The odd thing is that Vivids Media GmbH doesn't appear to have a web site or any traceable contact details. However, most of the domain registrations have a contact telephone number in Berlin of +49.3094413291 and some searching around gives this page with what looks like the correct contact details of:
Name: Vivids Media GmbHThat indicates that Vivid Media GmbH is related to and therefore which are part of another company that claims to be in Berlin, Klik Media GmbH (some of the alleged goings on of this company are mentioned here). A short step away from Klik are a whole set of domains registered via Estdomains (a familiar name to many) and things start to get seedy from there.
Email Address:
Address: Leege-Gr str. 41
City: Berlin
Zip: 13055
Country : Germany
Tel No.: +49.3094413291
There's no evidence that Vivid Media GmbH is directly invovled in anything bad - in fact there is barely any evidence that Vivid Media GmbH actually exists at all. Spammers and other bad guys do have a knack of finding registrars who are slow at terminating their accounts, so let's be charitable and say that Vivids Media are just understaffed in their abuse department.
The problem is that if you want to contact Vivids Media, then it seems to be very difficult. Their website is which is a sort of white label domain registrar site. seems to be based in India, and looks to be a reseller of ResellerClub which in turns registers names through
Complicated? Well, yes.. but ultimately are the registrar and it turns out that there is some light at the end of the tunnel. You will find that most of the domains used in these SQL Injection attacks have false WHOIS data, and you can report false WHOIS data here. Hopefully then the domain will be suspended.. not that it really matters too much because the bad guys will just register some more.
So the answer to the question "who are Vivids Media GmbH?" is "I don't know" but for most practical puporses you wouldn't need to deal with them if complaining about one of these domains, go to the registrar and report it there.