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Monday 16 February 2015

Malware spam: "L&A Plastic Order# 66990" / "Hannah [Hannah@lapackaging.com]"

This fake financial spam does not come from LA Packaging, their systems are not compromised in any way. Instead, this is a simple forgery with a malicious attachment:

From:    Hannah [Hannah@lapackaging.com]
Date:    16 February 2015 at 10:38
Subject:    L&A Plastic Order# 66990

For your records, please see attached L&A Order# 66990 and credit card receipt.
It has shipped today via UPS Ground Tracking# 1Z92X9070369494933

Best Regards,
Hannah – Sales
L&A Plastic Molding / LA Packaging
714-694-0101 Tel - Ext. 110
714-694-0400 Fax
E-mail: Hannah@LAPackaging.com
Attached is a malicious Word document 66990.doc - so far I have only seen one version of this, although there are usually several variants. This document contains a macro [pastebin] which downloads an executable from:


At present this has a detection rate of 6/57. It is the same malware as seen in this spam run.

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