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Monday 9 June 2008

"Company Littmann Stethoscopes Co.Ltd" bogus job, spoofing medisave.net

medisave.net is an "under construction" website belonging to the wholly legitimate Medisave UK Ltd, a supplier of medical equipment.

Unfortunately, there is a fake job offer being sent out in Medisave's name. One twist is that the "From:" address is jobs@medisave.net, but the reply to address is littmannstethoscopeshelpdesk@gmail.com. The spammers are taking advantage of the fake the the "reply to" address is often not clear until the user clicks "reply", otherwise they tend to see the fake "from" address (note, medisave.net is not compromised and is not sending out these emails).

The job offer is likely to be some sort of money mule/money laundering scam. Really there's no need to dig further. Of interest is the fact the the email address has been harvested from a UK retailer and this is a UK-targeted spam.

From: Company Littmann Stethoscopes Co.Ltd
Reply-To: littmannstethoscopeshelpdesk@gmail.com
Subject: Online Job Opportunity (Apply Now )

Would you like to earn £5,000 in a week?

Reply Back for more details

100% legal No upfront payment from you.

Risk Free


Unknown said...

Wow, I'm sure that www.safetyfirstaid.co.uk wont allow these kind of things that seem to be common in the health sector.

Gotapparel said...

A very informative article. I really learned something from your post.

Thank you for sharing.
Littman Stethoscopes