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Tuesday 14 January 2014

"Uncensored download" spam leads to adware

I've been plagued with these over the past few days, emails coming in with the following subjects:

Underground XXX files
Free porno torrents
Uncensored download

The body text contains just a link to [donotclick]goinst.com/download/getfile/1205000/0/?q=Uncensored%20download

In turn this downloads a file Uncensored download__3516_i263089565_il6090765.exe and of course that's about as trustworthy as a van with "FREE CANDY" scrawled on the side. In blood.

A quick look at the EXE in VirusTotal indicates that it's some sort of Adware, probably pay-per-install. An examination of the binary shows a digital signature for Shetef Solutions & Consulting (1998) Ltd who are probably not behind the spam run, but are probably inadvertently paying the spammers for installations.

A Malwr analysis of the file can be found here.


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