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Monday 3 October 2016

Malware spam: "I have shipped your packet. Please check the report enclosed here to view more info."

This spam email leads to Cerber ransomware:

From:    Trevor David
Date:    3 October 2016 at 13:46
Subject:    Pede Industries

I have shipped your packet. Please check the report enclosed here to view more info.

Word doc password: JqpcGrKK9

Pede Industries
Company names and senders are randomly generated. Attached is a randomly-named .DOT file with password protection. The password protection makes it hard to analyse, but my source tell me that these documents download from:


The dropped malware apparently has an MD5 of 0e7913875724151d8e822add07ec75b2.

Once downloaded, the malware attempts to make a C2 connection to an IP in the range (GTO, Montenegro and Virty.io, Russia). I don't know which is the active IP, but blocking the entire /23 might be a good precaution.

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