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Thursday 27 February 2014

Amazon.com "Important For Your Online Account Access" spam /

This fake Amazon spam leads to something bad.
Date:      Wed, 26 Feb 2014 13:09:55 -0400 [02/26/14 12:09:55 EST]
From:      "Amazon.com" [t1na@msn.com]
Subject:      Important For Your Online Account Access .

Your Account Has Been Held

Dear Customer ,

We take you to note that your account has been suspended for protection , Where the password was entered more than once .

In order to protect ,account has been suspended .Please update your Account Information To verify the account.


Thanks for Update at Amazon.com.


Please note: This e-mail message was sent from a notification-only address that
cannot accept incoming e-mail. Please do not reply to this message.

In the samples that I have seen the link in the email goes to either [donotclick]exivenca.com/support.php or [donotclick]vicorpseguridad.com/support.php both of which are currently down but were both legitimate sites hosted on (Neo Telecoms, France). The fact that these sites are down could be because the host is dealing with the problem, however I would expect to see this same email template being used again in the future, so take care..

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