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Thursday 27 December 2007

Dating Scam Sites V

Another bunch of dating scam sites, to follow on from these. Hosted on

  • Engineride.info
  • Enginewreck.info
  • Glorylandusa.info
  • Glorywaychurchx.info
  • Honordays.info
  • Honorholes.info
  • Honorministries.info
  • Morninghonor.info
  • Oldgloryshirts.info
  • Simoldglory.info
  • Usoldglory.info
  • Theredglow.info

Sample email:

Hey you
I read your profile on-line a few minutes ago and you seem intresting
email me at Nikki@GloryWayChurchx.info and I will reply with a Picture and Info
about me right away
I will stay online and wait for your email
Talk to you soon


Anonymous said...

How do you block these e-mails? This is ridiculous!!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I am getting slammed with these spams. Verizon's spam blocker is apparently unable to stop them, and I can't get any help from them. Someone's got to shut these spammers down. Getting 50 emails in one day is not going to make me give them my money, it just pisses me off.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for listing them down. This scam sites are getting the better of me