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Wednesday 4 June 2014

Amazon.com spam / order.zip

This fake Amazon spam has a malicious attachment:

Date:      Wed, 04 Jun 2014 11:55:10 +0200 [05:55:10 EDT]
From:      "Amazon.com"
Subject:      Shipping Confirmation : Order #002-1301707075-0206502025

Your Recommendations
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Shipping Confirmation
Order #002-1660680038-7011611870
Hello ,
Thank you for shopping with us. We'd like to let you know that Amazon has received your order, and is preparing it for shipment. Your estimated delivery date is below. If you would like to view the status of your order report is attached here.
This email was sent from a notification-only address that cannot accept incoming email. Please do not reply to this message.

Attached to the spam is an archive file order.zip which in turn contains a malicious executable order_id_26348273894729847239.exe which has a VirusTotal detection rate of 4/51.

Automated analysis tools [1] [2] [3] shows the malware altering system files and creating a fake csrss.exe and svhost.exe to run at startup.

The malware also attempts to phone home to two IP addresses at and hosted in Russia but controlled by a Ukranian person or entity PE Ivanov Vitaliy Sergeevich. These network blocks are well-known purveyors of crapware, and I recommend that you block the following:

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