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Tuesday 25 March 2014

.js injection leads to Fake Flash update hosted on OneDrive

This kind of attack is nothing new, but there has been a sharp uptick recently in injection attacks that alter .js files on vulnerable systems. The payload is a fake Flash update with a surprisingly low detection rate, hosted on Microsoft OneDrive.

The first step in the attack is through a vulnerable site such as this one [urlquery]. In turn, the infected .js file leads to [donotclick]alientechdesigns.com/NLBFH8ZG.php?id=88473423 which in turn leads to a fake Flash popup hosted at [donotclick]alientechdesigns.com/NLBFH8ZG.php?html=27 which you can see an approximation of here [urlquery].

The link in the popup goes to a download loction at [donotclick]onedrive.live.com/download.aspx?cid=20e850f993bd56fd&resid=20E850F993BD56FD%21111 which downloads a file flashplayerinstaller.exe.

flashplayerinstaller.exe is the first stage in the infection, it has a VirusTotal detection rate of just 3/51. The Malwr report shows that this then downloads two additional components, from:

The first one of these is called flashplayer2.exe which has a VirusTotal detection rate of 4/51. Malwr, Anubis and Comodo CAMAS show some working of this malware.

The second file is called update2.exe with a VirusTotal detection rate of 5/49. This seems somewhat resistant to automated analysis tools [1] [2] [3].

This sort of attack is hard to block from a network point of view as it leverages legitimate sites. Perhaps the best way to protect yourself is a bit of user education about where it is appropriate to download updates from.

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