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Thursday, 7 February 2008

"Metrix Ventures" scam email

Some sort of modelling scam, sent to an email address from a data breach at an online retailers so you KNOW that it's a fraud. Company name given is Metrix Ventures which appears to be completely bogus, and is not related to any company of a similar name.

Subject: Job Offer
From: "Gary Pole"
Date: Thu, February 7, 2008 1:41 pm


My name is Gary Pole. Am freelance modeling agent working for Metrix Ventures which
is based in the US and has branches also in Europe.I would like us to do some works
together. I presently have good offer for you.I want to know if you are interested
in modeling because I need pictures of a good looking person (male or female) who
will be on the magazine cover of one of my clients. Please let me know if you are
interested in the deal. You stand a chance of making reasonable money and 150 Pounds
from this deal to start, and even a noticeable fame. Let me know if you are
interested in my offer and I would give you further details.

Best Regards,

Originating IP is, which is probably a compromised server. It amusingly identifies itself as project-crime.com in the email headers!


cheng said...

i have the same received email recently from sara...yah,its scam.

Anonymous said...

I have received that email and they promise to send 2500 dollars, I did give out my address........what should I do. Plz contact me, if I am in danger........missmissouri25@yahoo.com