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Monday 15 September 2014

Inspiration Mining Corporation (T.ISM / ISM.TO) pump-and-dump spam

This pump-and-dump spam for Inspiration Mining Corporation (T.ISM) follows on from this recent spam run, but this time it is pushing it under a different stock ticker.
From:     YahooFinance Canada
Date:     15 September 2014 08:14
Subject:     Biggest Trade Of 2014

YahooFinance Canada
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Hurry! Biggest Trade Of 2014

Hey [redacted]
I have a new stock recommendation for you.
The company is called inspirationmining and it's trading in canada under the symbol ISM. Currently it's priced at right under 10 cents but by next week it should hit 30 or 40 even. I know this because my wife's uncle is the geologist at the company and they literaly just struck gold.

Move quickly on this.
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According to reports here the shares were recently suspended due to the pump-and-dump run that the company denies is anything to do with them. However, my previous analysis is that the P&D run is (in my personal opinion) most likely being orchestrated by an existing major stockholder rather that someone buying into the stock in order to manipulate it.

The pump and dump spam does seem to have raised the stock price from about 7.5 cents to 10.5 cents [source] but the chances are that the stock is worth much closer to zero. Avoid.

UPDATE 2014-09-16:
More spam has turned up overnight..

From:     Financial Post | Canadian
Date:     16 September 2014 07:35
Subject:     ISM.TO Is Back In Position For A Huge Jump

Financial Post | Canadian Business News, Investing and Commentary

One Cent Alert That's Ready To Pop
Tuesday, 16th September 2014

    The only company that should be on your trading screen today
    This stock can double fast

the more you wait the more it'll cost you to pick up shares of InspiraitonMinnig Corporation ( ISM . TO on the canadian exchange). this junior miner has been soaring the last few weeks since their discovery of billions in precious metals on one of their properties. act fast before cheapies run out.

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From:     NYTimes Finance
Date:     15 September 2014 17:01
Subject:     ISM.TO Alert: Possible +280pct Rally This Week

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Monday, September 15, 2014
Morning Report

Did you catch my report on already?  | Believe me when I tell you that this rare chance only comes once a year, if we're lucky. There is an amazing company trading on the canadian market called InspirtaionMiningCorp (symbol is ISM.TO) and they are sitting on hundreds of millions of precious metals reserves. From Copper to Gold and Silver. As they begin extracting them soon we expect investors to take notice and the share price to soar past a dollar!
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From:     BNN Financial News
Date:     15 September 2014 21:57
Subject:     The Race Is On!

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BNN - Business and Financial News, Analysis.
Good Morning Readers!

Did you catch my report already?

...as you can see my latest stokc tip is going up like never before. i told you to take a look at [-ISM.TO-] (inpsirationMining) trading on the canadian exchange and since i contacted you about it we have seen tremendous gains. that company is literaly sitting on gold and other precious metals. make sure to buy it before it goes nuts. 

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