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Wednesday 13 November 2013

"Rodrigo Sawyer and Associates" fake job offer

This laughable primitive fake job offer is recruiting for money mules, package reshipping or some other scam.

From:     RSA-CAREER! [anthonykather1@gmail.com]
Reply-To:     anthonykather1@gmail.com
Date:     12 November 2013 20:43
Subject:     please read

  We Have a PT/job. we pay $250 per job and we want you to participate.
Your job is only to act as a regular customer and conduct normal business, Customer service is valuable.

If interested,send the information below after which we would send you an application form

   1. FuII N4ME :
   2. FullAdress :
   3. Stte | Cty :
   4. CodZ!p :
   5. Phones :
   6.Alternate E-mail:
   7. O.c.c.u.p.a.t.i.o.n :

Your response would be greatly appreciated.

Rodrigo sawyer and associates.
Originating IP is pro1042.server4you.de []. Avoid.

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