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Saturday 8 February 2014

Somnath Bharti's allwebhunt.com linked to pro-pedophilia sites

Delhi minister Somnath Bharti's allwebhunt.com site was linking to pro-pedophilia sites as late as 31st December 2013, according to Google [warning: I do not advise that you click on the links in that page]. Here is a screenshot (some descriptions may offend) (if you have difficulty with seeing the text, try this version). The ownership link between allwebhunt.com and Mr Bharti is described here.

That content was most likely taken from a controversial category at The Open Directory Project which no longer exists.

The Open Directory Project does try to be all-inclusive in what it catalogues, but I suspect that pro-paedophile sites were something that it felt it could not condone.


GRS said...


I think it would be like blaming Google for search results with pirated software links, or pedophila discussion sites. From Inital inspection webhunt looks more like a directory listing of sites.

I am just concerned that there are lot of idiots who will not look at the website in totality and I suspect the way media in India is behaving, sensationalism over facts. http://daily.bhaskar.com/article-ht/DEL-aap-leader-somnath-bharti-was-involved-in-selling-pornographic-domain-names-4515486-NOR.html

I am in no way support Mr Bharti but I am a bit computer literate so I just decided to check out his antecedents and discovered your blog.

Conrad Longmore said...

@GRS - I've never come across any evidence at all that Mr Bharti hosted or owned pornographic websites. However, in my opinion he certainly was a major spammer and was involved in ripping off thousands of webmasters worldwide with his TopSites LLC scam. I think *that* is the issue.

However, the inclusion of these links to these sites is kind on interesting in my opinon..

Anonymous said...

Is this possible that Somnath Bharti was just a face of US business man ? His Income Tax records don't match with claims of 1.8$ Million profit by Topsites LLC.

Unknown said...

I think he received and parked the money illegally abroad.