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Showing posts with label IRS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label IRS. Show all posts

Thursday, 1 March 2012

"Your tax appeal status" / "Your Intuit.com software order" spam and trucktumble.com

Two different spams with the same payload, the first featuring a massive failure of competency:

Date:      Thu, 1 Mar 2012 18:34:39 +0300
From:      "INTUIT INC."
Subject:      Your Intuit.com software order.

dear {l1}:

thank you for {l2} intuit market. we {l3} and will {l4} when your {l5}. if you ordered {l6} items, we may {l7} them in more than one {l8} (at no extra cost to you) to {l9}.

if you have questions about your order, please call 1-800-955-8890.

order information

please download your {la}
id #{digit} information at intuit small business website.

need help?

    email us at mktplace_customerservice@intuit.com.
    call us at 1-800-955-8890.
    reorder intuit checks quickly and easily starting with
    the information from your previous order.

to help us better serve your needs, please take
a few minutes to let us know how we are doing.
submit your feedback here.

thanks again for your order,

intuit market customer service

privacy , legal , contact us , about us

you have received this business communication as part of our efforts to fulfill your request or service
your account. you may receive this and other business communications from us even if you have opted
out of marketing messages.

please note: this e-mail was sent from an auto-notification system that cannot accept incoming email
please do not reply to this message.

if you receive an email message that appears to come from intuit but that you suspect is a phishing
e-mail, please forward it immediately to spoof@intuit.com. please visit http://security.intuit.com/ for
additional security information.

�2011 intuit, inc. all rights reserved. intuit, the intuit logo, quickbooks, quicken and turbotax,
among others, are registered trademarks of intuit inc.
the second one:

Date:      Thu, 1 Mar 2012 12:33:28 -0300
From:      "Jesus Kendall"
Subject:      Your tax appeal status.

Dear Business owner,
Hereby you are informed that your Tax Return Appeal id#8179621 has been DECLINED. If you consider that the IRS did not properly assess your case due to a misunderstanding of the facts, be prepared to submit additional information. You can download the rejection details and re-submit your appeal under the following link Online Tax Appeal.

Internal Revenue Service
Telephone Assistance for Businesses:
Toll-Free, 1-800-829-4933
Hours of Operation: Monday � Friday, 7:00 a.m. � 7:00 p.m. your local time (Alaska & Hawaii follow Pacific Time).

In both cases the payload is trucktumble.com/search.php?page=73a07bcb51f4be71 on (Nuclear Fallout Enterprises, US). Blocking the IP will stop other malware on the server causing you a problem, you may even want to block because this host is getting a pretty poor reputation.


Tuesday, 28 February 2012

IRS Spam / pollypeach.com

Another IRS spam run leading to malware, this time on pollypeach.com.

Date:      Tue, 27 Feb 2012 17:02:45 +0600
From:      "Ofelia Childers"
Subject:      IRS notification of your tax appeal status.

Dear Accountant Officer,
Hereby you are notified that your Income Tax Return Appeal id#0184348 has been REJECTED. If you believe the IRS did not properly assess your case due to a misinterpretation of the case details, be prepared to provide additional information. You can obtain the rejection report and re-submit your appeal under the following link Online Tax Appeal.

Internal Revenue Service
Telephone Assistance for Businesses:
Toll-Free, 1-800-829-4933
Hours of Operation: Monday � Friday, 7:00 a.m. � 7:00 p.m. your local time (Alaska & Hawaii follow Pacific Time).

The malicious payload is on pollypeach.com/search.php?page=73a07bcb51f4be71 and pollypeach.com/content/ap2.php?f=e4649 (see the report here), hosted on (Directspace, US). Blocking the IP rather than the domain will stop any further infections from that server.

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

INTUIT / IRS malicious spam and advisor-jobhiring.com

Another malicious spam like this one and this one.

Date:      Tue, 6 Feb 2012 09:10:07 +0100
From:      "INTUIT INC." [software@quickbooks.com]
Subject:      Urgent! Tax information needed!.

Dear Sir/Madam,

In order to guarantee that exact information is being sustained on our systems, and to be able to give you better quality of service; INTUIT INC. has participated in the Internal Revenue Service [IRS] Name and TIN Matching Program.

It appears that your name and/or Social Security Number or Employer Identification Number, that is indicated on your account is not in compliance with the information obtained from the SSA.

In order for INTUIT INC. to update your account, please use the following link.


Corporate Headquarters
2632 Marine Way
Mountain View, CA 94043


Date:      Tue, 6 Feb 2012 09:09:00 +0100
From:      "INTUIT INC." [software@quickbooks.com]
Subject:      Please verify your tax information ASAP.


In our continuing effort to guarantee that correct information is being maintained on our systems, and to be able to give you better quality of service; INTUIT INC. has partaken in the Internal Revenue Service [IRS] Name and TIN Matching Program.

We have found out, that your name and/or TIN, that we have on your account does not correspond to the data obtained from the IRS.

In order to check and update your account, please enter the site.

Yours truly,

Corporate Headquarters
2632 Marine Way
Mountain View, CA 94043

The first click is a 0catch free hosting site which then redirects visitors to advisor-jobhiring.com/main.php?page=817d6901506e5d51 (Wepawet report here) hosted on (Phoenix Internet, US) and (HostNOC, US). Blocking the IPs should prevent any other malicious sites on the same server from causing problems. Alternatively, you could block access to the 0catch domains (list here) as they have been abused by spammers before.

Monday, 6 February 2012

"Your tax information needs verification" / hakkacraft.com and hakkayard.com

Another version of this spam leading to a malicious web page..

Date:      Mon, 5 Feb 2012 13:43:16 +0000
From:      "INTUIT INC." [tools@intuit.com]
Subject:      Your tax information needs verification.


With intent to assure that correct data is being maintained on our systems, and to be able to grant you better quality of service; INTUIT INC. has partaken in the Internal Revenue Service [IRS] Name and TIN Matching Program.

We have found out, that your name and/or Employer Identification Number, that is specified on your account is not in compliance with the information on file with the IRS.

In order to check and update your account, please click here.

Yours truly,

Corporate Headquarters
2632 Marine Way
Mountain View, CA 94043

The link in the email bounces through a couple a hacked legitimate sites and then lands on http://hakkacraft.com/search.php?page=73a07bcb51f4be71 (Wepawet report is here). There is a subsequent download attempted from hakkayard.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=656974

hakkacraft.com is hosted on (Zerigo Inc / wehostwebsites.com, US). hakkayard.com is on (Linode, US). Blocking the IP addresses will block any other malicious sites on the same server.

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

"Federal Tax transfer rejected" malware

I've never paid taxes to the IRS and I don't intend to now..

From: Jeannette_Case@irs.gov
Date: 21 June 2011 11:16
Subject: Federal Tax transfer rejected

Your federal Tax payment (ID: 632869994691), recently from your checking account was canceled by the your Bank.

Canceled Tax transfer
Tax Transaction ID: 632869994691
Reason of rejection See details in the report below
FederalTax Transaction Report

tax_report_632869994691.pdf.exe (self-extracting
archive, Adobe PDF)

Internal Revenue Service, Metro Plex 1, 8401 Corporate Drive, Suite 300, Landover, MD  20785

The spam attempts (and fails) to download malware from uhkusrrthyjshjfd.cz.cc (, Russia) via IRS-REPORTS-WEB-FILE-6856.INFO (parked at Godaddy). In my opinion, all .cz.cc domains are suspect and are worth blocking.

Update 28/9/11: a new version of this email is doing the rounds. This DOES successfully infect vulnerable machines, I will try to find more details.