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Tuesday 22 January 2013

Dutch language Swiss tax spam / africanbeat.net

This Nederlands language spam appears to be from some Swiss tax authority, but in fact it leads to the Blackhole Exploit kit on africanbeat.net:

From:     report@ag.ch via bernina.co.il
Date:     22 January 2013 13:48
Subject:     Re: je NAT3799 belastingformulier
Mailed-by:     bernina.co.il


Wij willen brengen aan uw bericht dat je hebt fouten gemaakt bij het invullen van de meest recente belastingformulier NAT3799 (ID: 023520).
vindt u aanbevelingen en tips van onze fiscalisten HIER
( Wacht 2 minuten op het verslag te laden)

Wij verzoeken u om corrigeer de fouten en verzenden de gecorrigeerd aangifte aan uw belastingadviseur zo snel mogelijk.

Kanton Aargau
Sonja Urech
Sachbearbeiterin Wehrpflichtersatzverwaltung
Departement Gesundheit und Soziales
Abteilung Militär und Bevölkerungsschutz
Rohrerstrasse 7, Postfach, 6253 Aarau
Tel.: +41 (0)62 332 31 62
Fax: +41 (0)62 332 33 18

Translated as:

We want to bring to your notice that you have made mistakes when completing the most recent tax form NAT3799 (ID: 023520).
You can find recommendations and tips from our tax specialists HERE
(Wait 2 minutes for the report to load)

We ask you to correct the error and send the corrected report to your tax advisor as soon as possible. 
The link leads to an exploit kit at [donotclick]africanbeat.net/detects/urgent.php (report here) hosted on the familiar IP address of (Hanaro Telecom, Korea). The following domains are active on this server:


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