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Showing posts with label SQL Injection. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SQL Injection. Show all posts

Wednesday, 17 September 2008

Asprox: mnicbre.ru, pkseio.ru and vtg43.ru

The domains used in the Asprox SQL Injection attacks have been stable for a few days now, but yesterday some new .ru domains appeared: mnicbre.ru, pkseio.ru and vtg43.ru. The domains are registered through NAUNET again with the following registation details:

domain: MNICBRE.RU
nserver: ns2.mnicbre.ru.
nserver: ns3.mnicbre.ru.
nserver: ns1.mnicbre.ru.
person: Private Person
phone: +7 772 7727091
fax-no: +7 772 7727091
e-mail: retyi1111@yahoo.com
registrar: NAUNET-REG-RIPN
created: 2008.09.16
paid-till: 2009.09.16
source: TC-RIPN
The following domains have been active over the past 24 hours. Block these or check your logs for them (new ones are in bold):
  • 22net.ru
  • 64asp.ru
  • 92prt.ru
  • acr34.ru
  • asl39.ru
  • fst9.ru
  • mnicbre.ru
  • pkseio.ru
  • sel92.ru
  • vtg43.ru

Wednesday, 10 September 2008

Asprox: net83.ru, acr34.ru, asl39.ru and net83.ru

Another bunch of very fresh Asprox domains being used in the Asprox SQL Injection attack, registered at Naunet to email address retyi111@yahoo.com. Check your logs or block access to these sites.

  • 51com.ru
  • acr34.ru
  • asl39.ru
  • net83.ru

Tuesday, 9 September 2008

SQL Injection: ave2.cn / %61%76%65%32%2E%63%6E

This SQL Injection attack seems to be aimed at Chinese language sites. The code injected points to http://%61%76%65%32%2E%63%6E which is trivially encoded and is a reference to ave2.cn hosted on

ave2.cn then calls asp-18.cn, asp-12.cn and www.hxg006.cn (all hosted on

Between them, these sites carry a VERY wide variety of exploits, including MS06-014, GLIEDown (for the Baofeng Storm StormPlayer), MS snpvw.Snapshot viewer (Outlook Express), DPClient.Vod (Xunlei Thunder DapPlayer), Flash Player and RealPlayer. There are possibly other exploits mixed in, so I would regard ave2.cn as being VERY dangerous.

Robtex reports the following domains on, all of which are probably worth avoiding:

  • hs7yue.cn
  • hxg008.cn
  • jzm015.cn
  • doups.cn
  • hxg008.cn
  • jzm013.cn
  • jzm014.cn
  • jzm015.cn
  • qingfeng01.cn

Monday, 8 September 2008

Asprox: 64do.com

Possibly the final Asprox domain on the day in 64do.com - add this to your block or scan list.

Asprox: "aspx" domains

Keep an eye out for these following Asprox domains, all recently registered to the email address druid00091@aol.com. Block them or scan your logs for them.

  • 24aspx.com
  • 2aspx.net
  • 6aspx.com
  • 9aspx.net
  • aspx46.com
These domains follow the same pattern as this one and this one.

Asprox: 19ssl.net

Another "druid00091@aol.com" domain (following on from this one and this one) , this type 19ssl.net, which is being actively used as part of the SQL injection attacks. The top level of this domain also has a copy of the (presumably legitimate) nescodirect.com site (this behavious is noted elsewhere).

Domain name: 19ssl.net

Registrant Contact:
City22 llc
Alex Williamos druid00091@aol.com
+1.8827721124 fax: +1.8827721124
321113 po box
New York NY 12131

Administrative Contact:
Alex Williamos druid00091@aol.com
+1.8827721124 fax: +1.8827721124
321113 po box
New York NY 12131

Technical Contact:
Alex Williamos druid00091@aol.com
+1.8827721124 fax: +1.8827721124
321113 po box
New York NY 12131

Billing Contact:
Alex Williamos druid00091@aol.com
+1.8827721124 fax: +1.8827721124
321113 po box
New York NY 12131


Asprox: 24aspx.com

The latest domain name used in the recent Asprox SQL Injection attacks appears to be 24aspx.com. Perhaps the Asprox guys are boasting a little with the domain name? Certainly these SQL injection attacks still seem to serve a useful purpose for them, although the number of vulnerable servers keeps dropping. Anyway, block this one or check your logs for it.

The email addressed used to register this domain is identical to the one used for the "Luksus Jobs" scam email. No big news here, the Asprox botnet is used for a wide variety of things, it's just odd to see druid00091@aol.com come up twice in such a short period.

It's also notable that they've switched back to .com from .ru, but this time registered through Chinese registrar BIZCN.COM.

Domain name: 24aspx.com

Registrant Contact:
City22 llc
Alex Williamos druid00091@aol.com
+1.8827721124 fax: +1.8827721124
321113 po box
New York NY 12131

Administrative Contact:
Alex Williamos druid00091@aol.com
+1.8827721124 fax: +1.8827721124
321113 po box
New York NY 12131

Technical Contact:
Alex Williamos druid00091@aol.com
+1.8827721124 fax: +1.8827721124
321113 po box
New York NY 12131

Billing Contact:
Alex Williamos druid00091@aol.com
+1.8827721124 fax: +1.8827721124
321113 po box
New York NY 12131


Created: 2008-09-06
Expires: 2009-09-06

Thursday, 4 September 2008

Asprox: jic2.ru

Another new addition to the list of Asprox domains is jic2.ru, again registered via Naunet, so block this or check your logs for access. Again, searching your logs for ".ru/script.js"will help locate suspect activity.

Tuesday, 2 September 2008

Asprox: 2b24.ru

These domains seem to be today's current Asprox SQL Injection domains - check for them in your logs or block them. 2b24.ru seems to be new, the rest have been around for a few days. The exploit is still using a script called script.js to run.

  • 2b24.ru
  • cg33.ru
  • cv2e.ru
  • cv32.ru
  • mc2n.ru
  • mj5f.ru
  • oc32.ru
  • vwsc.ru

Monday, 1 September 2008

Asprox: cg33.ru, cv2e.ru, cv32.ru, mc2n.ru, oc32.ru and vwsc.ru

Another bunch of Asprox SQL injection domains to block or monitor for, all quite new:

  • cg33.ru
  • cv2e.ru
  • cv32.ru
  • mc2n.ru
  • oc32.ru
  • vwsc.ru
Alternatively, look for .ru/script.js in your logs which should pick up most of them.

Update: here's another one - mj5f.ru

Tuesday, 26 August 2008

Asprox: beyry.ru, iopoe.ru, jetp6.ru, nucop.ru, port04.ru and vj64.ru

There's been a slight shift in the characteristics of the current Asprox attack. The javascript called is now script.js rather than ngg.js or js.js, and this goes to a redirect script currently pointing at /cgi-bin/index.cgi?lle on the local domain.

Active domains in this new attack seem to be as follows, new ones are in bold.
  • beyry.ru
  • cb3f.ru
  • cnld.ru
  • iopc4.ru
  • iopoe.ru
  • jetp6.ru
  • loopk.ru
  • netr2.ru
  • okcd.ru
  • nucop.ru
  • port04.ru
  • ueur3.ru
  • vj64.ru
Check your logs or block these domains. Most business outside of Russia and neighbouring countries could probably block the entire .ru TLD with minimal impact. Look also for the CGI sript (/cgi-bin/index.cgi?lle) to find potentially infected client PCs.

Friday, 22 August 2008

Asprox: iopc4.ru, jetp6.ru, loopk.ru, netr2.ru and ueur3.ru

The domains used is the Asprox SQL injection attack have been stable for most of the past week, but over the last 24 hours some ne wdomains have been registed, so check your logs and/or block the following:

  • iopc4.ru
  • jetp6.ru
  • loopk.ru
  • netr2.ru
  • ueur3.ru

It is likely that some more will turn up during the course of the day.

Friday, 15 August 2008

Another SQL injection domain: mo98g.cn

I mentioned some days ago that there seems to be a parallel SQL injection attack to Asprox with all the hallmarks of being Chinese. Over the past day or so, mo98g.cn has appeared on some infected sites (often alongside Asprox) making a call to mo98g.cn/q.js which is hosted on in South Korea.

The back end seems not to be working at present, so maybe the server has been cleaned up. In any case, this is another domain to block or check your logs for.

Asprox: ujnc.ru

Just a single new Asprox domain to list this morning: ujnc.ru which is still using the js.js redirector, i.e. www.ujnc.ru/js.js. All the domains from the past two days are still active too.

Thursday, 14 August 2008

Asprox: 3njx.ru, cb3f.ru, cnld.ru, nbh3.ru and okcd.ru

Some more Asprox domains to block or look for in your logs:

  • 3njx.ru
  • cb3f.ru
  • cnld.ru
  • nbh3.ru
  • okcd.ru

Renewed Asprox activity: bcus2.ru, jkn3.ru, juc8.ru and locm.ru

After a quiet few days, Asprox seems to have flared up again (at about 1000 CET) with a new set of malware domains, still launching from a SQL injected js.js file on compromised hosts. Keep an eye out for these domains or block them.

These domains are all very recently registered through naunet.ru, there are probably many more on the way soon.

  • bcus2.ru
  • jkn3.ru
  • juc8.ru
  • locm.ru

Tuesday, 12 August 2008

All quiet on the Asprox front?

For the moment the Asprox SQL injection attacks seem to have stopped, although infected sites are still infected and need to be secured as soon as possible.

So, does this mean that the bad guys have given up? Well, no.. but there are probably thousands of sites out there which are still infected, so from that point of view they will still be getting "hits" to their malware sites.

Perhaps the answer is this - the people behind the SQL injection attacks are doing something else. Two very newsworthy events happening over the past few days have been the war in Georgia and the Beijing Olympics. Dancho Danchev reports that the RBN have been actively involved in attacking Georgian sites, including using SQL injection attacks. F-Secure report that Chinese sites have been attacked since the run-up to the Olympics started.

It might well be that these Asprox attacks will be quiet for a couple of weeks, but it is likely that general SQL injection attacks will ramp up again soon.

Saturday, 9 August 2008

ISC: "More SQL Injections - very active right now"

The Internet Storm Center has published technical details on the Chinese-based SQL injection attack which may be of interest to SQL administrators and programmers and also security specialists. It also flags up another javascript file to look for: csrss/w.js

Keep an eye out for log activity pointing to this file. Blocking the entire .cn TLD will probably do very little harm for most businesses.

Asprox: block and js.js

A shift in behaviour from the Asprox botnet - this time all traffic from infected sites is being redirected through a fixed IP at Blocking will probably do no harm.

Also, the name of the javascript file has changed to js.js, so look for this in your logs.

The Silent Noise blog is tracking Asprox domains too, with some interesting developments that we haven't had the chance to dig deeper into.

Tuesday, 5 August 2008

Asprox domains: 5/8/08

Current Asprox domains to look for in your blogs or block. These have all been active for 3 or 4 days now, which is an unusually long time for this current SQL injection attack.

  • 8hcs.ru
  • 98hs.ru
  • bgsr.ru
  • bywd.ru
  • ibse.ru
  • ncbw.ru
  • nwj4.ru
  • ojns.ru
  • porv.ru
  • uhwc.ru