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Wednesday 7 May 2014

"TNT UK Limited" spam

This fake TNT spam has a malicious attachment:

Date:      Wed, 7 May 2014 01:50:00 -0600 [03:50:00 EDT]
From:      TNT COURIER SERVICE [tracking@tnt.co.uk]
Subject:      TNT UK Limited - Package tracking 236406937389

Customer/Delivery Services Department
Central Pk Est/Mosley Rd, Trafford Park
Manchester, M17 1TT UK.

Reg order no: GB5766211

Your package have been picked up and is ready for dispatch. Please print attached form
and pick up at the nearest office.

Connote #        :        236406937389
Service Type        :        Export Non Documents - Intl
Shipped on        :        07 Apr 13 00:00
Order No                :        5766211
Status                :       Driver's Return Description      :       Wrong Postcode
Service Options: You are required to select a service option below.

The options, together with their associated conditions 
The attachment is GB5766211.zip which contains the malicious executable GB07052014.scr (note the date is encoded into the filename). This has a VirusTotal detection rate of 7/52.

Automated analysis tools [1] [2] [3] show a UDP connection to wavetmc.com and a further binary download from demo.providenthousing.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/b01.exe

This second executable has a VirusTotal detection rate of 20/51. The Malwr report and Anubis report both show attempted connection to various mail servers (e.g. Gmail and Hotmail). Furthermore the Anubis report shows a data transfer to (Tomsk Telecommunication Company, Russia).

Recommended blocklist:

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