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Thursday 24 July 2014

"You have received a new VoiceMail" spam

This tired old malware spam is doing the rounds again.

From:      Voice Mail [voicemail_sender@local]
Subject:      You have received a new VoiceMail
Date:      Thu, 24 Jul 2014 17:31:25 +0700 [06:31:25 EDT]

You have received a voice mail message.
Message length is 00:03:27. 
As you might expect, the attachment VoiceMail.zip does not contain a voice mail at all, but it is a malicious executable VoiceMail.scr which has a a VirusTotal detection rate of 3/53.

The CAMAS report and Anubis report shows the malware downloading an encrypted file from the followng locations:


Blocking those sites may give some protection against this malware.

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