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Tuesday 23 September 2008

T-Mobile G1

It's kind of hard to tell if the T-Mobile G1 is the next big thing or just some sort of damp squib. It may not look as impressive as the iPhone on the top, but underneath the G1's Android operating system looks promising.

Oddly enough, it got me thinking about how I use my own phone.. and I tend to use web access more than anything else, but make only a couple of phone calls on it a week, sometimes I will listed to music or snap a photograph. I think I tried video calling once. So perhaps this G1 thingie is actually more in line with what a lot of sad geeky people like me actually want.

Anyway, this comes out in October in the US, November in the UK and early next year for other T-Mobile customers. Some more pictures are here.

Thursday 18 September 2008

Asprox: mnbenio.ru

mnbenio.ru is a new Asprox SQL injection domain that has been active in the past 24 hours, the following four domains are the most active:

  • mnbenio.ru
  • mnicbre.ru
  • pkseio.ru
  • vtg43.ru
It does seem that the SQL injection attacks are becoming less widespread, probably partly because SQL servers are being hardened, but some vulnerable SQL servers have remained untouched by the latest round of attacks. Possibly the SQL injection gangs are concentrating on bigger fish? Like the recent attack on BusinessWeek.com perhaps?

Wednesday 17 September 2008

Asprox: mnicbre.ru, pkseio.ru and vtg43.ru

The domains used in the Asprox SQL Injection attacks have been stable for a few days now, but yesterday some new .ru domains appeared: mnicbre.ru, pkseio.ru and vtg43.ru. The domains are registered through NAUNET again with the following registation details:

domain: MNICBRE.RU
nserver: ns2.mnicbre.ru.
nserver: ns3.mnicbre.ru.
nserver: ns1.mnicbre.ru.
person: Private Person
phone: +7 772 7727091
fax-no: +7 772 7727091
e-mail: retyi1111@yahoo.com
registrar: NAUNET-REG-RIPN
created: 2008.09.16
paid-till: 2009.09.16
source: TC-RIPN
The following domains have been active over the past 24 hours. Block these or check your logs for them (new ones are in bold):
  • 22net.ru
  • 64asp.ru
  • 92prt.ru
  • acr34.ru
  • asl39.ru
  • fst9.ru
  • mnicbre.ru
  • pkseio.ru
  • sel92.ru
  • vtg43.ru

Saturday 13 September 2008

Doug Stanhope

I first stumbled across US stand-up comic Doug Stanhope [link probably NSFW] some years ago and was in equal parts horrified and amused by his work. By chance, I found out that he was in the UK (at the Leicester Square Theatre) so Mrs Dynamoo and myself booked some tickets to go and see him live.

You have to understand that Stanhope is pretty much the definition of "edgy". He seems to have no taboos and no fear.. as long as he's had some beer. Understand that some of his topics include suicide, gynaecology, death, drug abuse, overpopulation, abortion and Sarah Palin. Sometimes combined (don't click if you are offended by.. well, offensive stuff).

Even people who aren't easily offended are likely to be offended by something he will say. But on the other hand, perhaps some of those observations on the human condition are more profound than you would think.

So, Stanhope was on form and really, really funny. And yes.. there were several times when I thought "no.. he can't be saying that!". I could go into details, but if you like this kind of thing then it would spoil the surprise... I think it's the first time I've ever had to watch a gig like this from between my fingers.

Anyway, Stanhope is in London and Manchester for most of September, and then back in the US doing a tour for October and November (itinerary here). Or you could purvey yourself one of his fine DVDs on Amazon.

Thursday 11 September 2008

Dating scams

Dating scams are usually a variant of the advanced fee fraud - some pretty girl (probably some ugly bloke in reality) sends you some random photos and explains that they want to move to your country and move in with you.. but can they have some money first? The basic operation of these scams is described here. To make it look more credible, sometimes fake dating sites are set up to give the whole thing an air of legitimacy.

This current batch of fake sites is being advertised with an email similar to the following:

i need you

i am Nice Girl good looking girl who is looking to chat with you.
e-mail me back at UcWkS@lam2you.com

i will reply back with some really nice pictures.

The domain lam2you.com has a corresponding web site on calling itself "Online sexiest dating site". As it happens, there are a whole bunch of other domains on the same server, also describing themselves as "Online sexiest dating site", all best avoided.

  • Amnocx.com
  • Anandaperumal.com
  • Bardline.com
  • Benrd.com
  • Bestdre.info
  • Cardrealc.com
  • Centralrd.com
  • Cowarddean.com
  • Direktmal.com
  • Dracingsite.info
  • Dracingworld.info
  • Draic.info
  • Dreguide.info
  • Drkin.info
  • Drmarksite.info
  • Drmarkworld.info
  • Drseusssite.info
  • Equipyard.com
  • Evram.info
  • Ezelive.info
  • Ezrdhome.com
  • Firstlam.com
  • Fordhx.com
  • Frcis.info
  • Freegbl.info
  • Freeksite.info
  • Freeldp.info
  • Friguide.info
  • Frutis-basket.info
  • Gardevin.com
  • Gbbed.info
  • Gbizc.info
  • Gbladx.info
  • Gblhome.info
  • Gblwizard.info
  • Gbowrxx.info
  • Glocentral.info
  • Gloplanet.info
  • Gobobrom.com
  • Gocarthq.com
  • Gocartutah.com
  • Goldpug.info
  • Gosfordw.com
  • Greatrom.com
  • Guyvr.info
  • Hardjam.com
  • Hote2youx.info
  • Hyperlam.com
  • Imalonline.com
  • Justgbl.info
  • Justrd.com
  • Justvre.info
  • Ldphome.info
  • Ldpwizard.info
  • Lesdv.com
  • Lesjr.com
  • Letsgocart.com
  • Lgbidxx.info
  • Maldirekt.com
  • Malkostenlos.com
  • Malplatz.com
  • Malprojekt.com
  • Malwelt.com
  • Malzentrale.com
  • Mediagocart.com
  • Medmallist.com
  • Meinmal.com
  • Menziesmalvern.com
  • Moonboardm.com
  • Morerd.com
  • Mygbl.info
  • Nitgbx.info
  • Nvromx.info
  • Officialgbl.info
  • Officialldp.info
  • Officialrd.com
  • Oldpee.info
  • Onlinegbl.info
  • Ovrom.info
  • Pacanimal.com
  • Phillymedicalmal.com
  • Qualitaetmal.com
  • Razales.com
  • Rd2you.com
  • Rdnation.com
  • Rdplanet.com
  • Saravanaperumal.com
  • Searchesrom.com
  • Shemalglobal.com
  • Supergbl.info
  • Superldp.info
  • Superrd.com
  • Superromics.com
  • Tomalonline.com
  • Topeguidex.info
  • Virtualgbl.info
  • Virtualglo.info
  • Virtualldp.info
  • Virtuellmal.com
  • Vrehome.info
  • Warmalonline.com
  • Wildpin.info
  • Wirelesamerica.com
  • Wizardrd.com
  • Worldpivot.info
  • Worldplayservices.info
  • Yourfr.info
  • Yourgbl.info
  • Yourldp.info
  • Capvr.info
  • Davidre.info
  • Virtualvre.info
  • Vreproject.info
  • Vrewizard.info
One thing of note is that the name servers used here are ns1.droreal.com and ns2.droreal.com which appears to be a domain name used to support other dating scam sites.

Asprox: 22net.ru, 4net9.ru, 64asp.ru, 92prt.ru and fst9.ru

These are the domains active in the Asprox SQL Injection attack in the past 24 hours, new ones are in bold. Block these and/or check your logs for them.

  • 22net.ru
  • 4net9.ru
  • 51com.ru
  • 64asp.ru
  • 92prt.ru
  • acr34.ru
  • fst9.ru
  • sel92.ru

Wednesday 10 September 2008

SpamCop phish

Some people will phish for anything - in this case they are trying to get access to SpamCop accounts. Go figure. Reply to address is 2020sarah@live.com.

From: "Admin@spamcop.net"
Date: Wed, September 10, 2008 4:54 pm
Cc: recipient list not shown:;
Priority: Normal

This is a WebNews Email Account Update
Please see the bottom of this mailing on this information.
ERROR CODE 334409.



Note:You have to understand that the reason why we are not
sending this message from our own private account.This is
due to some technical problem we are having right now.


1)Full Email Address:
3)date of birth:

Thanks for your understanding.


PestPatrol: SillyDl FFL in wuauclt.exe

It looks like CA PestPatrol might have a false positive, detecting SillyDl FFL in C:\windows\system32\wuauclt.exe. This is a component of Windows Update, and in the case of the false positive it is a 124,184 byte file with an internal version number of

PestPatrol does not appear to be trying to delete the file, it is merely blocking access to it. Updating your Windows Update components should clear the problem. CA usually fix these false positives in a day or so.

The current signature version is 2008.9.9.15. Note that the PestPatrol engine is used in some other products, not all of which have the CA name on them.

Asprox: net83.ru, acr34.ru, asl39.ru and net83.ru

Another bunch of very fresh Asprox domains being used in the Asprox SQL Injection attack, registered at Naunet to email address retyi111@yahoo.com. Check your logs or block access to these sites.

  • 51com.ru
  • acr34.ru
  • asl39.ru
  • net83.ru

Tuesday 9 September 2008

SQL Injection: ave2.cn / %61%76%65%32%2E%63%6E

This SQL Injection attack seems to be aimed at Chinese language sites. The code injected points to http://%61%76%65%32%2E%63%6E which is trivially encoded and is a reference to ave2.cn hosted on

ave2.cn then calls asp-18.cn, asp-12.cn and www.hxg006.cn (all hosted on

Between them, these sites carry a VERY wide variety of exploits, including MS06-014, GLIEDown (for the Baofeng Storm StormPlayer), MS snpvw.Snapshot viewer (Outlook Express), DPClient.Vod (Xunlei Thunder DapPlayer), Flash Player and RealPlayer. There are possibly other exploits mixed in, so I would regard ave2.cn as being VERY dangerous.

Robtex reports the following domains on, all of which are probably worth avoiding:

  • hs7yue.cn
  • hxg008.cn
  • jzm015.cn
  • doups.cn
  • hxg008.cn
  • jzm013.cn
  • jzm014.cn
  • jzm015.cn
  • qingfeng01.cn

Monday 8 September 2008

Asprox: 64do.com

Possibly the final Asprox domain on the day in 64do.com - add this to your block or scan list.

Asprox: "aspx" domains

Keep an eye out for these following Asprox domains, all recently registered to the email address druid00091@aol.com. Block them or scan your logs for them.

  • 24aspx.com
  • 2aspx.net
  • 6aspx.com
  • 9aspx.net
  • aspx46.com
These domains follow the same pattern as this one and this one.

Asprox: 19ssl.net

Another "druid00091@aol.com" domain (following on from this one and this one) , this type 19ssl.net, which is being actively used as part of the SQL injection attacks. The top level of this domain also has a copy of the (presumably legitimate) nescodirect.com site (this behavious is noted elsewhere).

Domain name: 19ssl.net

Registrant Contact:
City22 llc
Alex Williamos druid00091@aol.com
+1.8827721124 fax: +1.8827721124
321113 po box
New York NY 12131

Administrative Contact:
Alex Williamos druid00091@aol.com
+1.8827721124 fax: +1.8827721124
321113 po box
New York NY 12131

Technical Contact:
Alex Williamos druid00091@aol.com
+1.8827721124 fax: +1.8827721124
321113 po box
New York NY 12131

Billing Contact:
Alex Williamos druid00091@aol.com
+1.8827721124 fax: +1.8827721124
321113 po box
New York NY 12131


Asprox: 24aspx.com

The latest domain name used in the recent Asprox SQL Injection attacks appears to be 24aspx.com. Perhaps the Asprox guys are boasting a little with the domain name? Certainly these SQL injection attacks still seem to serve a useful purpose for them, although the number of vulnerable servers keeps dropping. Anyway, block this one or check your logs for it.

The email addressed used to register this domain is identical to the one used for the "Luksus Jobs" scam email. No big news here, the Asprox botnet is used for a wide variety of things, it's just odd to see druid00091@aol.com come up twice in such a short period.

It's also notable that they've switched back to .com from .ru, but this time registered through Chinese registrar BIZCN.COM.

Domain name: 24aspx.com

Registrant Contact:
City22 llc
Alex Williamos druid00091@aol.com
+1.8827721124 fax: +1.8827721124
321113 po box
New York NY 12131

Administrative Contact:
Alex Williamos druid00091@aol.com
+1.8827721124 fax: +1.8827721124
321113 po box
New York NY 12131

Technical Contact:
Alex Williamos druid00091@aol.com
+1.8827721124 fax: +1.8827721124
321113 po box
New York NY 12131

Billing Contact:
Alex Williamos druid00091@aol.com
+1.8827721124 fax: +1.8827721124
321113 po box
New York NY 12131


Created: 2008-09-06
Expires: 2009-09-06

"Job Opportunity at Luksus" / luksus-jobs.org scam

Luksus Media is a wholly legitimate Finnish company, but this attempt to recruit a money mule does not come from Luksus, just from a company trying to trade on its name.

This scam is being run by the same people behind the Asprox SQL injection attacks that have been doing to rounds (more information after the email).

Subject: Job Opportunity at Luksus

We have reviewed your resume and would like to introduce you to our
current vacancy.
Luksus, with headquarters in Helsinki, Finland, serves the luxury
lifestyle and offers unparalleled access to the finest luxury
goods. We offer a unique mix of brands, partnerships, and product
expertise. We are currently hiring, work at home positions, to
provide administrative assistance with sales in North America.
Candidates for the job should possess excellent organizational
skills as well as the ability to efficiently multi-task. Ideal
candidates have a strong focus on day-to-day operational
excellence. The candidate should be motivated, proactive, be able
to learn and adapt quickly.

Other duties include, but are not limited to:

* Incorporating effective priorities for the virtual office function
* Administer day-to-day financial responsibilities for clients
* Reporting online daily
* Preparing brief summary reports, and weekly financial reports

Salary part-time (3 hours per day, Monday-Friday): $1,200/month,
plus commission.

If you are interested in this position please send us an email to
Sandra.Collins@luksus-jobs.org expressing your interest and we will
forward you the detailed job description and the working agreement.

Thank You,
Luksus Team

Normally, WHOIS data is pretty useless, but sometimes the email address can give a clue:

Domain ID: D153950800-LROR
Created On: 28-Aug-2008 11: 34: 57 UTC
Last Updated On: 28-Aug-2008 14: 23: 25 UTC
Expiration Date: 28-Aug-2009 11: 34: 57 UTC
Sponsoring Registrar: Bizcn.com, Inc. (R1248-LROR)
Registrant ID: orgfm19923291709
Registrant Name: Fero Muia
Registrant Organization: Fero Muia
Registrant Street1: 3213 po box
Registrant Street2:
Registrant Street3:
Registrant City: New York
Registrant State/Province: NY
Registrant Postal Code: 12310
Registrant Country: US
Registrant Phone: +1.9917721121
Registrant Phone Ext.:
Registrant FAX: +1.9917721121
Registrant FAX Ext.:
Registrant Email: druid00091@aol.com
Admin ID: orgfm19923292728
Admin Name: Fero Muia
Admin Organization: Fero Muia
Admin Street1: 3213 po box
Admin Street2:
Admin Street3:
Admin City: New York
Admin State/Province: NY
Admin Postal Code: 12310
Admin Country: US
Admin Phone: +1.9917721121
Admin Phone Ext.:
Admin FAX: +1.9917721121
Admin FAX Ext.:
Admin Email: druid00091@aol.com
Tech ID: orgfm19923293349
Tech Name: Fero Muia
Tech Organization: Fero Muia
Tech Street1: 3213 po box
Tech Street2:
Tech Street3:
Tech City: New York
Tech State/Province: NY
Tech Postal Code: 12310
Tech Country: US
Tech Phone: +1.9917721121
Tech Phone Ext.:
Tech FAX: +1.9917721121
Tech FAX Ext.:
Tech Email: druid00091@aol.com

druid00091@aol.com is an address being used to register today's latest SQL injection domains too, proving that they are linked. releasebpb.com is a set of name servers which are only associated with malware domains, ns1.releasebpb.com is on on ns2.releasebpb.com is on

This type of fraud doesn't use a website to entice people, but it is looking for an email response. In this case, email is delivered to mx.luksus-jobs.org on which is on the AT&T network.

It's hard to tell which of these IPs are part of the Asprox botnet and which ones are rented (usually with fake credit card details). Nonetheless, it gives a glimpse into just how large and efficient these operations can be.

Thursday 4 September 2008

CNOOC (www.cnooc.com.cn) scam

CNOOC (www.cnooc.com.cn) are a legitimate oil exploration and petrochemicals firm in China. The following job offer is a money mule scam, NOT from CNOOC but from someone pretending to be them. Don't be tempted.

CNOOC Oil Base Group Ltd.
Address:6 Dongzhimenwai Xiaojie,
Dongcheng District, Beijing, China 100027
Telephone:010-8452101, 010-8453198

Good Day,


We are exporters base in China , we deal on Oilexploitation, technical
service, chemicals, fertilizar production, refining,natural gas, power
generation,financial services, logistic services and new energies
development. Visit our corporate website: www.cnooc.com.cn

We have costumers in Asia, Europe, America , Australia , Canada and

Our company (CNOOC) was established in 1982. We are interested in
company services, to work with us as our payment agent our north America
customers will make payment to you on our behalf for goods and raw
materials we supplied to our customers in North America.

If your company is interested in working with us,we will be
very glad, Subject to your satisfaction, your company reward of
working with us as a Payment Officer is 5% of any Payment
your company receive from our costumers.

Most payment ranges from $300,000.00 to $3.3 Million US Dollars
Please if you are interested forward the following info to us:

1. Your Full Name:
2. Payment should be made to: Company?s Name:
3. Your Full Contact Address:
4. Phone/Fax Number:
5. Occupation:

Thanks for your corporations.

Yours Sincerely,

Mr. Wu Mengfei
Chief Financial Officer.

Asprox: jic2.ru

Another new addition to the list of Asprox domains is jic2.ru, again registered via Naunet, so block this or check your logs for access. Again, searching your logs for ".ru/script.js"will help locate suspect activity.

Wednesday 3 September 2008

"Bangui" malware domains

A whole set of domains distributing malware, currently based on and allegedly registered to someone in Bangui (although most likely it is the RBN again). These domains are being used in blog spam and also what appears to be PHP and ASP injection attacks.

Unlike some injection attacks, the pages carry some scraped text that's relevant to the URL. Combine this with the inbound links created through spam and injection attacks and you have a very black hat SEO campaign. Yahoo! seems to be more prone to this type of SEO than Google.

The pages on these domains use a javascript redirector (menu.js) to end up at a set of fake video and rogue anti-malware sites that install all sorts of nasty things.. again, these endpoints have the hallmark of the RBN.

  • Afwwwf.info
  • Apostit.info
  • Bcuioc.info
  • Bglkhg.org
  • Bihuru.org
  • Biiwhw.info
  • Bikgfjr.info
  • Bioblor.info
  • Bioqw.info
  • Biowfr.info
  • Bkjksl.org
  • Bkssdoue.info
  • Bloiw.org
  • Bocaca.org
  • Cascaa.info
  • Cbasoa.info
  • Cbr1000rrxx.info
  • Csccons.org
  • Cskaa.org
  • Eomnb.info
  • Fasca.info
  • Fasfw555.info
  • Fasw.org
  • Fbkshk.org
  • Fdsaa.org
  • Firstnax.org
  • Fjkjfjoi.info
  • Fjwiojnc.info
  • Flsab.info
  • Foeww.org
  • Foxrat.info
  • Fsaff.org
  • Fsafvn.info
  • Fsancao.info
  • Fsanp.org
  • Fsaqq.info
  • Fsaw.org
  • Fsfa22rr.info
  • Fsfkg.info
  • Fsfworg
  • Fsgkle.org
  • Fsjklhg.info
  • Fskjhgkb.info
  • Fullmediabase.net
  • Fwe75r4fyf65.cn
  • Fwfds.org
  • Fwfisow.org
  • Fwjijc.org
  • Fwoijwh.org
  • Gcoigkm.org
  • Gewop.info
  • Gjgkgjhew.org
  • Golodnijya.org
  • Gucwd.org
  • Hellodolly5k.net
  • Hellodomy5k.net
  • Hhkjj.org
  • Hkljccc.info
  • Hodnejgreat.info
  • Hofhwbc.info
  • Hohotv.org
  • Homosapien5k.net
  • Hrr553.info
  • Hudinarjiii.cn
  • Itgfbn.org
  • Jfldsh.org
  • Jflhg.info
  • Jlbyuo.org
  • Jnbq.info
  • Jowely.org
  • Jplhnh.info
  • Juiok.org
  • Jumpsert.org
  • Jwionw.info
  • Kiwedox.org
  • Kjhiofw.org
  • Kjhlfsh.org
  • Knwponc.org
  • Madnes.info
  • Mazafaker.com
  • Mfpwjmc.org
  • Mkmcsss.org
  • Mpfwmcs.org
  • Mpkcmzz.org
  • Mpmccz.org
  • Mybestz5k.net
  • Nado1000traffa.info
  • Nfeow.org
  • Nfwojw.org
  • Nfwon.org
  • Nhphpkj.info
  • Nifa422.info
  • Njpaw.info
  • Nosdsh.org
  • Pokoder.org
  • Sonvfs.org
  • Werbin.org
  • Wfwcn.org
  • Wn59whgp3w.cn
  • Workfox.info
  • Yzfr1yamahad.info

Tuesday 2 September 2008

Asprox: 2b24.ru

These domains seem to be today's current Asprox SQL Injection domains - check for them in your logs or block them. 2b24.ru seems to be new, the rest have been around for a few days. The exploit is still using a script called script.js to run.

  • 2b24.ru
  • cg33.ru
  • cv2e.ru
  • cv32.ru
  • mc2n.ru
  • mj5f.ru
  • oc32.ru
  • vwsc.ru

Monday 1 September 2008

"WorldWide Offshore Integrated Systems Inc"

Another money mule scam, this time claiming to be from "WorldWide Offshore Integrated Systems Inc" of New York, a company that does not exist according to the New York Division of Corporations. Also, there are no Google matches for that search term... except that there will be since I've posted this. Oh, you can figure out what I mean.

Originating IP is in Turkey. Also, I can't think of many "WorldWide " corporations that have to use Yahoo!'s free email service.

Subject: Looking for a job? Good chance for you!
Date: Mon, September 1, 2008 4:38 pm


WorldWide Offshore Integrated Systems Inc. is a custom software development company
located in New York, USA.

We offer full cycle custom software programming services, from product idea,
offshore software development to outsourcing support and enhancement.
WorldWide Offshore Integrated Systems Inc. employs a large pool of software
engineers coming from different backgrounds.
We are able to balance product development efforts and project duration to your
business needs.

WorldWide Offshore Integrated Systems Inc. customer service department is currently
offering employment for residents
in order to provide it's new branch with qualified personnel.
The private client support desk is responsible for following up client enquiries,
helping the clients to understand how WorldWide Offshore Integrated Systems Inc. can
save them money on foreign
currency transactions, and developing new business through referrals.

First of all you need no prior experience, even though we are value
your current knowledge, but we will provide all necessary training when
you will join us.

If you're a customer service fanatic, and enjoy working in a challenging and
rewarding environment,
please see below for our current list of opportunities.


è Proficiency in MS Word, Excel & Internet
è Excellent communication skills both oral and written

- This work does not require any experience!
- This is a work at home

You will be paid USD 2500 per 2 weeks.

Should you have any questions regarding this letter,
our offer of employment or anything else, please write me an e-mail.
We are excited to have you join our organization and look forward to working with you.

If you are interested in our position reply to e-mail worldwide61@yahoo.com

Best regards,
Katrin Olley
Employment Manager