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Wednesday 18 February 2015

Malware spam: "[dan@express-insurance.net]" / "Auto insurance apps and documents"

 This fake financial spam has a malicious attachment:

From:    Dan Bigelow [dan@express-insurance.net]
Date:    18 February 2015 at 09:18
Subject:    Auto insurance apps and documents

Hello ,

Please print “All” attached forms and sign and initial where I highlighted.

Scan and email back to me or fax to me at 407-937-0511.


Dan Bigelow

Referrals are important to us. If you know anyone who would benefit from our services, please contact me. 

We would appreciate the opportunity to work with them.

2636 West State Rd 434 # 112
Longwood, Fl 32779

Fax     407-386-1601

This spam does not actually come from Express Insurance nor have their systems or data been compromised in any way. Instead this is a simple forgery with a malicious Word document attached.

There are actually at least two different versions of the document with zero detections [1] [2]. The macros are a bit too complex for pastebin, but you can download a ZIP here and here [password=infected].

Despite the difference, both seem to download from:


The download file is saved as %TEMP%\FfdgF.exe and has a VirusTotal detection rate of 3/57. Automated analysis tools [1] [2] indicate that it attempts to phone home to: (Hosteurope, Germany) (World Internetwork Corporation, Thailand) (Microtech Tel, US)

This probably drops a Dridex DLL, however the Malwr analysis appears to have malfunctioned and I don't have a sample.

Recommended blocklist:

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