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Monday 25 March 2013

"Copies of policies" spam / heepsteronst.ru

This spam leads to malware on heepsteronst.ru:

Date:      Mon, 25 Mar 2013 06:20:54 -0500 [07:20:54 EDT]
From:      Ashley Madison [donotreply@ashleymadison.com]
Subject:      RE: DEBBRA - Copies of Policies.

Unfortunately, I cannot obtain electronic copies of the Ocean, Warehouse or EPLI policy.
Here is the Package and Umbrella,

and a copy of the most recent schedule.

DEBBRA Barnard, 

The malicious payload is at [donotclick]heepsteronst.ru:8080/forum/links/column.php (report here). The IP addresses used are the same ones as used in this attack.

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