Date: Thu, 6 Dec 2012 17:32:38 +0200
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Order #: C47-8578330-3362713
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The malicious payload is at [donotclick]evokeunreasoning.pro/detects/slowly_apply.php but at the time of writing the domain does not seem to be resolving.
I've received these, but they were made to look like they came from PayPal... said I'd purchased 35 sets of golf clubs to the tune of 748.00. LOL
Hi, I have been receiving exactly the same and some 9 other mails from 'amazon' and 'paypal'. Can you please tell me what are the risks and how to deal with this? It never happened to me before, but 3 days ago I ordered something from Amazon and now this started. The mails received look very original and the sender is digital-notifier@amazon.com that looks genuine....
Just to complete the info; the mails for order confirmation and for paypal payments have arrived alternating between the two companies and just a few minutes apart one from the other.
@Elite Makelaars - that's the same pattern I saw. The payload is probably the Blackhole exploit kit, although I haven't done any technical analysis on it. It's almost always Blackhole.
A good spam filter and good egress filtering on your network might help. Making sure all your PCs are fully patched (especially Flash and Java) will definitely help. And remember not to click those dodgy links..
Thank you Conrad!
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