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Showing posts with label BBB. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BBB. Show all posts

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

BBB Spam / babblesunet.com

Yet another identikit BBB Spam run this morning, with a malicious payload on the site babblesunet.com.

The bad stuff is on babblesunet.com/showthread.php?t=73a07bcb51f4be71 hosted on (Directspace, US). Blocking the IP address should stop any other malicious sites on that server from causing harm.

BBB Spam / cjhsdvbfbczuet.ru

Today's spam runs are just firing up now, with a fake BBB spam containing at attachment that tries to direct visitors to cjhsdvbfbczuet.ru.

Date:      Wed, 7 Mar 2012 -06:40:22 -0800
From:      "FANNY Baez"
Subject:      Better Business Bureau Complaint
Attachments:     Complaint_ID87rP25441.htm

Good afternoon,

Here with the Better Business Bureau would like to inform you that we have received a complaint (ID 323259211) from a customer of yours in regard to their dealership with you.

Please open the COMPLAINT REPORT attached to this email (open with Internet Explorer/Firefox)
to view the details on this issue and suggest us about your position as soon as possible.

We hope to hear from you shortly.


Dispute Counselor
Better Business Bureau

The payload site is at cjhsdvbfbczuet.ru:8080/images/aublbzdni.php but at the moment it doesn't seem to be resolving so there are no IPs to block. However, monitoring your logs for .ru:8080 from time-to-time could help detect users who have clicked through.

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

BBB Spam /

This is the second malicious spam run of the day, leading to a malware payload on

Date:      Tue, 6 Mar 2012 14:00:18 +0200
From:      "Tom Santana"
Subject:      Better Business Bureau needs your urgent attention.
Business Owner/Manager,
One of your recent customers has submitted a complaint with The Better Business Bureau regarding the negative experience he had with your company. The consumer report is attached below. Please submit your feedback to this matter as within 14 days. The fastest way to provide your response is via the Online Complaint system. Please follow the following Internet address to evaluate the above-mentioned customer complaint and provide your response to it:
BBB complaint center

Use the following data to login:

Case ID: #1422518
Password: 41964

The Better Business Bureau provides an efficient third-party role, and helps you resolve your customer disputes impartially and on mutually beneficial terms. We develop and maintain online Reliability reports on American companies, available to the Public and used by millions of business customers. A good customer report can have a distinctly positive impact on your business.

We hope for your immediate attention to this matter.

Honorato Cobb
Dispute Counselor

Better Business Bureau Serving Metropolitan New York, Inc.
30 East 33rd St., 12th Floor
New York, NY 10016
Office Hours: 9-5 Monday through Friday
Fax: 212.477.4912

The malicious payload is on and  which is a Linode IP (no surprises there!) Blocking access to the IP would be prudent.

Monday, 5 March 2012

BBB Spam FAIL / domain.com

Here's a normal looking BBB spam, which typically would lead to malware:

From:     Milford Finn risk@bbb.org
Date:     5 March 2012 10:42
Subject:     BBB have recieved a customer complaint about your company.

Business Owner/Manager,
One of your business customers has filed a complaint with The Better Business Bureau concerning the negative experience he had with your company. The consumer complaint is attached below. Please submit your response to this matter as within 21 days. The most efficient way to provide your response is by using the Online Complaint system. Please follow the following link to access the above-mentioned customer complaint and submit your response to it:
BBB complaint center

Use the following data to login:

Case ID: #2478119
Password: 65950

The Better Business Bureau  acts in the role of a a neutral third party, and helps you resolve your customer disputes fast and efficiently. We develop and support online Reliability reports on American companies, open to the Public and used by millions of business customers. A satisfactory customer report can have a pronounced positive impact on your business.

We hope for your immediate attention to this matter.

Kenyon Frye
Dispute Counselor 
Except the idiot spammers have forgotten to include the domain name and have left if at what is presumably the default of domain.com:

Unfortunately, next time the spammers will probably get it right.. in the meantime, here are some example subjects being used in this attack:

  • Better Business Bureau needs your urgent attention. 
  • Better Business Bureau customer complaint. 
  • BBB have recieved a customer complaint about your company. 
  • Your company is accused of illegal financial transactions.

Friday, 2 March 2012

BBB Spam / bitebird.org

Another BBB spam run is in progress leading to malware, this time the payload is on bitebird.org/search.php?page=73a07bcb51f4be71 hosted on  (Colo4, US). You know what to do.

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

BBB Spam / perikanzas.com and twistedtarts.net

BBB spam.. you must know what it looks like by now. Here are a couple of new domains:

perikanzas.com (Dynamic ADSL, Egypt) (Solidhost, Netherlands)

twistedtarts.net (Mesh Digital, UK)

BBB and AICPA spam / 110hobart.com

Two spam runs with essentially the same malicious payload..

Date:      Mon, 26 Feb 2012 12:30:50 +0100
From:      "BBB"
Subject:      BBB case ID 73773062
Attachments:     betterbb_logo.jpg

Attention: Owner/Manager

Here with the Better Business Bureau notifies you that we have been sent a complaint (ID 73773062) from your customer in regard to their dealership with you.

Please open the COMPLAINT REPORT below to obtain the details on this matter and inform us about your position as soon as possible.

We hope to hear from you shortly.


Arnold Melendez

Dispute Counselor
Better Business Bureau

Council of Better Business Bureaus
4200 Wilson Blvd, Suite 800
Arlington, VA 22203-1838
Phone: 1 (703) 276.0100
Fax: 1 (703) 525.8277

Leading to 110hobart.com/main.php?page=f46555a4a5b80a04 and 110hobart.com/content/ap2.php?f=cc677, and also:

Date:      Mon, 26 Feb 2012 11:16:30 +0100
From:      "Adan Jordan"
Subject:      Tax return fraud notification.

You're receiving this notification as a Certified Public Accountant and a member of AICPA.
Having trouble reading this email? View it in your browser.

Revocation of Public Account Status due to tax return fraud accusations

Valued AICPA member,

We have received a notice of your recent involvement in income tax refund infringement on behalf of one of your clients. According to AICPA Bylaw Subsection 730 your Certified Public Accountant license can be cancelled in case of the act of filing of a false or fraudulent tax return on the member's or a client's behalf.

Please familiarize yourself with the notification below and respond to it within 21 days. The failure to respond within this time-frame will result in cancellation of your Accountant license.


The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.

Email: service@aicpa.org
Tel. 888.777.7077
Fax. 800.362.5066

Leading to 110hobart.com/content/ap2.php?f=cc677 and 110hobart.com/main.php?page=02876dd2afe89394 (a slightly different URL from before)

The IP address is a familiar one, which is allegedly an ADSL subscriber in Cairo. This IP has been used in several attacks recently, blocking it would be a really good idea.

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

BBB Spam / energirans.net

Yet another malicious fake BBB spam run, this time with a malicious payload on the domain energirans.net.

Date:      Wed, 21 Feb 2012 11:21:48 +0100
From:      "BBB"
Subject:      Better Business Bureau complaint
Attachments:     betterbb_logo.jpg

Good afternoon,

Here with the Better Business Bureau would like to inform you that we have received a complaint (ID 15343433) from a customer of yours in regard to their dealership with you.

Please open the COMPLAINT REPORT below to view the details on this issue and suggest us about your position as soon as possible.

We hope to hear from you shortly.


Rebecca Wilcox

Dispute Counselor
Better Business Bureau

Council of Better Business Bureaus
4200 Wilson Blvd, Suite 800
Arlington, VA 22203-1838
Phone: 1 (703) 276.0100
Fax: 1 (703) 525.8277
The link in the email goes to a legitimate hacked site and then via some obfuscated javascript to energirans.net/main.php?page=598991e7306ac07e where it attempts to infect the machine with the Blackhole Exploit kit.

energirans.net is hosted on (Dynamic ADSL, Egypt), (Reliance Communication, India) which are the same IPs as found in this spam run. Blocking them is probably a very good idea.

Friday, 17 February 2012

freac.net is back with a BBB spam run

freac.net is a domain used by malicious spam email pretending to be from the BBB or NACHA, as in this example. In that case, freac.net was apparently hosted on an IP belonging to Huawei in the US, but shortly afterwards it went non-resolving.

Well, freac.net is back and so is the spam promoting it.. e.g.

Date:      Fri, 16 Feb 2012 14:30:35 +0530
From:      "BBB"
Subject:      BBB case ID 28764441
Attachments:     betterbb_logo.jpg


Here with the Better Business Bureau would like to notify you that we have received a complaint (ID 28764441) from a customer of yours related to their dealership with you.

Please open the COMPLAINT REPORT below to find more information on this case and let us know of your position as soon as possible.

We are looking forward to hearing from you.


Carlos Baxter

Dispute Counselor
Better Business Bureau

Council of Better Business Bureaus
4200 Wilson Blvd, Suite 800
Arlington, VA 22203-1838
Phone: 1 (703) 276.0100
Fax: 1 (703) 525.8277


Date:      Fri, 16 Feb 2012 14:26:31 +0530
From:      "BBB"
Subject:      BBB complaint processing
Attachments:     betterbb_logo.jpg

Attention: Owner/Manager

Here with the Better Business Bureau would like to notify you that we have been sent a complaint (ID 78067910) from a customer of yours related to their dealership with you.

Please open the COMPLAINT REPORT below to obtain more information on this case and inform us about your opinion as soon as possible.

We are looking forward to hearing from you.


Theresa Morris

Dispute Counselor
Better Business Bureau

Council of Better Business Bureaus
4200 Wilson Blvd, Suite 800
Arlington, VA 22203-1838
Phone: 1 (703) 276.0100
Fax: 1 (703) 525.8277

Currenly freac.net is hosted on and, the first is a server rented from Hetzner in Germany, oddly the second is an ADSL line in Cairo.

Anyway, blocking those IPs will stop any further infections from those IPs. A Wepawet report for this infection is here.

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Lazy BBB / "ACH transfer pending" spam, chillestruct.com and closteation.com

Here's a lazy spam about an "ACH transfer" that appears to come from the BBB, because the spammers have mixed up the campaigns.

Date:      Wed, 24 Jan 2012 13:31:58 +0100
From:      "manager@bbb.org" [manager@bbb.org]
Subject:      ACH transfer pending

Dear Sir or Madam,

This message includes a notification about the ACH debit transfer sent on your behalf, that was held by our bank:

Transaction ID: 471209863177939
Transaction status: pending

In order to resolve this matter, please review the transaction details using the link below as soon as possible.

Yours faithfully,
Kathy Quirk
Accounting Department

The link in the spam routes through a couple of hacked sites to a malicious payload at chillestruct.com on (Zerigo Inc, California) and closteation.com on (Endurance International, Massachusetts). Wepawet reports are here and here.

Blocking the IPs will prevent any other malicious sites on those servers from causing problems.

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

BBB Spam / chillebucks.com, sulusize.com and sulusity.com

More fake BBB spam leading to a malicious payload, this time hosted on the domain sulusize.com on (Colo4, US). The server appears to be a legitimate hacked server, but blocking traffic to that IP is probably a wise idea if you can do it.

Some sample emails (the usual fake BBB approach):

Date:      Tue, 23 Jan 2012 11:51:58 +0100
From:      "BBB" [info@bbb.org]
Subject:      Better Business Bureau service
Attachments:     betterbb_logo.jpg

Attn: Owner/Manager

Here with the Better Business Bureau would like to inform you that we have received a complaint (ID 23387543) from your customer with respect to their dealership with you.

Please open the COMPLAINT REPORT below to find the details on this question and suggest us about your position as soon as possible.

We hope to hear from you very soon.


Rebecca Wilcox

Dispute Counselor
Better Business Bureau

Council of Better Business Bureaus
4200 Wilson Blvd, Suite 800
Arlington, VA 22203-1838
Phone: 1 (703) 276.0100
Fax: 1 (703) 525.8277


Date:      Tue, 23 Jan 2012 12:16:00 +0100
From:      "Better Business Bureau" [risk.manager@bbb.org]
Subject:      Re: your customer�s complaint ID 83031311
Attachments:     betterbb_logo.jpg


Here with the Better Business Bureau notifies you that we have received a complaint (ID 83031311) from one of your customers in regard to their dealership with you.

Please open the COMPLAINT REPORT below to obtain the details on this question and suggest us about your point of view as soon as possible.

We hope to hear from you very soon.


Fernando Grodhaus

Dispute Counselor
Better Business Bureau

The malware tries to download further code from sulusity.com on (Endurance International Group, US).. another one to block. A Wepawet analysis is here.

Update #1:  another version is doing the rounds with the initial malware hosted on chillebucks.com (, Bula Networks California).

Update #2: The Wepawet analysis indicates that this might do something with the user's Facebook account as well as the usual malware payload.

Friday, 20 January 2012

0catch.com and malicious BBB spam

We're currently seeing a spate of malicious BBB spam (like this) being routed through free web hosting sites operated by 0catch.com.

A simple way of blocking this attack is to block the 0catch.com domains. I've never found anything really valuable hosted by this firm, so you probably won't be missing much.

These are all the domains that I can find, if you know of any others then please consider sharing them in the comments:


Thursday, 19 January 2012

BBB Spam / freecities.com and

A couple of BBB spams, both leading to malware on different domains on the same IP of (Rapidswitch / Iomart Hosting, UK).

Example 1:

Date:      Thu, 18 Jan 2012 10:24:33 +0000
From:      "Better Business Bureau"
Subject:      Urgent information from BBB
Attachments:     betterbb_logo.jpg

Attn: Owner/Manager

Here with the Better Business Bureau notifies you that we have received a complaint (ID 38423165) from one of your customers with respect to their dealership with you.

Please open the COMPLAINT REPORT below to obtain more information on this matter and let us know of your point of view as soon as possible.

We are looking forward to your prompt reply.


Theresa Morris

Dispute Counselor
Better Business Bureau

Council of Better Business Bureaus
4200 Wilson Blvd, Suite 800
Arlington, VA 22203-1838
Phone: 1 (703) 276.0100
Fax: 1 (703) 525.8277

Example 2:

Date:      Thu, 18 Jan 2012 11:27:55 +0100
From:      "Better Business Bureau"
Subject:      BBB complaint report
Attachments:     betterbb_logo.jpg


Here with the Better Business Bureau would like to notify you that we have received a complaint (ID 52266668) from a customer of yours related to their dealership with you.

Please open the COMPLAINT REPORT below to find more information on this issue and let us know of your point of view as soon as possible.

We hope to hear from you very soon.


Arnold Melendez

Dispute Counselor
Better Business Bureau

Council of Better Business Bureaus
4200 Wilson Blvd, Suite 800
Arlington, VA 22203-1838
Phone: 1 (703) 276.0100
Fax: 1 (703) 525.8277

In these two examples, the malicious payload is on wihdshop.net/main.php?page=c61c8ae4358e765e and ionsclinics.net/main.php?page=4875f07aa6fe472a (Wepawet report is here) , reached through a page on a freecities.com web site (apparently part of 0catch.com). You could consider blocking access to the entire freecities.com domain, but you should certainly block if you can.

These other domains are hosted on and are probably malicious:


Update:  angelcities.com is also being used as an intermediate infection step, also part of 0catch.com. It looks like the intermediate sites might be freshly created, there is no indication that 0catch.com sites have been breached.

Wednesday, 21 December 2011

*redirect.ru sites to block

These are another part of the "redret" series of malware sites being promoted by spam, and are worth blocking proactively. (Parked)
iredirect.ru (Digital Network JSC aka DINETHOSTING Russia, block
aredirect.ru (Zamanhost Ukraine, block

No IP allocated

BBB Spam / curvechirp.com

Yet more BBB spam, this time with a different malicious domain - curvechirp.com, hosted on at TMZHosting LLC, Florida. This range is suballocated from Hostdime and has been seen a few days ago with another attack, so blocking all access to is probably prudent.

Payload page is at curvechirp.com/main.php?page=111d937ec38dd17e, at the moment the page is not responding (possibly due to being overloaded as it looks like a cheap VPS).

Here are some samples:

Date:      Wed, 21 Dec 2011 13:37:00 +0100
From:      "Better Business Bureau" [manager@bbb.org]
Subject:      BBB complaint processing
Attachments:     betterbb_logo.jpg

Attention: Owner/Manager

Here with the Better Business Bureau informs you that we have been filed a complaint (ID 54838460) from one of your customers with respect to their dealership with you.

Please open the COMPLAINT REPORT below to view the details on this question and suggest us about your opinion as soon as possible.

We are looking forward to your prompt reply.


Gerard Johnson

Dispute Counselor
Better Business Bureau

Council of Better Business Bureaus
4200 Wilson Blvd, Suite 800
Arlington, VA 22203-1838
Phone: 1 (703) 276.0100
Fax: 1 (703) 525.8277


Date:      Wed, 21 Dec 2011 14:41:50 +0200
From:      "Better Business Bureau" [info@bbb.org]
Subject:      Urgent notice from BBB
Attachments:     betterbb_logo.jpg

Attn: Owner/Manager

Here with the Better Business Bureau informs you that we have been sent a complaint (ID 67732970) from a customer of yours with respect to their dealership with you.

Please open the COMPLAINT REPORT below to view the details on this case and inform us about your point of view as soon as possible.

We hope to hear from you shortly.


Theresa Morris

Dispute Counselor
Better Business Bureau

Council of Better Business Bureaus
4200 Wilson Blvd, Suite 800
Arlington, VA 22203-1838
Phone: 1 (703) 276.0100
Fax: 1 (703) 525.8277

BBB Spam / curcandle.net

Yet more BBB themed malware spam this morning, bouncing through a couple of hacked servers to a malicious payload on curcandle.net (, Colo4Dallas). Blocking access to the IP will also block any other evil domains on the same server.

The payload is on curcandle.net/main.php?page=111d937ec38dd17e although right at the moment it is 404ing. However, the spam run is just 30 minutes old so perhaps it is still under construction.

Some samples:

Date:      Wed, 21 Dec 2011 09:55:02 +0100
From:      "Better Business Bureau" [manager@bbb.org]
Subject:      BBB information regarding your customer’s complaint
Attachments:     betterbb_logo.jpg

Good afternoon,

Here with the Better Business Bureau informs you that we have been sent a complaint (ID 54715375) from one of your customers with respect to their dealership with you.

Please open the COMPLAINT REPORT below to obtain the details on this matter and inform us about your opinion as soon as possible.

We are looking forward to your prompt reply.


Rebecca Wilcox

Dispute Counselor
Better Business Bureau

Council of Better Business Bureaus
4200 Wilson Blvd, Suite 800
Arlington, VA 22203-1838
Phone: 1 (703) 276.0100
Fax: 1 (703) 525.8277


Date:      Wed, 21 Dec 2011 09:54:50 +0100
From:      "BBB" [alerts@bbb.org]
Subject:      Your customer complained to BBB
Attachments:     betterbb_logo.jpg

Attn: Owner/Manager

Here with the Better Business Bureau notifies you that we have been sent a complaint (ID 44513446) from one of your customers with respect to their dealership with you.

Please open the COMPLAINT REPORT below to obtain more information on this question and inform us about your opinion as soon as possible.

We are looking forward to hearing from you.


Theresa Morris

Dispute Counselor
Better Business Bureau

Council of Better Business Bureaus
4200 Wilson Blvd, Suite 800
Arlington, VA 22203-1838
Phone: 1 (703) 276.0100
Fax: 1 (703) 525.8277


Date:      Wed, 21 Dec 2011 08:54:38 +0000
From:      "BBB" [service@bbb.org]
Subject:      Better Business Bureau complaint
Attachments:     betterbb_logo.jpg

Attention: Owner/Manager

Here with the Better Business Bureau would like to notify you that we have received a complaint (ID 10822005) from one of your customers related to their dealership with you.

Please open the COMPLAINT REPORT below to obtain more information on this question and inform us about your position as soon as possible.

We are looking forward to your prompt reply.

Kind regards,

Theresa Morris

Dispute Counselor
Better Business Bureau

Council of Better Business Bureaus
4200 Wilson Blvd, Suite 800
Arlington, VA 22203-1838
Phone: 1 (703) 276.0100
Fax: 1 (703) 525.8277


Date:      Wed, 21 Dec 2011 09:33:03 +0000
From:      "BBB" [manager@bbb.org]
Subject:      BBB complaint report
Attachments:     betterbb_logo.jpg

Attn: Owner/Manager

Here with the Better Business Bureau notifies you that we have been sent a complaint (ID 10942308) from one of your customers in regard to their dealership with you.

Please open the COMPLAINT REPORT below to obtain more information on this question and let us know of your position as soon as possible.

We hope to hear from you very soon.


Arnold Melendez

Dispute Counselor
Better Business Bureau

Council of Better Business Bureaus
4200 Wilson Blvd, Suite 800
Arlington, VA 22203-1838
Phone: 1 (703) 276.0100
Fax: 1 (703) 525.8277

Tuesday, 20 December 2011

BBB Spam / blumtam.com

More BBB spam, this time attempting to deliver users to a malicious payload on blumtam.com. A couple of samples:

Date:      Tue, 20 Dec 2011 00:34:38 -0800
From:      "BBB" [alerts@bbb.org]
Subject:      Re: your customer�s complaint ID 82235322
Attachments:     betterbb_logo.jpg

Attention: Owner/Manager

Here with the Better Business Bureau would like to inform you that we have been sent a complaint (ID 82235322) from a customer of yours in regard to their dealership with you.

Please open the COMPLAINT REPORT below to obtain the details on this case and let us know of your position as soon as possible.

We hope to hear from you shortly.

Kind regards,

Fernando Grodhaus

Dispute Counselor
Better Business Bureau

Council of Better Business Bureaus
4200 Wilson Blvd, Suite 800
Arlington, VA 22203-1838
Phone: 1 (703) 276.0100
Fax: 1 (703) 525.8277
Date:      Tue, 20 Dec 2011 11:09:23 +0200
From:      "BBB" [alerts@bbb.org]
Subject:      BBB case ID 59988329
Attachments:     betterbb_logo.jpg


Here with the Better Business Bureau would like to notify you that we have been filed a complaint (ID 59988329) from a customer of yours related to their dealership with you.

Please open the COMPLAINT REPORT below to view more information on this matter and let us know of your opinion as soon as possible.

We are looking forward to hearing from you.


Theresa Morris

Dispute Counselor
Better Business Bureau

Council of Better Business Bureaus
4200 Wilson Blvd, Suite 800
Arlington, VA 22203-1838
Phone: 1 (703) 276.0100
Fax: 1 (703) 525.8277

Payload is on blumtam.com/main.php?page=69dbd5a1e3ed6ae9 hosted on, a Hetzner AG address suballocated to an outfit called QHoster Ltd in Bulgaria. Blocking access to would probably be prudent.

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

BBB Spam / wonderfulyard.com

The BBB spam is doing the rounds yet again, this time leading to a malicious payload at wonderfulyard.com/main.php?page=111d937ec38dd17e hosted on (Velton.telecom, Ukraine).

Blocking access to that IP address is probably a good idea, I can't vouch for the /24 that it is in though, but you may want to block that too to be on the safe side.

Monday, 12 December 2011

BBB Spam / eryirs.com

This is the second BBB malware spam run of the day, with a new domain and IP address.

Date:      Mon, 12 Dec 2011 14:10:59 +0100
From:      "service@bbb.org" [service@bbb.org]
Subject:      BBB assistance Re: Case # 52010425
Attachments:     main_logo.jpg

Attn: Owner/Manager
The Better Business Bureau has been sent the above mentioned complaint from one of your clients on the subject of their business relations with you.
The detailed information about the consumer's concern is contained in attached file.
Please examine this question and let us know about your opinion.
We encourage you to click here to reply this complaint.

We look forward to your urgent response.

Faithfully yours,
Roland Dani
Better Business Bureau

Council of Better Business Bureaus
4200 Wilson Blvd, Suite 800
Arlington, VA 22203-1838
Phone: 1 (703) 276.0100
Fax: 1 (703) 525.8277

The malicious payload is eryirs.com/main.php?page=69dbd5a1e3ed6ae9 which is hosted on (Arima Networks, Canada). Blocking access to is probably a good idea in case there are other malicious sites on the server.

The no-doubt-fake WHOIS details for the domain are:

Damian Masuicca
Damian Masuicca
damott st
Phone:         +1.2022392869
Email Address: stopgop@ymail.com

BBB Spam (again) / lazysit.net and

It looks like another BBB themed malware/spam run is on the loose.. there are probably many variations, but here is one that plopped into my spam filter:

Date:      Mon, 12 Dec 2011 10:36:39 +0100
From:      "info@bbb.org" [info@bbb.org]
Subject:      Better Business Bureau Case # 94181989
Attachments:     main_logo.jpg

Attn: Owner/Manager
The Better Business Bureau has got the above-referenced complaint from one of your customers on the subject of their business relations with you.
The details of the consumer's concern are presented in enclosed document.
Please give attention to this issue and advise us of your point of view.
We encourage you to click here to respond this complaint.

We look forward to your urgent attention to this matter.

Yours faithfully,
Stacie Nieves
Better Business Bureau

Council of Better Business Bureaus
4200 Wilson Blvd, Suite 800
Arlington, VA 22203-1838
Phone: 1 (703) 276.0100
Fax: 1 (703) 525.8277

This link goes via a couple of legitimate hacked sites to a payload site at lazysit.net/main.php?page=abfd0d069b45c17e on The IP address looks like it might be a legitimate but hacked server, blocking the IP address rather than the domain should block any other malicious sites on the same server.