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Tuesday 19 January 2016

Malware spam: "Daily Mail - Payment overdue" / Raashida Sufi [Raashida.Sufii@dmgmedia.co.uk]

This fake financial spam does not come from the Daily Mail, but is instead a simple forgery with a malicious attachment:

From     Raashida Sufi [Raashida.Sufii@dmgmedia.co.uk]
Date     Tue, 19 Jan 2016 11:40:37 +0300
Subject     Daily Mail - Payment overdue


I have currently taken over from my colleague Jenine so will be your new POC going

I have attached an invoice that is currently overdue for £360.00. Kindly email me
payment confirmation today so we can bring your account up to date?

Kind Regards
Rash Sufi
Credit Controller, dmg media Finance Services
Telephone: +44(0)203 615 5083        Email: Raashida.Sufi@dmgmedia.co.uk

Shared Values: Customer Focus, Excellence, Innovation, Integrity, Teamwork, Accountability,
P.O. Box 6795, St. George Street, Leicester, LE1 1ZP

This e-mail and any attached files are intended for the named addressee only. It
contains information, which may be confidential and legally privileged and also protected
by copyright. Unless you are the named addressee (or authorised to receive for the
addressee) you may not copy or use it, or disclose it to anyone else. If you received
it in error please notify the sender immediately and then delete it from your system.
Associated Newspapers Ltd. Registered Office: Northcliffe House, 2 Derry St, Kensington,
London, W8 5TT. Registered No 84121 England.
I have seen three different versions of the malicious attachment Invoice.doc (VirusTotal results [1] [2] [3]). The Malwr analysis of these documents [4] [5] [6] shows that the payload is identical to the Dridex banking trojan described here.


Unknown said...

I have received this email this morning and it looks like I tried to respond twice (which i absolutely did not) and it says can not deliver to email address.

Unknown said...

it's rubish email

Unknown said...

I got one.....didn't use link, but sent an email reply with loads of fk words.
Most of these rip of scams are by people with a certain type of name! Had another one on pchealthboost Amit Mehta. Not English names.