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Thursday 28 June 2012

Pinterest Spam / medicarewichi.com

Spammers will try anything.. this email pretends to be from Pinterest but it actually appears to lead to a fake pharma site at medicarewichi.com.

From: Pinterest [mailto:pinbot@pinterest.com]
Sent: 28 June 2012 14:41
Subject: New pins added


    With millions of new pins added every week, we connecting people all over the world based on shared tastes and interests.        Explore pins   

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The spamvertised site is hosted on which looks like a cesspit of toxic sites and is probably best blocked.

1 comment:

IKillSpammerz said...

medicarewichi.com is another EvaPharmacy site.

Everything about EvaPharmacy's spam campaigns relies on their use of hacked or compromised servers that they do not own. In this case, the fake "pinterest" site is on an IP address hosted in Germany by "IP Interactive". The medicarewichi site is hosted on an IP address in the Czech Republic, and supported by two DNS servers hosted on IP addresses in Argentina and China. All of these are hacked servers which have very poor choices of root password (e.g.: 12345, root, password, etc.)

They've been engaging in this flatly illegal activity since 2006 (that we know of.)

EvaPharmacy is a criminal operation that grosses millions of dollars every year thanks to lots of orders from an unwitting public. They need to be investigated and shut down. Hopefully one day someone in law enforcement will pay attention.

SiL / IKS / concerned citizen