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Tuesday 22 January 2013

ADP spam / elemikn.ru

This fake ADP spam potentially leads to malware on elemikn.ru:

Date:      Tue, 22 Jan 2013 12:25:06 +0100
From:      LinkedIn [welcome@linkedin.com]
Subject:      ADP Immediate Notification

ADP Immediate Notification
Reference #: 815979361

Tue, 22 Jan 2013 12:25:06 +0100
Dear ADP Client

Your Transfer Record(s) have been created at the web site:


Please see the following notes:

    Please note that your bank account will be debited within one banking business day for the amount(s) shown on the report(s).
    Please do not respond or reply to this automated e-mail. If you have any questions or comments, please Contact your ADP Benefits Specialist.

This note was sent to acting users in your system that approach ADP Netsecure.

As usual, thank you for choosing ADP as your business affiliate!

Ref: 286532564

HR. Payroll. Benefits.

The ADP logo and ADP are registered trademarks of ADP, Inc.
In the business of your success is a service mark of ADP, Inc.
© 2013 ADP, Inc. All rights reserved.

The malicious payload is at [donotclick]elemikn.ru:8080/forum/links/column.php but at the moment the domain does not seem to be resolving (which is a good thing!)

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