Redacted]

Sent from mу iPhone.

"Andrea" and "Ravi" are not random people, they are both directors of a legitimate company with a name very similar (but unconnected) with one I blogged about years ago. In $dayjob the sample email I saw was from that company's chief counsel, so I believe these are targeted but just incorrect.

Normally with this sort of scam, the "boss" is asking for payment to be wired to the bank details in the email. But in this case, the sort codes for the banks (30-62-12, 30-61-10 and 30-62-15) don't exist. If you tried to wire money to them, the transfer would fail.

So, presumably when the bank transfer fails, the victim emails back the "fake boss", but it isn't all it seems. Although the "From" address looks to be genuine, there's a "Reply-To" address which goes to something a but more subtle.

For example in one of the examples about the email appears to come from andrea@victimdomain.com (i.e. whatever the victim's genuine domain is) but replies go back to something similar but different, for example andrea@victimdomain.com-v.eu - at which point the fraudsters probably then come up with different bank account details.

At the moment the email replies go to a server at (hostname uk-v.eu) in the Netherlands, but these domains and servers get shut down quickly.

All these following domains are linked to the scam (there are probably more):

This variation of an old scam seems to be quite new. Remember, if your boss emails you out of the blue and asks you to set up a payment without giving much information, always check that the request is valid and don't simply reply to the email.

UPDATE 2018-03-12

Another version..

From:    Andrea [redacted] <andrea@victimdomain.com>
Reply-To:    Andrea [redacted] <andrea@victimdomain.com-w.eu>
To:    helen@victimdomain.com
Date:    12 March 2018 at 12:57
Subject:    Handle this payment

Hi Hеlеn

Pleasе makе a £8,909.00 fastеr payment for the nеw vеndor.

Sort сodе: 30-64-15
Acс. number: 10576602
Pаyeе: Elizabeth Moore

I will send the paperwork oncе i'll sort out mу stuff.
Lеave a rерlу whеn thе oреration is сomplеtе or in cаsе уou gеt аnу problеm whilе setting it up.

Andrеа [redacted]

Sеnt from my iPhone.
This uses the domain com-w.eu and is hosted on (hostname uk-w.eu) along with uk-b.eu.

UPDATE 2018-03-13

Two more examples with the same pattern:

From:    Ravi [redacted] <ravi@victimdomain.com>
Reply-To:    Ravi [redacted] <ravi@victimdomain.com-w.eu>
To:    keith@victimdomain.com
Date:    13 March 2018 at 09:52
Subject:    Payment due 13 mar.

Hi Keith

Plеase аrrange a £8,563.00 fаstеr paуment for the new benefiсiarу.

Sort code: 30-60-41
Acc. number: 10638574
Pауeе: Rosе Clarke

I will sеnd the pаperwork as soon аs i'm lеss busу.
Lеаvе а rеplу when the oрerаtion is сomрlеte or if уou gеt аny problem whilе setting it up.

Rаvi [redacted]

Sеnt from my iPhonе.


From:    Andrea [redacted] <andrea@victimdomain.com>
Reply-To:    Andrea [redacted] <andrea@victimdomain.com-w.eu>
To:    emma@victimdomain.com
Date:    13 March 2018 at 09:26
Subject:    Settle up this payment

Hi Emmа

Please mаkе a £8,999.00 fаstеr pаymеnt for the nеw benеfiсiаrу.

Sort codе: 30-60-41
Aсс. numbеr: 10167445
Bеnеficiаrу: Aisha Robinson

I will forward the docs onсe i'll sort out my stuff.
Lеаve a rеply once completed or in cаse уou get аny problеm while setting it uр.

Andreа [redacted]

Sеnt from mу iPhonе.

What I hadn't noticed before is that the spam is using homoglyphs in the text to avoid filters. For example, the word "pаymеnt" in the email above does not acutally say "payment", but it uses a couple of cyrillic (i.e. Russian) characters in place of the "a" and "e" that just look the same.

For the latest spam messages, the email relays through various hosts but always seems to originate from (hostname: lmasko22.example.com). As with the other infrastructure this belongs to a company called MoreneHost in Russia.

Monday 15 January 2018

Swisscoin [SIC] cryptocurrency spam

Swisscoin is a fairly low-volume self-styled cryptocurrency that has been the target of a Necurs-based spam run starting on Saturday 13th January, and increasing in volume to huge levels on Monday.

From:    Florine Fray [Fray.419@redacted.tld]
Date:    15 January 2018 at 10:51
Subject:    Could this digital currency actually make you a millionaire?

Every once in a while, an opportunity comes around. What divides winners from losers is those who seize it and those who don't. By now, you must have heard about all the people who made a killing with bitcoin over the last year. Some of them made more than ten million with just an initial purchase of a thousand bucks. What I want to ask you though is: Did you know that there are hundreds of other digital currencies that have had even bigger gains over the last twelve months? This includes Ripple, Ethereum and Raiblocks – you may have heard about some of them. What is the next big one for 2018? The answer in my opinion is simple. It's Swisscoin [SIC]. The reason for that is very straight forward. It's because it is supported by the Switzerland government. It is already considered as legal in the country and it is entirely shielded from any political instability. It's the type of coin that you can buy a thousand bucks of, and sit on for a few months or even years and that few thousand will likely be worth a few million. SIC has already doubled in value since Saturday and it will double or triple again by this Friday. So, what are you waiting for? For the time being it can only be purchased on /coinexchange [dot] io/ (that's the website address of the exchange). You can set up an account in about thirty seconds, then you send bitcoins to it and you can easily buy swiss coin. If you don't have any bitcoin already you can just google how to get some, it's super simple and will just take you 10 minutes at most, then transfer them to coinexchange's website and get the SIC


From:    Jeffry Looper [Looper63@redacted.tld]
Date:    13 January 2018 at 18:42
Subject:    This crypto coin could go up fifty thousand percent this year

Dear [redacted],

If you don't already own a few coins of something, then surely at the very least, you must have heard about cryptocurrencies.

Bitcoin, the most famous one, minted countless multimillionaires but did you know that altcoins (bitcoin alternatives) are responsible for even more riches?

Among the "big" ones, NEM went up almost 10,000 percent and Ethereum, more than 4,000 percent

Among the small and unknown ones several gained more than 50,000 percent.

To put this in perspective, a small 1,000-dollar coin purchase in one of these small ones could have turned into more than 50 million bucks.

It seems crazy, doesn't it? Well, it's the reality of the cryptocurrency market today.

Raiblocks, a relatively obscure coin at the time, went from 0.20 on December first to $20 by New Year's Eve. It is now in the top 20 largest coins in the world.

All that to say, the next big winner could be found anywhere, and today I believe I've identified the next one.

After spending hundreds of hours looking at hundreds of different coins, I locked down on one specific target.


As the name says, this is a coin created and headquartered in Switzerland. It is one of the only coins in the world recognized as legal tender by the government.

Swisscoin is allowed by the Swiss government and has the potential to climb more than 5,000% before the end of January and more than 50,000% before the end of this year.

This is one of those rare buy-and-hold coins which you WANT to own, and hang onto for the long term, much like those people who bought bitcoin at $1 and kept it for 3 years. FYI, bitcoin is trading at $14,000 now. That's an increase of over 1 million percent.

I recommend you consider putting at least a thousand bucks in Swisscoin immediately. This could quickly turn into enough money to buy a new house, or at the very least a new car.

For those of you who already have bitcoins, all you need to do is open an account at coinexchange.io (this is the url/website, and it takes 1 minute to get setup), transfer some btc to your new account and buy SIC (Swisscoin).

For those of you who are still clueless about Cryptos, the process will be a little bit longer but well worth it.

Open an account at a large exchange such as Coinbase dot com or Coinmama dot com, then add some fund using your credit/debit card or Paypal.

That's the fastest way, but you will be limited to a few hundred bucks at most. It should be enough to get you quickly started but consider adding more funds using a bank transfer so that you can really have skin in the game.

Remember, every thousand bucks of SIC you buy today could easily turn into 500,000 by this time next year.


From:    Justine Mcfall [Mcfall0748@redacted.tld]
Date:    14 January 2018 at 16:42
Subject:    Let me tell you about one crypto currency that could turn 1000 bucks into 1 million

If you took a chance on bitcoin early on, just a few years ago, your investment could have paid off in a big way.
According to digital-currency website CoinDesk the value of bitcoins was volatile at the beginning.

It was possible to purchase a single bitcoin for just a few cents. Had you bought just a thousand bucks' worth you would be sitting on millions right now.

Want to know what's even crazier? These types of returns have been replicated hundreds of times over so many different alternative coins and it continue happening all the time.

The trick is to buy into a coin very early on before the crowds notice it.

My research shows that Swisscoin (SIC) is going to be the next big one to blow up this year. It has already doubled since yesterday and as the trend continues it could be 10 times as high before the end of the coming week.

Swisscoin is one of the only coins approved by the government in Switzerland. It is 100% legal and useable in everyday life.

Switzerland's Swiss Franc has been one of the most stable and best performing currencies throughout history and Swisscoin aims to replicate this standard with the digital coin.

Could you turn a thousand bucks into a million before the end of 2018 with SIC? The answer is a clear yes.

For the time being SIC only trades on one exchange: coinexchange.io so you need to open an account there (takes about thirty seconds), and transfer bitcoin to it so you can make the purchase.

If you don't own any digital currency yet then you need to open an account at coinbase or coinmama and buy some btc (bitcoin) with your credit or debit card or bank account.

After you get bitcoins, just follow the instructions in the above paragraph.

One thing is for sure, you definitely don't want to miss out on Swisscoin.
Swisscoin trading was recently suspended and only started up again a few days ago. The chart at World Coin Index shows that this has been a real rollercoaster ride.

There are questions as to whether Swisscoin is actually a cryptocurrency or a Ponzi scheme. Honestly, I don't know and I'd advise you to do your own research. However, this has all the markings of a pump-and-dump scheme, so it's quite possible that someone who bought Swisscoins at their peak wants to pump the price up so they can sell off their holdings. Given that the spam is being sent out from a network of hacked machines and does not comply with anti-spam laws, you can pretty much guarantee that this is not legitimate and should be avoided.

UPDATE: a subsequent spam run looks like this:

From:    Trenton Manners [Manners.491@redacted.tld]
Date:    15 January 2018 at 18:42
Subject:    Forget about bitcoin, there's a way better coin you can buy.

It's probably not news to you at this point if I tell you that bitcoin has made tons of people tons of money. Something else you probably already know is that it will never go up like crazy again. Its time to shine is long gone. That's why we must look into what the next big thing is, and the truth is that there have been plenty over the last few months. Can you jump on the next huge one before it soars? Swiss coin {SIC} is the most likely candidate for a fifty thousand percent return this year. It has the support of the Switzerland government. It is already considered as legal in the country. It's the type of coin that you can buy a thousand bucks of right now, sit on for a small period of time and you could make out crazy wealthy when all is said and done. SIC has already doubled since Saturday. This long Martin Luther King weekend could bring you even more upside if you act quickly. For those of you who know what this means… you can get it for under 50 satoshi right now. And if you have no clue what this means, it basically means that you can get in on the ground floor How do you get some? You just need an account at coinexchange. Read the currency's official page to find out more info: https://swisscoin.eu/sic-deposits.html

Tuesday 31 October 2017

Tuesday 24 October 2017

Malware spam: "Order acknowledgement for BEPO/N1/380006006(2)"

A change to the usual Necurs rubbish, this fake order has a malformed .z archive file which contains a malicious executable with an icon to make it look like an Office document.

Reply-To:    purchase@animalagriculture.org
To:    Recipients [DY]
Date:    24 October 2017 at 06:48
Subject:    FW: Order acknowledgement for BEPO/N1/380006006(2)

Dear All,
Kindly find the attached Purchase order# IT/IMP06/06-17 and arrange to send us the order acknowledgement by return mail.

Note: Please expedite
the delivery as this item is very urgently required.

Regards,  Raj Kiran

BHARAT ELECTRONICS LIMITED  BANGALORE  PH:9180-22195857  BEL Website : www.bel-india.com SRM PORTAL :https://hpcrmp.iscodom.com/irj/portal

Every Sheets of paper is made from a tree.. Save trees... Conserve Trees.... Go Green .... Don't print this email or any Files unless you really need to!!!!
Confidentiality Notice

The information contained in this electronic message and any attachments to this message are intended for the exclusive use of the addressee(s) and may contain confidential or privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender at Bharat Electronics or support@bel.co.in immediately and destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

Attached is a file Purchase order comfirmation.doc.z which contains a malicious executable Purchase order comfirmation.exe which currently has a detection rate of 12/66. It looks like the archive type does not actually match the extension..

If the intended target hides file extensions then it is easy to see how they could be fooled..

Incidentally, VirusTotal shows this information about the file:

Copyright: (c)1998 by RicoSoft
Product: System Investigation
Description: System Investigation for NT/9x
Original Name: SysInv2.exe
Internal Name: SysInv2
File Version:
Comments: Freeware / Careware from RicoSoft

Obviously that's fake, but a bit of Googling around shows SysInv2.exe being used in other similar attacks.

The Hybrid Analysis for is a little interesting (seemingly identifying it as Loki Bot), showing the malware phoning home to:

jerry.eft-dongle.ir/njet/five/fre.php   ( / Mizban Web Paytakht Co. Ltd., Iran)

Actually, the IP is leaded from OVH and claims to belong to dedicatedland.com in Birmingham, UK:

organisation:   ORG-MWPM1-RIPE
org-name:       Mizban Web Paytakht Mizban Web Paytakht
org-type:       OTHER
address:        55 Orion Building, 90 Navigation Street
address:        B5 4AA Birmingham
address:        GB
e-mail:         info@dedicatedland.com
abuse-mailbox:  info@dedicatedland.com
phone:          +44.7455017803
mnt-ref:        OVH-MNT
mnt-by:         OVH-MNT
created:        2015-01-22T22:12:03Z
last-modified:  2015-01-22T22:12:03Z
source:         RIPE

The small range is marked as "failover IPs".  The WHOIS for dedicatedland.com comes up with a bogus looking address in Massachusetts:

Registrant Email: info@dedicatedland.com
Registry Admin ID: Not Available From Registry
Admin Name: Mizban Web Paytakht LLC
Admin Organization: irnameserver.com
Admin Street: Newton Center 
Admin City: Newton Center
Admin State/Province: Massachusetts
Admin Postal Code: 00000
Admin Country: US
Admin Phone: +1.00000000
Admin Phone Ext:
Admin Fax:
Admin Fax Ext: 

However RIPE show them as being in Tehran:
Mizban Web Paytakht Co. Ltd.

No.43, North Ekhtiyariyeh St, Ekhtiyariyeh Sqr
1958743611 Tehran

phone:   +98 2122587469
fax:  +98 2122761180
e-mail:  info (at) dedicatedland (dot) com
Anyway, if you are not interested in sending traffic to Iran, Mizban Web Paytakht own AS64428 which comprises of as well. I'll make a guess that the range
may be insecure and could be worth blocking.

The email itself originates from which is allocated as follows:

CustName:       jason Richards
Address:        121 main street
City:           suffolk
StateProv:      VA
PostalCode:     23434
Country:        US
RegDate:        2017-01-16
Updated:        2017-01-16
Ref:            https://whois.arin.net/rest/customer/C06298370

You probably don't need to accept .z attachments at your mail perimeter, and any decent anti-spam tool should be able to look inside archives to determine was is in there.

Sunday 8 October 2017

Scam: "Help Your Child To Be A Professional Footballer." / info@champ-footballacademyagency.co.uk

This spam email is a scam:

Subject:       Help Your Child To Be A Professional Footballer.
From:       "FC Academy" [csa@sargas-tm.eu]
Date:       Sun, October 8, 2017 10:30 am
To:       "Recipients" [fcsa@sargas-tm.eu]
Priority:       Normal

Does your child desire to become a professional footballer?

Our football academy are currently scouting for young football player to participate in 3-6 months training and  our main purpose is to recruit young and talented footballers to help become a great football  player in Life and become a great star .  Our agent will train and linked your child up with big clubs in United Kingdom and Europe.

We will also help your child to get Visa and Work Permit once the admission into our football academy is approved.

Our aim is to provide a wide range of opportunities to complement a successful playing career. We will help your child to find the best route to fulfilling their ambitions of becoming a professional footballer in United Kingdom and Europe.

If you want to help your child achieve their soccer dream, reply us for more information.
Best Regards,

At the time of writing the domain sargas-tm.eu does not exist, but the Reply-To address is actually info@champ-footballacademyagency.co.uk which is a registered domain. The WHOIS details for this say:

Domain name:

        NELSON OZI

    Registrant type:

    Registrant's address:
        404 sapphire tower
        404 sapphire tower
        United States

    Data validation:
        Nominet was not able to match the registrant's name and/or address against a 3rd party
source on 19-Sep-2017

        Web4Africa Ltd. t/a Web4Africa [Tag = WEB4AFRICA-GH]
        URL: https://www.web4africa.net

    Relevant dates:
        Registered on: 19-Sep-2017
        Expiry date:  19-Sep-2018
        Last updated:  19-Sep-2017

    Registration status:
        Registered until expiry date.

    Name servers:

WHOIS lookup made at 10:50:09 08-Oct-2017

There are lots of suspect things about this domain registration - the address is clearly fake, the registrar is based in South Africa and the nameservers are in Russia, and also it was registered just a few weeks ago. A quick bit of Googling around shows that "Nelson Ozi" is also linked to the following probably fraudulent domains:


These all seem to be connected with an IP range (Web4Africa again) which does seem to have a lot of scammy sites hosted on it. Blocking access to that range might be prudent.

The spam email itself comes via another Russian server mail.elmeh.ru but this particular email originated from in Vietnam. Replies to the champ-footballacademyagency.co.uk email would be set to mx.yandex.net which is in Russia again.

It would probably be quite difficult to stuff any more dodgy indicators into this spam. What the scam actually is isn't 100% clear, it could be anything from a simple advanced fee fraud all the way up to child abduction. Avoid.

Thursday 28 September 2017

Malware spam: "Emailing: Scan0xxx" from "Sales" delivers Locky or Trickbot

This fake document scan delivers different malware depending on the victim's location:

Subject:       Emailing: Scan0963
From:       "Sales" [sales@victimdomain.tld]
Date:       Thu, September 28, 2017 10:31 am

Your message is ready to be sent with the following file or link


Note: To protect against computer viruses, e-mail programs may prevent
sending or receiving certain types of file attachments.  Check your e-mail
security settings to determine how attachments are handled.
Attached is a .7z file with a name matching the "Scan" part in the header and body text. MD5s of those seen so far (there may be more):


Inside is a malicious VBS script (example) which exhibits a curious feature:

If you are in the UK, Australia, Ireland, Belgium or Luxembourg you get one binary [VT 12/64], everyone else gets another [VT 20/64]. My Online Security describes this in more detail - the first group get the Trickbot banking trojan and everyone gets Locky ransomware.

In the samples I saw, the Trickbot download locations were:


The Locky download locations:


There may be other locations too.

The following legitimate services are used for geolocation. They might be worth monitoring:


All these recent attacks have used .7z archive files which would require 7zip or a compatible program to unarchive. Most decent mail filtering tools should be able to block or strip this extension, more clever ones would be able to determine that there is a .vbs script in there and block on that too.


A more complete list of download locations from a trusted source (thank you!)



Tuesday 26 September 2017

Malware spam: "AutoPosted PI Notifier"

This spam has a .7z file leading to Locky ransomware.
From:      "AutoPosted PI Notifier" [NoReplyMailbox@redacted.tld]
Subject:      Invoice PIS9344608
Date:      Tue, September 26, 2017 5:29 pm

Please find Invoice PIS9344608 attached.
The number referenced in the spam varies, but attached is a .7z archive file with a matching filename. In turn, this contains one of a number of malicious VBS scripts (like this) that download an executable from one of the following locations (thanks to a trusted source for these):


The dropped file currently has a detection rate of 21/63. There are no C2s.

Thursday 21 September 2017

Malware spam: "Invoice RE-2017-09-21-00xxx" from "Amazon Marketplace"

This fake Amazon spam comes with a malicious attachment:

Subject:       Invoice RE-2017-09-21-00794
From:       "Amazon Marketplace" [yAhbPDAoufvZE@marketplace.amazon.co.uk]
Date:       Thu, September 21, 2017 9:21 am
Priority:       Normal

------------- Begin message -------------

Dear customer,

We want to use this opportunity to first say "Thank you very much for your purchase!"

Attached to this email you will find your invoice.

Kindest of regards,
your Amazon Marketplace



------------- End message -------------

For Your Information: To help arbitrate disputes and preserve trust and safety, we
retain all messages buyers and sellers send through Amazon.co.uk. This includes your
response to the message below. For your protection we recommend that you only
communicate with buyers and sellers using this method.

Important: Amazon.co.uk's A-to-z Guarantee only covers third-party purchases paid
for through our Amazon Payments system via our Shopping Cart or 1-Click. Our
Guarantee does not cover any payments that occur off Amazon.co.uk including wire
transfers, money orders, cash, check, or off-site credit card transactions.

We want you to buy with confidence whenever you purchase products on Amazon.co.uk.
Learn more about Safe Online Shopping
(http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/help/customer/display.html?nodeId=11081621) and our safe
buying guarantee

Attached is a .7z archive file with a name that matches the one quoted in the subject line. So far I have seen just two versions of this, each containing a malicious script (sample here and here). These scripts have a detection rate of about 13/58 and they can been seen attempted to download a component from:


An executable is dropped (Locky ransomware) with a detection rate of 18/64. Although Hybrid Analysis [1] [2] clearly shows the ransomware, no C2s are currently available (it turns out there aren't any).

UPDATE - additional download locations:

Monday 18 September 2017

Malware spam: "Status of invoice" with .7z attachment

This spam leads to Locky ransomware:

Subject:       Status of invoice
From:       "Rosella Setter" ordering@[redacted]
Date:       Mon, September 18, 2017 9:30 am


Could you please let me know the status of the attached invoice? I
appreciate your help!

Best regards,

Rosella Setter

Tel: 206-575-8068 x 100

Fax: 206-575-8094

*NEW*   Ordering@[redacted].com

* Kindly note we will be closed Monday in observance of Labor Day *

The name of the sender varies. Attached is a .7z arhive file with a name similar to A2174744-06.7z which contains in turn a malicious .vbs script with a random number for a filename (examples here and here).

Automated analysis of those two samples [1] [2] [3] [4] show this is Locky ransomware. Those two scripts attempt to download a component from:


An executable is dropped with a detection rate of 19/64 which Hybrid Analysis shows is phoning home to: (Monte Telecom, Estonia) (Layer 6, Bulgaria)

.7z files are popular with the bad guys pushing Locky at the moment. Blocking them at your mail perimiter may help.

Recommended blocklist:

Wednesday 6 September 2017

QTUM Cryptocurrency spam

This spam email appears to be sent by the Necurs botnet, advertising a new Bitcoin-like cryptocurrency called QTUM. Necurs is often used to pump malware, pharma and data spam and sometimes stock pump and dump.

There is no guarantee that this is actually being sent by the people running QTUM, it could simply be a Joe Job to disrupt operations. Given some of the wording alluding to illegal marketplaces, I suspect this could be the case.

Subject:       Qtum Main Network Launches September 13th, 2017
From:       "Lou Roberson"
Date:       Wed, September 6, 2017 6:37 am
Priority:       Normal

The Blockchain Made Ready for Business
Build Anonymous Decentralized Applications that Simply Work
Executable on mobile devices, compatible with major existing blockchain
The Qtum Foundation is a Singapore based entity that promotes
adoption of the Qtum Blockchain. Project inception began in
March 2016, leading up to a successful crowdsale a year later.
Over 10,000 BTC and 72,000 ETH were raised in less than 5 days,
making Qtum one of the largest crowdfunded projects in history,
at $15.6 million dollars.

Investors received 51,000,000 Qtum tokens which will be
available for withdrawal on September 13, 2017.

The Qtum Foundation plans to be the anonymous blockchain for
business. Development efforts will allow us to market this
platform tovarious industries, such as: Mobile
Telecommunications, Counterfeit Protection, Finance, Industrial
Logistics (shipping, warranty,etc), Manufacturing, P2P Anonymous
Transfers and Anonymous Market Management from phone.
Build anonymous decentralized applications you can trust
Smart Contracts that Mean Business
Qtum makes it easier than ever for established sectors and
legacy institutions to interface with blockchain technology.
Create your own tokens, automate supply chain management and
engage in self-executing agreements in a standardized
environment, verified and tested for stability.


    Total QTUM Supply: 100,000,000
    Block Target: 128 seconds
    Stake Return: ~4 QTUM
    Algorithm: SHA256

Sparknet is designed primarily for developers, and as such
documentation at this point will be technical and suited more
for developers.  Testnet tokens do not hold any value and should
not be traded for any monetary instruments. The testnet can be
reset or forked at anytime as deemed necessary for development.

Forum Announcement:

Release on github:

Qtum Sparknet Usage and Information: Please see:

Aug 15 The 2nd Qtum Test Network, Skynet, is now live: SKYNET
Qtum Skynet, the second public testnet for the Qtum blockchain.
All tokens aqcuired during the testnet will cease to exist 
when the mainnet is released which actually has tokens which
hold value. The purpose of the public testnet is to allow
developers to begin testing and developing applications, allow
early adopters to see a preview of how the network will behave,
and for the Qtum development team to run several load tests
which are not directly comparable when done on a private and
controlled network. Qtum Skynet will ideally have the same
consensus features and parameters as the Qtum mainnet.

Qtum Skynet Usage and Information:
Please see:
Please see:

As soon as Main Network will be launched, you will be availaible
to build your own applications (DApps) or marketplaces. Fully
scalable and anonymous, so you can easy made any anonymous
marketplace which can be manage from your phone!

Just imagine, your own silkroad made on Qtum blockchain and
managed from your phone with fully anonymous transactions!

    No matter what kind of business you are building, all
transactions will be anonymous, and the network will never
reveal the ip addresses of the applications that are running
on it.

    Even if you sell weapons, drugs, trade in people and are
going to organize a coup d'?tat, you can be sure that you
will remain anonymous.

    Another thing is that it is illegal and sooner or later you
will receive the punishment that you deserve. But everyone
want to know how deep the rabbit hole goes.

    For our part, we can only provide a reliable, scalable and
anonymous ecosystem thanks to which any business can be
built on it and we guarantee that we will do everything
possible to make it sucesfull.

    We give you a choice - "blue pill or red pill"
        What Will your choice be?

    So, you have to prepare for Main Network launch  Qtum Custom
Token Walkthrough
The QTUM token supply will be allocated as follows:

    - 51% of Qtum tokens (51,000,000) will be distributed
through the crowdsale
    - 20% of Qtum tokens (20,000,000 QTUM) will be distributed
among founders, early backers and the development team
    - 29% of Qtum tokens (29,000,000 QTUM) will be allocated to
community initiatives concerning business development, as
    well as academic research, education, and market expansion

For a more detailed overview of QTUM token allocation visit our
website: https://qtum.org/en/crowdsale#question-2
Coinone:   https://coinone.co.kr/exchange/trade/qtum/
Yunbi: https://yunbi.com/markets/qtumcny
Bittrex: https://bittrex.com/Market/Index?MarketName=BTC-QTUM
CHBTC: https://www.chbtc.com/qtum
BTER: https://bter.com/trade/qtum_cny

Yubi: https://www.jubi.com/coin/qtum/
Yuanbao:   https://www.yuanbao.com/trade/qtum2cny
Binance:   https://www.binance.com/trade.html?symbol=QTUM_ETH
Allcoin: https://allcoin.com/markets/QTUM-BTC/0/
BTC9: https://btc9.com/trade/22
Biduobao: https://www.biduobao.com/market-qtum.html
Liqui: https://liqui.io/#/exchange/QTUM_USDT
Cryptopia: https://www.cryptopia.co.nz/Exchange?market=QTUM_BTC
COSS: https://exchange.coss.io/pair/qtum-eth
HitBTC: https://hitbtc.com/exchange/QTUM-to-ETH/size
Novaexchange: https://novaexchange.com/market/BTC_QTUM/
See the full team at: https://qtum.org/en/team

    We are looking for developers to build the next generation
DApps on top of Qtum and invite you all to give our testnet
a try.

    We are always on the lookout to enrich our very talented
team, the next team member can be you!


    currently 4500+ Chinese community members

As far as I can see, there are no malicious links anywhere. This one can probably be marked down as an annoyance, and it should be easy enough to block or filter.

Tuesday 5 September 2017

Malware spam: "Scanning" pretending to be from tayloredgroup.co.uk

This spam email pretends to be from tayloredgroup.co.uk but it is just a simple forgery leading to Locky ransomware. There is both a malicious attachment and link in the body text. The name of the sender varies.

Subject:       Scanning
From:       "Jeanette Randels" [Jeanette.Randels@tayloredgroup.co.uk]
Date:       Thu, May 18, 2017 8:26 pm

Jeanette Randels DipFA

Taylored Group
26 City Business Centre
Hyde Street
SO23 7TA

Members of the CAERUS Capital Group


Office Number: 01962 826870
Mobile: 07915 612277
email: Jeanette.Randels@tayloredgroup.co.uk

Taylored Financial Planning is a trading style of Jonathan & Carole
Taylor who are an appointed representative of Caerus Financial Limited,
Building 120, Windmill Hill Business Park, Swindon, SN5 6NX which is authorised
and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

Email communications are not secure, for this reason Taylored
Financial Planning cannot guarantee the security of the email or its contents or
that it remains virus free once sent. This email message is strictly
confidential and intended solely for the person or organisation to who it is
addressed. It may contain privileged and confidential information and if you are
not the recipient, you must not copy, distribute or take any action in
reference to it. If you have received this email in error, please notify us as
soon as possible and delete the message from your system. 
Despite having what appears to be a Dropbox URL, the link actually goes to another site completely and downloads a .7z archive file containing a malicious VBS script. Attached is another .7z archive file with a slightly different evil VBS script inside.

Detection rates for the scripts are about 13/58 [1] [2]. Automated analysis [3] [4] [5] [6]  shows Locky ransomware attempting to phone home to the following locations: (FOP Sedinkin Olexandr Valeriyovuch aka thehost.ua, Ukraine) (McHost.ru / VDSINA, Russia)

McHost is such a well-known purveyor of toxic crap that I recommend you block all of their ranges (plus I guess the related VDSINA ones), or even block the entire Webzilla AS35415. You can find a list of the network ranges here. Also thehost.ua also has a lot of crap and I would lean towards blocking whole network ranges.

Recommended minimum blocklist:

Friday 25 August 2017

Malware spam: "Voicemail Service" / "New voice message.."

The jumble of numbers in this spam is a bit confusing. Attached is a malicious RAR file that leads to Locky ransomware.

Subject:       New voice message 18538124076 in mailbox 185381240761 from "18538124076" <6641063681>
From:       "Voicemail Service" [vmservice@victimdomain.tdl]
Date:       Fri, August 25, 2017 12:36 pm

Dear user:

just wanted to let you know you were just left a 0:13 long message (number 18538124076)
in mailbox 185381240761 from "18538124076" <6641063681>, on Fri, 25 Aug 2017
14:36:41 +0300
so you might want to check it when you get a chance.  Thanks!

                                --Voicemail Service
Attached is a RAR file containing a malicious VBS script. The scripts are all slightly different, meaning that the RARs are too. These are the MD5s I've seen so far for the RAR files themselves:


The VBS script is similar to this (variable names seem to change mostly) with a detection rate of about 15/59. Hybrid Analysis shows it dropping a Locky executable with a 18/65 detection rate which phones home to (Baxnet, Russia) which I recommend that you block.

Malware spam: "Your Sage subscription invoice is ready" / noreply@sagetop.com

This fake Sage invoice leads to Locky ransomware. Quite why Sage are picked on so much by the bad guys is a bit of a mystery.

Subject:       Your Sage subscription invoice is ready
From:       "noreply@sagetop.com" [noreply@sagetop.com]
Date:       Thu, August 24, 2017 8:49 pm

Dear Customer

Your Sage subscription invoice is now ready to view.

Sage subscriptions

To view your Sage subscription invoice click here 

Got a question about your invoice?

Call us on 0845 111 6604

If you're an Accountant, please call 0845 111 1197
If you're a Business Partner, please call 0845 111 7787

Kind Regards

The Sage UK Subscription Team

Please note: There is no unsubscribe option on this email, as it is a service
message, not a marketing communication. This email was sent from an address that
cannot accept replies. Please use the contact details above if you need to get in
touch with us.

The link in the email downloads a malicious RAR file. The samples I saw were closely clustered alphabetically.


The RAR file itself contains a malicious VBS script that looks like this [pastebin] with a detection rate of 19/56, which attempts to download another component from:


Automated analysis of the file [1] [2] shows a dropped binary with a 39/64 detection rate, POSTing to  (Reg.Ru, Russia)

Recommended blocklist:

Thursday 24 August 2017

Multiple badness on metoristrontgui.info /

Two massive fake "Bill" spam runs seem to be under way, one claiming to be from BT and the other being more generic.

Subject:       New BT Bill
From:       "BT Business" [btbusiness@bttconnect.com]
Date:       Thu, August 24, 2017 6:08 pm
Priority:       Normal

From BT
New BT Bill

Your bill amount is: $106.84
This doesn't include any amounts brought forward from any other bills.

We've put your latest BT bill for you to view. See your bill here

We'll take your payment from your account as usual by Direct Debit.

Reduce paper waste
You're still getting paper bills by post. Why not go paper-free, and stop storing and shredding them once and for all?

Need some help?
Go to www.bt.com/business/support.

Thanks for choosing BT.

Robena Morath
CEO, BT Business

Payment processing fee: BT Payment Services Ltd, a BT Group Company, charges this fee.
This or confidential. It's meant only for the individual(s) email contains BT information, which may be privileged or entity named above. If you're not the intended recipient, note that disclosing, copying, distributing or using this information is prohibited. If you've received this email in error, please let me know immediately on the email address above. Thank you. We monitor our email system, and may record your emails.

And a simpler one..

From:    Dianna Mcgrew
Date:    24 August 2017 at 14:50
Subject:    Bill-9835


Here is a copy of your bill.

Thank you & have a great weekend!
Most (but not all) of the samples I  have seen then lead to a single website to download the malicious payload, for example:


metoristrontgui.info is hosted on (Tencent, China) which is an IP we've seen a few times recently [1] [2]. Let's check out that WHOIS:

Registry Domain ID: D503300000042955753-LRMS
Registrar WHOIS Server:
Registrar URL: http://www.eranet.com
Updated Date: 2017-08-24T14:02:07Z
Creation Date: 2017-08-24T13:24:23Z
Registry Expiry Date: 2018-08-24T13:24:23Z
Registrar Registration Expiration Date:
Registrar: Eranet International Limited
Registrar IANA ID: 1868
Registrar Abuse Contact Email:
Registrar Abuse Contact Phone:
Domain Status: clientTransferProhibited https://icann.org/epp#clientTransferProhibited
Domain Status: serverTransferProhibited https://icann.org/epp#serverTransferProhibited
Domain Status: addPeriod https://icann.org/epp#addPeriod
Registry Registrant ID: C208152073-LRMS
Registrant Name: Robert Ruthven
Registrant Organization: Gamblin Artists Colors
Registrant Street: 323 SE Division Pl
Registrant City: Portland
Registrant State/Province: OR
Registrant Postal Code: 97202
Registrant Country: US
Registrant Phone: +1.5034359411
Registrant Phone Ext:
Registrant Fax: +1.5034359411
Registrant Fax Ext:
Registrant Email: jenniemarc@mail.com
Registry Admin ID: C208152073-LRMS
Admin Name: Robert Ruthven
Admin Organization: Gamblin Artists Colors
Admin Street: 323 SE Division Pl
Admin City: Portland
Admin State/Province: OR
Admin Postal Code: 97202
Admin Country: US
Admin Phone: +1.5034359411
Admin Phone Ext:
Admin Fax: +1.5034359411
Admin Fax Ext:
Admin Email: jenniemarc@mail.com
Registry Tech ID: C208152073-LRMS
Tech Name: Robert Ruthven
Tech Organization: Gamblin Artists Colors
Tech Street: 323 SE Division Pl
Tech City: Portland
Tech State/Province: OR
Tech Postal Code: 97202
Tech Country: US
Tech Phone: +1.5034359411
Tech Phone Ext:
Tech Fax: +1.5034359411
Tech Fax Ext:
Tech Email: jenniemarc@mail.com
Registry Billing ID: C208152073-LRMS
Billing Name: Robert Ruthven
Billing Organization: Gamblin Artists Colors
Billing Street: 323 SE Division Pl
Billing City: Portland
Billing State/Province: OR
Billing Postal Code: 97202
Billing Country: US
Billing Phone: +1.5034359411
Billing Phone Ext:
Billing Fax: +1.5034359411
Billing Fax Ext:
Billing Email: jenniemarc@mail.com
Name Server: A.DNSPOD.COM
Name Server: B.DNSPOD.COM
Name Server: C.DNSPOD.COM
DNSSEC: unsigned
URL of the ICANN Whois Inaccuracy Complaint Form: https://www.icann.org/wicf/

VirusTotal confirms a lot of badness here, with all of these evil domains on the same server:


Downloads from this site can be a bit slow, unsurprisingly. The dropped EXE seems to be Locky ransomware with a detection rate of 19/65. Hybrid Analysis shows the sample POSTing to (Webhost LLC, Russia)

Recommended minimum blocklist: